词语大全 助天为虐造句_助天为虐中英文解释和造句

Posted 天灾

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1、词语大全 助天为虐造句_助天为虐中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 助纣为虐造句_助纣为虐中英文解释和造句

词语大全 助天为虐造句_助天为虐中英文解释和造句

助天为虐  zhù tiān wéi nüè









词语大全 助纣为虐造句_助纣为虐中英文解释和造句

助纣为虐  zhù zhòu wéi nüè







  • 战:(怒)可恶,这个女人居然还在助纣为虐! Zen:(angrily) Shit! This goddamn woman is still helping the evil!

  • 不要替魔鬼拿蜡烛照明。不要为虎作伥。切莫助纣为虐。 Do not hold a candle to the devil.

  • 设计师是守卫城市记忆卫士,也是破坏记忆助纣为虐的帮手。 Architects can contribute to preserve the memories of the city or help to destroy them.

  • 正是他们助纣为虐地尾随侵略者压迫曾经款待他们的埃及人。 It was them that helped the invaders ruling on the Egyptians who had treated them well.

  • 肥胖会引发多种疾病,还会在癌症袭击人体时“助纣为虐”。 Fat meeting causes a variety of diseases, still can be when cancer assault human body ” help a tyrant to do evil ” .

  • 譬如,在美国,给银行的超额存款储备金支付更高的利息听起来就像是助纣为虐。 In America, for instance, paying banks higher interest on excess reserves will sound to many like handing money to villains.

  • 传说,殷商末代的商纣王是个穷奢极欲、残暴无道的昏君(参看《助纣为虐》)。 Legend has it the last Shang King Zhou of the business is a luxury Jiyu, cruelty-free Road Hun Jun (see “indecent”).

  • 另外,针对企业的特洛伊木马可以轻松的让黑客访问企业网或者替工业间谍活动助纣为虐。 Also, panies are being targeted with Trojan horses meant to get access to corporate networks or to enable industrial espionage.

  • 或者撒切尔夫人在她的排场,助纣为虐清晰的思路,以一个彻底的信念是正确的她的判断? Or Margaret Thatcher in her pomp, allying clarity of thought to an utter conviction in the rightness of her judgment?

  • 弗里曼博士欺世盗名,那些流亡叛军却将之奉若神灵,助纣为虐,四处引发骚乱,制造恐怖。 Doctor Freeman’s reputation is such that other desperate renegades are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror.

  • 若此种助纣为虐的声誉属实,那么作为1/4世界离岸存款故乡的瑞士,将会陷入很大麻烦中。 If this reputation for skulduggery is right, Switzerland, home to about one-quarter of the world’s offshore money, is in big trouble.

  • 陆川,“南京”一片的导演,已经收到了死亡威胁,并且被指责为汉奸,以及替日本否认历史势力助纣为虐。 Lu Chuan, the film’s director, has received death threats and accusations of being a traitor and a stooge for Japanese revisionists.

  • 实际上,不只是缺乏教育的男性沙文主义者和保守的神职人员在阻碍妇女权利保障的进步,妇女本身也在助纣为虐。 Quite often the obstacles to their progress have been not just ill-educated male chauvinists and conservative clerics. Women themselves have also stood in the way.

  • 可是自古以来,仁义已经将天下人心搅动得徬徨不安,人们已经是够凄惨的了,我们就别再加油添醋、助纣为虐了吧! For a long time in the human history, they have made people’s mind stray and upset, which is miserable. We just don’t help it to do evil anymore.

  • 在经历一个酷暑及史上罕见的干旱后形成的这场大火既有圣塔安那沙漠大风助纣为虐又有干燥易然的灌木丛火上加油。 The fires, fanned by desert winds called Santa Anas, are being fueled by tinder-dry brush following a hot summer and record drought.

  • 国人在国内,可以参与对国人自身的批判于反省。在国外,不论如何,就得说中国的好。否则,便真的是助纣为虐了。 Click here I’m a Chinese external trader who deals with oversea customers. And now I’m in love with a charming girl.

  • 对于全球小麦价格上涨,洪灾以及其他一些天意弄人的灾害是会对此造成一定影响,但是工作结构上的问题同样也助纣为虐了。 Floods and other acts of God have had their effect, as has the global rise in wheat prices, but there are structural forces at work as well.

  • 查韦斯还曾发表言论,称那些对自己助纣为虐(帮助“哥革命武装力量”)的指控,是为了给军事打击委内瑞拉披上正义的外衣。 In the past he has said that claims that he is helping the FARC are designed to justify a military attack on Venezuela.

  • 帮政府捆绑审查软件有助纣为虐之嫌,这令电脑制造商们烦恼不已,除此之外,他们说六周时间不够进行如此大规模的生产转变。 Beyond the nettlesome issue of abetting government censorship, they said six weeks was not enough time to shift production on such a large scale.

  • 眼下,事实是对布什执政时代进行认真调查将会使华盛顿鸡犬不宁, 不论是滥用权力的人,还是助纣为虐或肆意狡辩的人都会感到不安。 Now, it’s true that a serious investigation of Bush-era abuses would make Washington an unfortable place, both for those who abused power and those who acted as their enables or apologists.

  • 直到1995年雅克·希拉克上台后,法国政府才接受了其政体助纣为虐的事实,这引发人们对同谋、回忆以及愧罪感进行了大量的反思。 It was not until Jacques Chirac became president in 1995 that the French state accepted its official plicity, prompting much soul-searching over collaboration, memory and guilt.

  • 美《健康》杂志最新文章提醒说,这种时尚并不健康,不仅会导致人不知不觉中摄入过多酒精,可乐等饮料中的二氧化碳还会“助纣为虐”,增强酒精对胃的伤害。 It says the mixtures tend to make people drink more wine than they should and the carbon dioxide carried in the beverage may worsen the harm the alcohol does to one’s stomach.

  • 助纣为虐造句相关



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    词语大全 助纣为虐造句_助纣为虐中英文解释和造句

    助纣为虐  zhùzhòuwéinüè助纣为虐的意思和解释:比喻帮助坏人干坏事。助纣为虐的出处《史记·留侯世家》:“今始入秦,即安其乐,此所谓助桀为虐。”助纣为虐的例子助纣为虐造句

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    助纣为虐  zhùzhòuwéinüè助纣为虐的意思和解释:比喻帮助坏人干坏事。助纣为虐的出处《史记·留侯世家》:“今始入秦,即安其乐,此所谓助桀为虐。”助纣为虐的例子助纣为虐造句

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