词语大全 功败垂成造句_功败垂成中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:所谓一见钟情不过见色起意,所谓日久生情不过权衡利弊。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 功败垂成造句_功败垂成中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 功败垂成造句_功败垂成中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 败于垂成   [bài yú chuí chéng]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 功败垂成造句_功败垂成中英文解释和造句

功败垂成  gōng bài chuí chéng








  • 十年寒窗,功败垂成——他落榜了! Decade cold window, fail when success is within reach-he fall in examination!

  • 是否标志着美国的巨大胜利,功败垂成? Does it mark an astonishing American victory, snatched from the jaws of defeat?

  • 我既然已经到了这里,就绝不能功败垂成! I have e too far to fail!

  • 李自成功败垂成,成为历史上的悲剧英雄。 Li Zicheng Gongbaichuicheng, a history of tragic hero.

  • 任何一关没有正确应对,都可能功败垂成。 Any close to was not answered correctly, likely suffer defeat on the verge of victory.

  • 许多失败者不知道,其实他们只是功败垂成。 Many people who failed did not know how close they were to success when they gave up.

  • 菲力浦:只是他们功败垂成。皇马守门员救球救得好。 Philip: Only they didn’t because the Real goalie made a fantastic save.

  • 菲利普:只是他们功败垂成。皇马守门员救球救得好。 Philip: Only they didn’t because the Real goalie made a fantastic save.

  • 他们付出了很大的努力,但终因方法不恰当功败垂成。 Although they tried very hard, they failed on the verge of success because of improper approach.

  • 他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜,但事情往往会功败垂成。 They think they’ll win the election easily, but there’s many a slip ‘twixt cup and lip.

  • 他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜,但事情往往会功败垂成。 They thought they’ll win the election easily, but there’s many a slip’s twixt cup and lip.

  • 耶稣基督的死是一个完全胜利的救赎,而不是一个功败垂成的尝试。 The death of Christ was an atonement which totally succeeded, not an attempt which partially failed.

  • 后者,一个简单但是非常关键的细节被忽视了,整个行动功败垂成。 In the latter, a simple but critical detail is overlooked, dooming an operation.

  • 黯然结束的台朔汽车厂,功败垂成的大陆海沧计画,都未能如预期拓展。 The Formosa Plastics automobile plant and the mainland China Haicang plan failed to pan out as expected.

  • 参加任何竞赛,你都应当全力以赴,坚持到最后一分钟,谨防功败垂成。 When you are in any contest you should work as if there were – to the very last minute – a chance to lose it.

  • 现在一场国际危机或者一次恐怖袭击就能成就麦凯恩,让奥巴马功败垂成。 An international crisis or an act of terrorism could play to Mr McCain’s great strength and Mr Obama’s greatest weakness.

  • 我告诉你个东西能很快镇住邪魔,但如果你父亲体内没有一点人性留存就会功败垂成。 I can give you an object to suppress the spirit for a short time, but it won’t last unless your father has at least some shred of humanity left.

  • 否则的话,在今后的几十年里,这些国家将由于年轻人缺乏才能和生产力而功败垂成。 The report says otherwise, countries will lose out for decades on the talent and productivity of these young adults.

  • 如果美国届时没有一套总量管制和排放交易的法律,凝聚全球共识的机会将会功败垂成。 If the United States does not have a cap-and-trade law in place by then, the chance of a global agreement will plummet.

  • 这样,他们要想在该国鼓动背叛并想以微小的代价控制这一广大地区的图谋,遂功败垂成。 Thus their plan for raising rebellion in that country and mastering cheaply this wide area was frustrated on a small margin.

  • 如果美国届时没有一套总量管制和排放交易的法律就绪,凝聚全球共识的机会将会功败垂成。 If the United States does not have a cap-and-trade law in place by then, the chance of a global agreement will plummet.

  • 贸易谈判往往功败垂成:乌拉圭回合的谈判原定四年内结束,可它终究拖了八年,令人备受煎熬。 Trade talks always seem to break down before they succeed: the Uruguay round was supposed to be over in four years and dragged on for a painful eight.

