词语大全 匠心独运造句_匠心独运中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 匠心独运造句_匠心独运中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 匠心独运造句_匠心独运中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 别具匠心造句_别具匠心中英文解释和造句

词语大全 匠心独运造句_匠心独运中英文解释和造句

匠心独运  jiàng xīn dú yùn







  • 从建筑造型到环境布局,无不匠心独运,洋溢心思。 Form into the environment from the building layout, all are quite creative, filled with thoughts.

  • 该款喷泉的设计和视觉效果均都独树一帜,匠心独运。 The fountain of design and visual effects were unique and super.

  • 可见,广告语言的模糊性是作者匠心独运的生花妙笔。 Can be seen that the fuzzy language of advertising is the author’s gifted pen Unique.

  • 她不追求新潮的打扮,却能匠心独运地穿出个人品味; She does not pursue new tide’s appearance, can actually display of creativity puts on savors personally;

  • 三潭印月景观富层次,空间多变化,建筑布局匠心独运。 Santanyinyue landscape-level, multi-room changes, construction layout Jiangxinduyun.

  • UV高亮光产品喷涂、来样喷涂,可谓匠心独运、款款精品。 UV light at high spray products, sample spraying, is Jiangxinduyun, sections boutique.

  • 一个褶皱、一条腰线,甚至一颗纽扣都匠心独运,让人爱不释手。 Line of an a drape, waist, even a button ingenuities carry alone, let a person fondle admiringly.

  • 漫不经心的堆砌之中蕴含匠心独运,不加修饰的印象风格平添神韵天成。 During the careless stack contains the displays of creativity, and the undecorated impression style adds the charm.

  • 杜琪峰给出的结尾从技巧上而言晦涩阴暗,但其妥帖合理的发展却匠心独运。 Johnnie To serves up an ending that’s dull in execution, but ingenious in its fitting, logical growth.

  • 这样的人情味作为诗人主观之意,便通过诗歌中匠心独运的意象营造显露无疑。 Such feelings as subjective will of the poet are manifested to the full through creation of original conceptions.

  • 这个词不太确定)和主题题材的选取匠心独运,并且很明显地体现了犹太出身的影响。 His use of key and the thematic material are original and show clearly, the influence of his Jewish upbringing.

  • “将军楼”上玉麒麟浮雕,匠心独运,栩栩如生,长城如金龙盘踞,蜿蜒起伏,气势磅礴。 The jade kylin embossment on the General Tower is showing its originality and vividness. The Great Wall is winding on the hills like a golden dragon with majestic vigor.

  • 在安全方面,菱智更是匠心独运,一直致力于通过技术革新为消费者提供安全可靠的产品。 On the security front, Ling-chi is Jiangxinduyun, has been working through technical innovation to provide consumers with safe and reliable products.

  • 一处建筑,有如此丰富而又形象生动的名称,足见建筑者的匠心独运和人们对她的偏爱之情。 A building, so rich and vivid image of the name indicates the Jiangxinduyun construction and people’s preference for her feelings.

  • 此栏目展示了 45个优秀博客设计作品 ,不仅布局完美,还体现每个设计者的匠心独运。 This post presents 45 excellent blog designs with a perfect layout and unique personal note .

  • 缓缓地沿着宝马Z4走一圈,你就会发现其在角度、线条和折缝方面比大多数车型更匠心独运。 Slowly walk around the Z4 and its shape will reveal more unique angles, lines and creases than found in most car-makers’ entire fleets.

  • “你家的凤仙花看上去就像飘舞的雪花,”埃文说,“真是匠心独运,整个花园都是雪白的。” “Your impatiens looks like floating snow, ” Evan said. “It’s a wonderful effect, having an all-white garden.

  • 我们匠心独运的装修风格和经营模式缔造了一个领先超前的娱乐王国,也开创了当今的娱乐先河。 The unique dec oration style and operation mode create a leading entertainment kingdom and make the hotel the pioneer in this field.

  • 但C6R赛车中的ZO6在这方面却是匠心独运。它采用了一个独立于引擎之外储油器来给引擎泵油。 But the ZO6 in C6R race car uses something different: a separate reservoir outside of the engine that pumps oil through the engine.

  • 匠心独运且风格独创的NE•TIGER高级婚礼服一亮相,全场马上爆发出雷鸣掌声与共鸣喝彩。 Carry alone when craftsmanship and advanced wedding takes the NE•TIGER of style original creation to appear, full-court erupts immediately thunderous applause and resonance acclaim.

  • “此剃须刀设计时匠心独运,使得电源开关置于ON位置时,(电源)插头不会被推出。”好评(0。 The shaver is designed so that the plug cannot be pushed out when the switch is in the “ON” position.

  • 温馨、体贴、高雅、舒适,全新的设计理念,精湛的装潢工艺,匠心独运让您尽享“家外之家”的浪漫情怀。 Warm and fragrant, elegant, fortable, new design of packing considerable, exquisite decorate craft, let you enjoy the warm feeling “Home away from home”.

