词语大全 功德圆满造句_功德圆满中英文解释和造句
Posted 功德
篇首语:坚硬的城市里没有柔软的爱情,生活不是林黛玉,不会因为忧伤而风情万种。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 功德圆满造句_功德圆满中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 功德圆满造句_功德圆满中英文解释和造句
功德圆满 gōng dé yuán mǎn
我的服务 会有功德圆满的一天吗? Will there ever e a time when I’ve served enough?
而这方面,我们并非已经功德圆满。 And this respect, we are not already merits and virtues is satisfactory.
总之,人们的爱情算是修成正果功德圆满。 In a word, their love was successful and beautiful.
我是功德圆满的喜悦。 I am the joy of a task well done.
而且他的功德究竟圆满,这两个条件是必须要的。 And his merits and virtues are perfect. These two conditions are necessary.
此外,我们希望得到的一切功德,他已经究竟圆满。 Besides, he should have attained all the merits and virtues we desire to get.
如果你把所有的功德都成就了,你的愿行就圆满了。 If you achieve all the merits and virtues, your wish and practice will be fully acplished.
只有积极地为社会作贡献,功德圆满,才能名登仙籍。 Only positive contribution to society, the story rather than to membership of an immortal.
如果这样,这是不是成就我的一次机会,让我功德圆满? Is this another opportunity for me to bee the man I know I can be?
如果这样,这是不是成就我的一次机会,让我功德圆满? Should I torment myself with problems that may never e to pass?
如果这样,这是不是成就我的一次机会,让我功德圆满? If the answer is yes, is this the chance for me to be better?
难道那不比在他今年40岁生日离开显得更加功德圆满吗? Wasn’t that a more natural “out” than his 40th birthday in June?
时势终归比人强,任何人都不可能逆历史潮流而得功德圆满。 Times stronger than people, after all, no one can reverse the tide of history the story rather than derived.
我想,作为一个电影导演,谢晋可以走得问心无愧、功德圆满。 I thought that takes a film maker, Xie Jin may walk has a clear conscience, the merit to be plete.
精神伟人最需要的,并非世俗的功德圆满,而是被人民所理解。 What great humanists need most are not honours and accolades but being understood by the people.
也许是因为老子已经修练得功德圆满,已经与大自在王结合而成为大自在王了。 Laotse asked Tao, Qi and kuntanili to dominate the worldly affairs, perhaps for his practice had been consummated and he became the king of great freedom by bining with the king.
我听本地的记者说他们上赛季还击败了阿森纳和切尔西。伯恩利现在功德圆满了。 I heard the local reporters after the game say that having beat Arsenal and Chelsea in recent seasons, Burnley now had the plete set.
我们修行的目的是要消除一切烦恼和习气,以了悟一切我们自身本具的圆满功德。 The aim of our spiritual practice is to purify all the afflictions and habitual tendencies , and to realize our inherent Perfection and Quality.
因为只有这样,我们才能具足圆满的功德和智慧,不然的话那都是着相的,有漏的修行。 Because only by this can we achieve the perfect merits, virtues and wisdom; otherwise all our practice are still delusions and imperfect.
“不要伤人性命,”他叮嘱欧比万,如果他们能不伤一人完成这次任务,也将是功德圆满了。 “Take no lives, ” he told Obi-Wan. If they could acplish this without loss of life, it would be a good day.
不仅如此,也无法带领他们成办佛果的大解脱,那是断除心的一切过失,并圆满一切功德的境界。 Not only that, but one cannot bring them into the great liberation of enlightenment, which is cessaton of all the mistakes of the mind and pletion of all the qualities.
『化龙返天』-炸完龙之后,龙队须返回龙籍点睛的土地公庙「谢神化龙」,其意功德圆满送龙神返天。 “dragon to ascend to heaven ” – explodes the dragon, Dragon team returns to local temple “to thank the transform dragon”, its means merit pletely delivers dragon god back to haven.
