词语大全 千山万水造句_千山万水中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:时人不识凌云木,直待凌云始道高。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 千山万水造句_千山万水中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 千山万水造句_千山万水中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 千山万壑造句_千山万壑中英文解释和造句

词语大全 千山万水造句_千山万水中英文解释和造句

千山万水  qiān shān wàn shuǐ







  • 两人间隔着浮尘红海,千山万水。 They dust the interval the Red Sea, the mountains.

  • 我们男人比较喜欢「千山万水我独行」。 I often feel we men like to go places on our own.

  • 昨夜,思念穿过千山万水叩响你的门窗; Last night my yearning traveled across ranges of mountains to knock at your door and your window.

  • 千山万水也不能隔断我们两国人民之间的友谊。 No mountains and seas can stand in the way of the friendship between our two peoples.

  • 我和你的姊妹们走遍了千山万水,找你找得好苦。 He told her, “My daughter, your sisters and I have walked far and wide looking for you.”

  • 透过风,思念在指缝间滑落,寻遍千山万水,依旧在滴血。 Through the wind, missing in the slide between Zhifeng, searching all over Qianshanwanshui, remains in the blood.

  • 等待我们的千山万水人海相遇,也不再是天时地利的迷信。 Wait for our a thousand mountains and rivers huge meet, also Be not the superstition of the weather land utilization any more.

  • 若是有缘的人,隔着千山万水,隔着边关冷月,你们也会相遇! If the affinity for people, separated by mountains and seas, across the border coldest month, you will encounter!

  • 疯狂的事情经历一次就好,比如翻越千山万水的去看望一个人。 undergoing a crazy thing like, for example, over the thousands of miles to see a person.

  • 乘著书的翅膀,掠过千山万水,走近自然,期盼幸福,收藏阳光! Riding on the wings of the book, over mountains, the natural approach, looking forward to a happy, collecting the sun!

  • 是一轮非凡的听力:即使隔着千山万水,也能听到彼此的激动的心跳。 Are an extraordinary hearing: Even across the mountains, but also exciting to hear each other’s heartbeat. Are a bunch of wonderful languagebe, earth-shattering.

  • 踏遍千山万水,闯过刀山火海,临泰山崩而不变色,没有什么能打倒我! Traveled thousands of miles, past the Daoshanhuohai, temporary Taishan collapse without color, nothing can defeat me!

  • 当我们审视前方的道路时,我们会感激那些跨越千山万水来到这里的人们。 When front we carefully examine the path, we will feel grateful these to surmount the long and trying journey to arrive at here people.

  • 当我们审视前方的道路时,我们会感激那些跨越千山万水来到这里的人们。 As we consider the road that unfolds before us, we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who, at this very hour, patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains.

  • 这三位骑士跋涉过千山万水,在经历很多艰难险阻之后,终于找到了圣杯。 The three knights traveled to distant lands. After many dangerous adventures, they found the Holy Grail.

  • 我希望跨越千山万水握住朋友的手,我希望太平洋的海水如同梦中一样的蓝。 I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.

  • 千山万水》这个部分挺特别的,如果大家可以一起合唱这段京剧,挺好的。 The part “A Long Journey” is quite unique, if everyone can sing this Beijing opera part together, it will be quite good.

  • 我们用语言点燃起一堆堆篝火, 在远隔千山万水的地方彼此慰籍,彼此温暖。 We light a bonfire with language, forting each other over mountains and seas, warming up each other’s heart.

  • 假如我有一双翅膀,我要飞遍千山万水,但我这个愿望太渺茫了,我永远向往自由! If I had a pair of wings, I have to fly over the mountains and seas, but I wish it was too remote, and I will always aspire to freedom!

  • 夏夜的雷雨,穿透夜空,那动魄的闪电可是你睫毛抖动,千山万水,震撼着我的心灵。 Summer thunderstorms, and the penetration of the night sky, then move your soul But the lightning lashes jitter, mountains, shook my soul.

  • 为了被他人所了解,为了在信纸上相遇并自由地交谈——尽管隔着千山万水却很亲密。 To be known by another person—to meet and talk freely on the page—to be close despite distance.

