词语大全 千丝万缕造句_千丝万缕中英文解释和造句
Posted 实学
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词语大全 千丝万缕造句_千丝万缕中英文解释和造句
千丝万缕 qiān sī wàn lǚ
这个组织与大学有着千丝万缕的联系。 The group has ties to the University.
说那些与自己生活有着千丝万缕关系的事物。 Said that these and live have the very plicated relational thing.
;任何企业都与市场存在着千丝万缕的联系。 Any business with the market there are inextricably linked.
孙中山在其革命生涯中,与日本长期保持着千丝万缕的关系。 Sun Yat-sen keeps the countless relation with Japan for a long time in his revolutionary career.
但是即使在这个时期,人―神之间仍然有着千丝万缕的联系。 However, even in this age, there were countless relations between earthlings and gods.
我们不能仅为自己活着。我们和朋友之间有着千丝万缕的联系。 “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men. ” — Herman Melville.
数以万计的经纱,平行卷绕至滚筒。千丝万缕的穿梭,成就美丽风景。 Millions of warps are convoluted around roller in parallel. Shuttling of thousands threads and strands makes a beautiful scene.
花与女人之间这千丝万缕的定势关联注定了女性艺术家对花情有独钟。 Between the flower and the woman this very plicated connection was doomed the feminine artist to have only one in mind to the flower.
他们能够进行这种尝试,又和西方艺术思想的影响有千丝万缕的联系。 The reason for them to practice such a technique in a try also has something to do with the influence of occidental art.
行政派出模式自古就存在,并与我国行政层级的发展变化有着千丝万缕的联系。 The model of administrative dispatch was appeared at ancient times. And it has connected with the born and development of our country’s administrative levels.
报纸副刊作为传播媒介的重要组成部分,也与中国现代文学有着千丝万缕的联系。 As propagating the important parts of media, have connection of countless ties supplement with Modem Chinese Literature to newspaper.
尽管与美国有着千丝万缕的联系,加拿大的经济只是略微衰退,现在正在平稳好转。 Despite its umbilical links with America, Canada’s economy suffered only a mild recession and is now well into a solid recovery.
吸烟的影响与患肺病(包括肺癌)、心脏病和中风的风险的增加有着千丝万缕的联系。 The effects of smoking have widely been associated with an increased risk of developing lung diseases including cancer, heart disease and stroke.
虽然我们不能判断这些就是翼城花鼓的起源,但这些和花鼓肯定有着千丝万缕的联系。 Although we can not determine the origin of that Huagu Yicheng, but certainly these and Huagu inextricably linked.
问题是,尽管新兴市场的经济已与发达国家脱钩,其货币政策还是有着千丝万缕的联系。 The problem is that although economies may have decoupled, their monetary policies have not.
恐怖主义是一个世界性的孤儿,但恐怖事件的发生却与现实有千丝万缕、盘根错节的关系。 Terrorism is a world-wide orphans, but the terrorist incidents and the reality is there are intricate, deep-rooted.
而中国封建城市与统治者有千丝万缕的联系,更多意义上是在封建政治体系中起著堡垒作用。 On the contrary, China’s cities and towns were the fortresses for defending feudal system.
“实用”实学、实践实学、实体实学与后现代社会具有千丝万缕的联系,又有重要的借鉴价值。 “Pragmatic”solid scholarship, practical solid scholarship and substantive solid scholarship have a thousand and one links with post contemporary society, with an important referential value.
不仅与政治、经济、文化、国家利益有着千丝万缕的联系,也与人们的日常生活和市场发展息息相关。 Besides, it is closely related with people’s daily life and market development as well as politics, economy, culture and national interests.
词汇作为语言的建筑材料毫无疑问地和文化有着千丝万缕的联系,两者相互依存,相互联系,相互促进。 The vocabulary, the foundation of a language, is undoubtedly closely connected with a specific culture. And these two, language and culture, depend on each other, connecting and promoting one another.
药品价格是复杂的系统工程,其高低与经济体制、流通体制、社会福利体系、市场机制等有千丝万缕的联系。 The price of the medicine is plicated and is connected with economic system, circulating system, social welfare system and market mechanism.