  • 两岸角力战,再度让有二千三百万人口的台湾,在全球的卫生防疫安全网缺席,十度叩关功败垂成。 Officials plain that with Taiwan’s latest defeat, the world is condoning a 23-million-person-strong gap in global epidemic prevention efforts.

  • 成功的第一步,就是要先拥有强烈的欲望,如果缺乏强烈的欲望与企图心,到最后一定会功败垂成。 The success first step, is must first have strong desire, if lacks strong desire and business center of figure, to finally certainly canfail when success seemed within reach.

  • 但他功败垂成,这不仅仅因为他最后一次突破未能换来进球,更因为他的教练作出的一些决定使他的努力难上加难。 And he was close, and not just because of his final drive. A decision by his coaches provided the very deficit he had to overe.

  • 旷日持久、争激烈的空客争夺战的解决证明了同样的一点:试图抵制全球化压力的政府或可赢得时间,但最终会功败垂成。 The resolution of the long and bitter battle for Airbus proves the same point: that governments that try to resist the pressure of globalisation may win time, but they will ultimately lose the fight.

  • 小泉的继任者,安倍晋三,虽试图挽回邻国的信任,却由于公开支持军国主义者拒绝为战争负全部责任的言论而功败垂成。 Mr Koizumi’s successor, Shinzo Abe, tried to restore trust, but never entirely succeeded because he openly espoused a nationalist agenda that denied Japan’s full wartime responsibility.

  • 虽然柯林顿力图促成和平协定却功败垂成,但中东问题专家说,柯林顿比任何其他总统付出更多时间和心力,在以巴都留下好口碑。 Though his efforts to forge a peace deal fell apart, Middle East experts say that people on both sides credit him for trying longer and harder than other presidents.

  • 2000年和2004年大选,民主党曾两度功败垂成,不免让人担心民主党会不会在2008年选举日上演宿命式的落选帽子戏法。 Having snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in 2000 and 2004 it felt at times fated that the Democrats would somehow plete a hat-trick of failures on election day 2008.

  • 生活中有过五关斩六将的辉煌,也有败走麦城的无奈,有功成名就的快意,也有功败垂成的痛苦。当心力衰竭时,不要诅咒生活,这一切终将成为过去; Of life go through five passes in six brilliant cut, but also the helplessness of the city defeated Michael, and married to the Fiat, but also the suffering begin.

  • 功败垂成造句相关


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    败于垂成   [bài yú chuí chéng]






    词 目 败于垂成 发 音 bài yú chuí chéng 释 义 指临近成功时遭到失败。参见:“功败垂成”。 出 处 宋·无名氏《释常谈·败于垂成》:“凡事欲成却不成,谓之败于垂成。” 更多→ 败于垂成


    败于垂成 成佛作祖 祖宗成法 法不阿贵 贵古贱今 今来古往 查看更多




    词语大全 功败垂成造句_功败垂成中英文解释和造句

    功败垂成  gōngbàichuíchéng功败垂成的意思和解释:垂:接近,快要。事情在将要成功的时候遭到了失败。功败垂成的出处《晋书·谢玄传论》:“庙算有余,良图不果;降龄何促,

    词语大全 败于垂成   [bài yú chuí chéng]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

    败于垂成  [bàiyúchuíchéng][败于垂成]成语解释指临近成功时遭到失败。参见:“功败垂成”。[败于垂成]成语出处宋·无名氏《释常谈·败于垂成》:“凡事欲成却不成,谓之

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    词语大全 功败垂成的意思_成语“功败垂成”是什么意思


    词语大全 功败垂成的意思_成语“功败垂成”是什么意思


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    功败垂成  [gōngbàichuíchéng][功败垂成]成语解释垂:接近,快要。事情在将要成功的时候遭到了失败。[功败垂成]成语出处《晋书·谢安传论》:“庙算有遗;良图不果;降

    词语大全 败于垂成的意思_成语“败于垂成”是什么意思