  • 皮影艺人巧妙地表现了少女梳妆时,镜中人与镜外人的照应,在上演时,二者动作的一致更显出艺人的匠心独运。 Shadow artist skillfully demonstrated dressing girls, the man with the mirror lens to look after the foreigners, in the stage, the agreement between the two movements are quite creative artist shows.

  • 我们在深圳建立了自己的工厂,多年的生产经验及匠心独运的专业制作,成功地设计生产有纪念性的各种礼品表。 We in Shenzhen set up their own factories, many years of production experience and creative professional production, has successfully designed and manufactured a variety of memorative gift table.

  • 有品位,使得你能匠心独运地表达自己的风格。我不能容忍你看见什么都走不动道,不光是因为我穷,不能惯你这毛病! I will not tolerate you buy everything you want , not just because I was poor, the arose problems are that I could not spoiled you!

  • 有了像萨克斯教授这样独出别致的观察视角,匠心独运的创造精神,再加上一些领导才能,我们实际上可以开始解决这些问题。 With a different mindset and creativity and some leadership from the likes of Professor Sachs, we can actually begin to solve these problems.

  • 由于大门后的部分墙壁是属于支柱结构,不准敲打改装,设计师匠心独运,干脆把它保留为装饰墙,前后各挂一幅画,独特美观。 As part of the walls is a door pillar structure, can beat modified designers describe, simply to retain it for decorative wall and the wall painting, unique aesthetic.

  • 曹雪芹的《林黛玉进贾府》无论在布局谋篇,情节安排,还是人物刻画,环境描写上,都匠心独运,写得传神入画、字字珠玑、笔笔神来。 The chapter, Lin Daiyu came to jia’s in The Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin, is skillful in position and discourse, vivid in portraying characters and splendid in describing the settings.

  • 不泥常道,独辟蹊径,匠心独运,对于一些疑难杂症从常人意想不到之处入手,辨病与辨证相结合,每多巧发而奇中,收到了较好的疗效。 Many difficult diseases were treated from different sides, and received great effects. We are very lucky that can learn from him.

  • 我们的产品全由人手雕制,均为匠心独运、手工精致的工艺品,适合点缀不同的环境,可令园林、家居、餐厅、以至酒店的水世界更添斑斓。 Products here are all original hand-made masterpieces which may bring colours and fun to aquariums in different environments like gardens, homes, restaurants and hotels.

  • 匠心独运造句相关


    词语大全 别具匠心造句_别具匠心中英文解释和造句

    别具匠心  bié jù jiàng xīn








  • 造物主的安排是否别具匠心? Is the creator’s arrangement full of contemplation?

  • 园区内的环境设计也别具匠心,自成一景。 The design of the park is also unique artistic environment, self-contained King.

  • 亮片组成的蝴蝶装饰别具匠心,装点性感脚踝。 The butterfly adornment that paillette prises does not provide craftsmanship, ankle of deck sex appeal.

  • 主卧室的空间设计简洁大方,每一处都别具匠心。 Advocate the dimensional design of the bedroom is concise and easy, each place does not provide craftsmanship.

  • 别具匠心的理论包含了我在所有领域所做出的努力。 My particular theories that would embrace the whole field of my endeavour.

  • 这样别具匠心的安排当然是为了购物中心的营运需要。 It does so in the convenience of a shopping center.

  • 别具匠心、充满情趣的产品作为赠品也是一个不错的选择; It is a nice choice as well when you present it as a interesting gift.

  • 造物主的安排是否别具匠心?今天是不是我超越他人的机会? Is this another opportunity for me to bee the man I know I can be?

  • 这位导演别具匠心,在剧中安排了一声演员走到观众当中的戏。 The director showed his ingenuity by arranging a scene in which the actors went into the audience of the play.

  • 为现代高科技人造景观,中华恐龙园的造园置景手法也别具匠心。 For the modern high-tech man-made landscape, the China Dinosaur Park home gardening practices also unique Jiang Xin Jing.

  • 规模比不了,就赛人气,一些参展商别具匠心地打出了“人气牌”。 Scale than not, match high, some exhibitors special ceremony to make a “good card”.

  • 这则广告把没有橘子汁的早餐比作没有阳光的日子,新颖独特,别具匠心。 Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine. Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.

  • 此作品虽书法用笔,结构经营却是从平面设计而来,取形巧妙,别具匠心。 The writing is using the brush style, but the position is from graphic design, and the figure is novel.

  • 科学规划,合理建设功能齐全、生态环保、别具匠心、独具魅力的滨湖新区启动区。 With scientific planning, build reasonably a unique and environment protective Binhu start-up area with plete functions and special attraction.

  • 除此之外,虎纹也可以点缀在外套、鞋子,甚至是太阳眼镜,显得别具匠心,别有特色。 Tiger print also works well on accent pieces like coats, shoes, or even sunglasses.

  • 随着时间的推移,形成了各自的风格,无论是绣线、面料的颜色还是材料,都别具匠心。 With the passage of time, formed respective styles, both embroider line, the color of fabric material, or does not provide craftsmanship.

  • 上海扬子江万丽大酒店的拉斐尔餐厅,别具匠心地推出了这款融合地中海和亚洲风味的创意蟹宴。 enjoy the unique Italianate crab feast which is posed by the Mediterranean and Asian flavors.