法律推定和事实推定具有泾渭分明的区别也有千丝万缕的联系,事实推定作为一个法律术语有其存在的合理性。 Fact inference and presumption of law have prominent distinction and have countless connections. As a legal term, the fact inference is reasonable for its existence.
当代中国文化研究的一个突出优势,就在于每个局部的问题常常都与那些根本性的大问题有着千丝万缕的联系。 One of the notable advantages of contemporary Chinese culture study is that every partial problem is connected with the big essential problems in various ways.
作为当今世界上两个重要的经济实体,不论处于友好阶段还是战争状态,中国和日本之间都有着千丝万缕的联系。 As two important economic entities in the world nowadays, no matter in peaceful days or war time, China and Japan are closely related with each other in many aspects.
同时,汤姆和戴安娜正在追查一个叫新星集团的4400激进组织,这个组织与萧恩和4400中心也有着千丝万缕的联系。 Meanwhile, Tom and Diana pursue a radical 4400 organization ed the Nova Group that may also have ties to Shawn and The 4400 Center.
事实是,流行乐是我们这个国家的产业之一,这与资本主义有千丝万缕联系,要把两者分开,简直是愚蠢,那时一种臆想的分离。 The fact of the matter is that pop music is one of the industries of the country. It’s all pletely tied up with capitalism, it’s stupid to separate it. That’s an illusory separation.
而且由于其特殊的生活经历、作品中较强的说教色彩以及与殖民主义千丝万缕的联系,吉卜林成为英国文坛上最有争议的作家之一。 Because of his unique life experiences, the strong intention to be didactic and close relation to colonialism, he became one of the most controversial writers in English literature.
语言和文化之间有着千丝万缕的联系,语言既是文化的一部分,又是文化的一面镜子,一个民族的语言折射出这个民族纷繁多彩的文化形态。 Between language and culture is inextricably linked to, language is a part of the culture, but also a mirror of culture, the language of a nation that reflects the diverse and colorful ethnic culture.
企业与社会千丝万缕的联系,使企业必须把与股东以外的利益相关者的关系—即企业的社会责任—放在关系到企业生存发展的战略位置来考虑。 The enterprise has some relations with the society, so the enterprise should put the relation that is out of the shareholders, that is the responsibility of the enterprise at the strategic position.
姚餐厅,因为人们相信其与中国NBA球星姚明有着千丝万缕的联系而远近闻名。上周五,姚餐厅却突然停业,几十名员工领不到工资,只能错愕地站在门外。 Yao Restaurant, which gets its fame from people believing it is connected with Chinese NBA star Yao Ming, closed last Friday, leaving dozens of unpaid, stunned employees standing around outside.
词语大全 千丝万缕的成语意思及歇后语 成语大全
中文发音: qiān sī wàn lǚ。
成语出处:宋 辛弃疾《蝶恋花》:“会少离多看两鬓。万缕千丝,何况新来病。”
千丝万缕 qiānsīwànlǚ千丝万缕的意思和解释:千条丝,万条线。原形容一根又一根,数也数不清。现多形容相互之间种种密切而复杂的联系。千丝万缕的出处宋·戴石屏《怜薄命》词:“
词语大全 千丝万缕・徐妃格 (打一常用词),千丝万缕・徐妃格 (打一常用词)
谜题:千丝万缕·徐妃格(打一常用词) 谜底:哆嗦
词语大全 千丝万缕・徐妃格 (打一常用词),千丝万缕・徐妃格 (打一常用词)
谜题:千丝万缕·徐妃格(打一常用词) 谜底:哆嗦
词语大全 千丝万缕・徐妃格 (打一常用词),千丝万缕・徐妃格 (打一常用词)
谜题:千丝万缕·徐妃格(打一常用词) 谜底:哆嗦
词语大全 千丝万缕・徐妃格 (打一常用词),千丝万缕・徐妃格 (打一常用词)
谜题:千丝万缕·徐妃格(打一常用词) 谜底:哆嗦
词语大全 万缕千丝 [wàn lǚ qiān sī]什么意思
万缕千丝 [wànlǚqiānsī][万缕千丝]成语解释千条丝,万条线。原形容一根又一根,数也数不清。现多形容相互之间种种密切而复杂的联系。[万缕千丝]成语出处宋·戴石屏《怜薄命