也非常期盼在未来的日子里,进一步得到诸方上人的指导和支持,共襄盛举,早日圆满造塔的殊胜功德。 We also hope that in the near future, people with merit from all over the world will help direct the effort in pletion of building these stupas.
迄今为止,仅今年几件与网络有关的房地产界大事都没能给人留下“功德圆满”的好印象,其中以网上房拍为最。 So far, only a few this year and the real estate industry network event not give people left “perfect virtue” good impression, to make the most of the Housing online.
这时智慧已经开启,功德已经圆满,生命也因之而得到实现,不会再有烦恼和不当的余习,这就是生命的圆满答案。 The door of wisdoms is opened, and merits and virtues are being prefect, the value of life is realized, and we will not have worries and other bad habits, which is the answer of a perfect life.
例如圆满地守持戒律,勤行布施,修习大悲心,熟习安忍,回向功德,将圆满正觉大小善根回向功德,令一切有情同证菩提; His discipline is always perfect, practice giving, rely upon passion, bee acquainted with patience, fully dedicate all his virtues to enlightenment to liberate living beings.
我就希望能在工作时死去。在弥留之际知道自己已经功德圆满并且自己的未竟之业已后继有人,就可以心满意足地离开人间了。 I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.
我想,作为一个电影导演,谢晋可以走得问心无愧、功德圆满。但是,作为一个智障孩子的父亲,我想,谢晋或许走得不会那么坦然。 I thought that takes a film maker, Xie Jin may walk has a clear conscience, the merit to be plete.
我们常常告诉自己,当有情人终成眷属,当我们拥有漂亮的汽车外出度假,当我们功德圆满退休在家的时候,我们的生活便会完美无缺。 We tell ourselves that our life will be plete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire.
只可惜楼盘不配合,竟然使“204条”中的13条不用表述,否则就更加功德圆满,不过律师说:“204条合同在此合同中没有任何减少。” Unfortunately real mismatch, even the “204”, 13 have expressed, or even more perfect virtue, but lawyers said : “204 contracts in the contract no less.
词语大全 功行圆满造句_功行圆满中英文解释和造句
功行圆满 gōng xíng yuán mǎn
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功行圆满 gōngxíng yuán mǎn功行圆满的意思和解释:功:世界各地;行:善行。封建迷信指功德成就,道行圆满。功行圆满的出处元·岳伯川《铁拐李》楔子:“等他功成行满,贫
功行圆满 gōngxíng yuán mǎn功行圆满的意思和解释:功:世界各地;行:善行。封建迷信指功德成就,道行圆满。功行圆满的出处元·岳伯川《铁拐李》楔子:“等他功成行满,贫
功行圆满 gōngxíng yuán mǎn功行圆满的意思和解释:功:世界各地;行:善行。封建迷信指功德成就,道行圆满。功行圆满的出处元·岳伯川《铁拐李》楔子:“等他功成行满,贫
功行圆满 gōngxíng yuán mǎn功行圆满的意思和解释:功:世界各地;行:善行。封建迷信指功德成就,道行圆满。功行圆满的出处元·岳伯川《铁拐李》楔子:“等他功成行满,贫
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花好月圆 huāhǎoyuèyuán花好月圆的意思和解释:花儿正盛开,月亮正圆满。比喻美好圆满。多用于祝贺人新婚。花好月圆的出处宋·晁端礼《行香子》词:“莫思身外,且斗樽前,原花
功成行满 gōngchéng xíng mǎn功成行满的意思和解释:功:世界各地;行:善行。封建迷信指功德成就,道行圆满。功成行满的出处元·岳伯川《铁拐李》楔子:“等他功成行满,
功成行满 gōngchéng xíng mǎn功成行满的意思和解释:功:世界各地;行:善行。封建迷信指功德成就,道行圆满。功成行满的出处元·岳伯川《铁拐李》楔子:“等他功成行满,