  • 超级推荐。未来的超级小型车!超大的内部空间,座椅折叠的设计别具匠心,另外乘驾也非常舒适! Highly Remended. The supermini of the future, here today. Massive interior space thanks to a big cabin and clever collapsing seats. It’s good to drive, too.

  • 别具匠心的装饰设计、合理的布局、加上柔和又明亮的灯光和优美动听的音乐,尽显自己独特的风格。 The unique decorative design ingenuity and rational layout, bined with soft and bright lights and beautiful music, show their own unique style.

  • 如此方法与措施贯穿着全部的设计与施工环节,每个细节都能体会到亚光亚装饰的别具匠心的周到服务! So the method and the measure are passing through the plete design and the construction link, each detail can realize Asian light Asia decorates the thorough service which has great originality!

  • 其舞楼的设计也别具匠心,舞台正中和两侧为木制屏风,前簷楣梁上木雕有“双凤炉”和“凤翔龙舞”。 Dance floor, its distinctive originality of design, the stage for the middle and on both sides of wooden screens, carved wood beam lintelqian yan have “Shuangfeng furnace” and “Fengxiang Dragon Dance.

  • 为了适应度假的特殊性,本系列许多产品都在功能设计上别具匠心,在细节上体现出以人为本的设计原则。 In order to adapt to the special holiday, many products in this series are in the unique design features Jiang Xin, reflected in the details on the people-centered design principles.

  • 会上除了让人全面的了解到该物业规划设计上的别具匠心,经营管理上的规范先进,投资回报上的可观持久外; It was so prehensive that in addition to the property’s unique artistic design, operation and management of advanced norms, the substantial return on investment, lasting;

  • 美国德州仪器(TI)不但在全球RFID标签开发与制造领域中处于领先地位,而且在该技术的应用上别具匠心。 American Texas Instrument (TI) has a leadership in the global RFID tag exploration &manufacturing, and so special and excellent in its application.

  • 可以说,在这样一个广告中,“民间舞龙”这一元素的运用真正起到了画“龙”点睛的效果,实在是一个别具匠心的创意。 It can be said in such an ad, the “dragon people” this element of the use of a real painting has played a “dragon” eye-dotting the effect is really a unique creative ingenuity.

  • 田在取景时别具匠心地使用了电传和广角镜头,来营造出一种错乱的效果,展现出一个具有漂浮视觉效果的,看似无边无际的空间。 In selecting and manipulating these shots, Tian makes brilliant use of the distortions produced by telephoto and wide angle lenses to create a sense of floating, borderless space.

  • 把这个当作一个介绍你是怎样在一个非常时期利用你那一套别具匠心的技巧“尽你所能”地为你的老板创造可观的/显而易见的利益的范例。 Use this as an example of how you use your particular set of skills in an extraordinary time to “give it your all” and produce a clear benefit to your employer.

  • 此处的菠萝格别具匠心:在立体的构造上,设计师又设计了数处缺口,这些缺口可以让人想像出燕子、云雀等形状,让室内增添了自然的气息。 In the three-dimensional structure, the design purposely have made way for much crevice in order to let people’s imagination soar and to add natural vigor into the room.

  • 凭借JNJ马赛克的多姿多彩、晶莹剔透、神秘典雅,结合别具匠心的镶嵌,演绎出无与伦比的艺术效果,是心灵自由空间的浪漫和精工制作的完善融合。 Colorful, crystal, mysterious, elegance and ingenuity incrustation, deducing out the unparalleled artistic effect, it was perfection integration by the romance of the free soul and unique manufacture.

  • 你也可以在床下装上一盏蓝色的灯,让进入房间的人只看得到灯光而看不到灯泡,使你的床看上去象漂浮在水上一样,这种设计会让每个进过你房间的人感到你的别具匠心。 Additional, in the bed around also should decorate a group of switch, let like to sleep on the bed to read, before the person that sees TV is falling asleep, need not rise again black out.

  • 别具匠心造句相关



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    别具匠心  biéjùjiàngxīn别具匠心的意思和解释:匠心:巧妙的心思。指在技巧和艺术方面具有与众不同的巧妙构思。别具匠心的出处唐·王士源《孟浩然集序》:“文不按古,匠心独妙

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    别具匠心  biéjùjiàngxīn别具匠心的意思和解释:匠心:巧妙的心思。指在技巧和艺术方面具有与众不同的巧妙构思。别具匠心的出处唐·王士源《孟浩然集序》:“文不按古,匠心独妙

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    别具匠心  biéjùjiàngxīn别具匠心的意思和解释:匠心:巧妙的心思。指在技巧和艺术方面具有与众不同的巧妙构思。别具匠心的出处唐·王士源《孟浩然集序》:“文不按古,匠心独妙

    词语大全 别具匠心造句_别具匠心中英文解释和造句

    别具匠心  biéjùjiàngxīn别具匠心的意思和解释:匠心:巧妙的心思。指在技巧和艺术方面具有与众不同的巧妙构思。别具匠心的出处唐·王士源《孟浩然集序》:“文不按古,匠心独妙

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