词语大全 势不可挡造句_势不可挡中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:古人学问无遗力,少壮工夫老始成。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 势不可挡造句_势不可挡中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 势不可挡造句_势不可挡中英文解释和造句
势不可挡 shì bù kě dǎng
请谨记:势不可挡的黑暗或有一晚。 Remember this: overwhelming darkness may endure for a night.
已经开始的继续发展是势不可挡的。 Continuation of the growth which has already begun is inevitable.
谁能阻止伍兹势不可挡地向下一个冠军冲击? Who can halt Woods’ inexorable progress towards yet another championship?
开始时是涓涓细流,后来发展成势不可挡的洪流。 Starts when is trickle the rivulet, afterward developed the irresistible mighty current.
在充满无限可能的世界里,选择似乎是势不可挡的。 In a world of infinite possibilities, choice can seem overwhelming.
克服恐惧和追求生活目标可以是势不可挡的,吓人的。 Conquering fear and pursuing a life goal can be overwhelming, intimidating.
从另外的角度,他们可能是招摇的、好斗的或者势不可挡的。 With a slightly different angle, Leo Ascendant could be loud and aressive, or overwhelming.
势不可挡的黑暗或有一晚,但它永远无法阻挡清晨的万丈光芒! Overwhelming darkness may endure for a night, but it will never overe the radiant light of the morning.
在此,这种倾向势不可挡,但其实现可连结到一项对于环境的适应性特征。 Here the propensity matures as inexorably, but the actualization is linked to an adaptive feature towards environmental circumstances.
记住:势不可挡的黑暗或许会撑一个夜晚,但是它绝对无法战胜耀眼的晨光。 Remember this: overwhelming darkness may endure for a night, but it will never overe the radiant light of the morning.
从农村到城市、从经济领域到其他各个领域,全面改革的进程势不可挡地展开了; From the countryside to the cities and from the economic to other areas, the process of sweeping reform has unfolded with irresistible momentum.
这使得中国官方和公民怒不可遏:西方敌对势力一再企图阻挠中国势不可挡的崛起。 Chinese officialdom and many ordinary citizens were furious: another petulant effort by Western foes to thwart China’s inexorable rise.
这次行动的各责任者,面对势不可挡的批评声浪,如今都急于想为自己的判断作辩护。 Those who were responsible for the operation now seemed desperate to vindicate their judgment in the face of overwhelming criticism.
图斯克先生致力于扩大中间右派政党的势力,而科莫罗斯基议长的胜利将使之势不可挡。 A victory for him would make Mr Tusk’s efforts to consolidate the centre-right of the Polish political spectrum start to look unstoppable.
不久之前,日本作为“经济奇迹”以一种势不可挡的运势迅速与经济老大美国平起平坐。 Not long ago, Japan was “the economic miracle, ” an ascendant juggernaut on its way to rivaling the United States, which has the biggest economy.
废除种族隔离的谈判,必须满足人民势不可挡的要求:建立民主、不分种族和统一的南非。 Negotiations on the dismantling of apartheid will have to address the overwhelming demand of our people for a democratic, non-racial and unitary South Africa.
记者:托雷斯是利物浦不可或缺的超级球星,而他和杰拉德上赛季组合的威力更是势不可挡。 Journalist: Fernando Torres has been a sensational player for you, but his partnership with Steven Gerrard has been absolutely incredible.
我内心分歧持续。我(内心)的一部分不能够承受放弃这一次一生的冒险。这座山的秀丽势不可挡! My inner conflict continued. Part of me could not bear to give up this adventure of a lifetime. The beauty of the mountain was overwhelming!
引诱人类把控制权交给比人类更聪明、更机警并且更不容易生厌、恼怒和情感迸发的机器,将势不可挡。 The temptation to surrender control to machines that are smarter, more vigilant and less prone to boredom, irritation and emotional outbursts than people will be overwhelming.
我们两人间的纽带如此牢不可破,并如同东升的旭日势不可挡,无尽的幸福岁月陪伴着我们,生生世世。 This unbreakable bond that unites as one, Is as strong as the ascent ofthe morning sun. Infinite days and nights of joy stream by, And even beyond the day we die.
一个在正常情况下可以很容易被纠正的错误会在你精疲力尽不能对它作出适当反应的时候变得势不可挡。 A mistake that could be easily recovered from under normal circumstances bees overwhelming when you’re too broke or too exhausted to respond adequately.
他决不会赞同这样的观点,即势不可挡的激情是一种凶猛的激流,使人产生某些行为,因而是一种理由。 He will never agree that a sweeping passion is a ravaging torrent which fatally leads a man to certain acts and is therefore an excuse.
即使在过去,树林对车道来说,也始终是个威胁,如今则终于赢得胜利,黑压压势不可挡地向着车道两侧边沿逼近。 The woods, always a menace even in the past, had triumphed in the end. They crowded, dark and uncontrolled, to the borders of the drive.
史蒂夫是在围栏与这一点。数学的可能性似乎势不可挡,但认为任何其他宇宙生命被作为智能猫似乎完全不可能的。 Steve is on the fence with this one. Mathematically the odds seem overwhelming, but the thought of any other life in the Universe being as intelligent as cats seems totally unlikely.
今季巴洛克风潮势不可挡,从窗帘到家居再到配件,无不体现新古典主义的淑女风尚,看来时尚界还得继续怀旧下去。 Baroque unstoppable wave of the current quarter, from curtains to home accessories and then, all reflect the neo-classical lady of culture, fashion seems to have to continue to go on nostalgia.
这星期,库德语部落格圈中掀起了一股势不可挡的论潮,关于暴行、绝望,那些在库德族人生命中永远无法改变的事情。 The overwhelming themes of the Kurdish blogs this week has been a sense of outrage and despair over the never-changing events in the lives of the Kurdish peoples.
凡是既不惧怕死亡也不惧怕人而唯独敬畏神的教会是一个势不可挡的教会,他们的血变成了一滴滴的水浇灌福音的种子。 The Church which fears neither death nor man but only God is an unstoppable Church. Their very blood bees drops of water to the seed of the gospel.
也许你会觉得那样会使得球队在获取这些势不可挡的廉价品时有所畏惧,但是一旦愚蠢的自由球员市场开启,他们就会情不自禁。 You’d think this would dissuade teams from offering it in all but the most overwhelming bargains, but once the silliness of free-agent season starts, it seem they just can’t help themselves.
首先,这些菜单拥有一个更让玩家觉得亲切的外观,由于之前的菜单有点势不可挡和“让人畏惧的”,因此这是一些过去所需要的东西。 First of all, the menus now have a more user friendly look which was something that was needed as the previous menus were a bit overwhelming and “daunting”.
词语大全 罪不可逭造句_罪不可逭中英文解释和造句
罪不可逭 zuì bù kě huàn
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罪不可逭 zuìbùkěhuàn罪不可逭的意思和解释:罪责不可逃避。罪不可逭的出处罪不可逭的例子某等不能速来归顺,~。(明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第九十七回)罪不可逭造句罪不可逭造句
罪不可逭 zuìbùkěhuàn罪不可逭的意思和解释:罪责不可逃避。罪不可逭的出处罪不可逭的例子某等不能速来归顺,~。(明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第九十七回)罪不可逭造句罪不可逭造句
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无可无不可 wúkěwúbùkě无可无不可的意思和解释:表示怎样办都行,没有一定的主见。无可无不可的出处《论语·微子》:“我则异于是,是无可无不可。”无可无不可的例子薛姨妈是个~