  • 我希望跨越千山万水握住朋友的手,我希望太平洋的海水如同梦中的一样蓝:我希望… I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope…

  • 父母对子女的牵挂,就像一片云,随着天空中的飞鸟四处飘荡,穿越千山万水,萦绕在子女心头。 Parents concerned about their children, like a cloud, with four birds in the sky floating around, crossing mountains and seas, lingering in the minds of their children.

  • 这一段我诚恳地解释说,我跨越了千山万水从中国北京来到这里才几个月,仍然在经历文化休克。 Coming across the seas all the way from Beijing, China and having been here for only a few months, I’m still going through cultural shock, more or less.

  • 作为一名护士,我相信让心灵插上爱的翅膀,那么光明和健康的希望即使越过千山万水,也能灌注到世界的每一个角落。 As a nurse, I believe that if you have a heart with wings of love, then the hope of brightness and health can go through rivers and mountains and be spread to every corner of the world .

  • 鲍尔默预测,在不久的将来,他将可以一边坐在酒店房间看电视,一边同远隔千山万水的微软董事会主席比尔·盖茨交流。 Ballmer predicted that in the near future, he will be sitting in hotel rooms while watching TV, one remote Qianshanwanshui with the Microsoft Bill Gates, Chairman of the Board of the exchange.

  • 人在旅途,千山万水脚下过,美在旅途,欢歌笑语一路飞;人在旅途,向着梦中的地方去,美在旅途,造化神秀心灵任意游。 the foot of mountains, and the United States on the road, singing laughing all the way to fly towards a place where dreams, the United States on the road, good luck any travel soul.

  • 虔诚的人会不惜走遍千山万水去朝圣来讨心目中的神明之欢心,他们却不知道:帮助自己家门前的穷者与饿者可能会更令神明高兴。 Devotees will travel all the way to sacred places to please their gods, what they don’t know is: helping the poor and the hungry people right at their doorsteps will make the gods happier.

  • 但这似乎并没有妨碍到他在音乐领域内的影响力,就连“神七”上太空,也携带了他的奥运歌曲《千山万水》,可见他有多么受欢迎。 But this as if has not hindered him in music domain influence, “god seven” on outer space, also has carried his Olympic Games song “Long and trying journey”, obviously he has receives wele.

  • 有这样一群人,他们的爱情隔着千山万水,他们承受着旁人不曾品尝的痛苦,只因为他们知道在那个遥远的城市,有着自己想要的幸福。 there is a group of people, they love the mountains, and they bear the pain of others never taste, just because they know that in the distant city, have oneself want happiness.

  • 千山万水造句相关


    词语大全 千山万壑造句_千山万壑中英文解释和造句

    千山万壑  qiān shān wàn hè







  • 夏雨纷霏,千山万壑铺就碧绿的绒毡; the summer rain creates verdurous tomenta on mountains and valleys;

  • 千山万壑的溪流汇入梅园河,越滚越大,越大越美。 Meiyuanqian shan wan streams into rivers, snowball, the bigger the more the United States.

  • 冬春之交,则多云雾,千山万壑间云涌雾漫,茫茫一片。 At the turn of winter, it is mostly foggy weather with the peaks often shrouded in swirling mist and cloud.

  • 天子山风景秀丽,气候宜人,举目远眺,千山万壑是尽收眼底。 The Tianzi mountain has a very beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate.

  • 千山万壑皆淹没其中,轻如絮,白如棉,皎若凝脂,皓如堆絮,洁净至美,安静悠闲,醉人心魄。 Qianshanwanhe which are submerged, light Ru Xu, white as cotton, if DiorSkin Jiao, Hao Xu, such as heap, clean to the United States, quiet and relaxed, intoxicating breathtaking.

  • 天气持续晴朗时,千山万壑身披蓝紫相间的衣衫,雄峻的轮廓映衬著傍晚澄澈的天空,显得格外清晰; When the weather is fair and settled, they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky;

  • 山风乍起时,云海飘散开去,群峰众岭变成一座座云海中的小岛,云海聚拢过来,千山万壑隐藏得无影无踪。 Pottinger from the mountain, a sea of clouds to airborne, Qunfeng Public Ridge Block into a small island in the sea of clouds, sea of clouds gather up, Qianshanmohe hidden without a trace.

  • 千山万壑造句相关



    词语大全 千山万壑造句_千山万壑中英文解释和造句

    千山万壑  qiānshānwànhè千山万壑的意思和解释:壑:山沟。山峦连绵,高低重迭。千山万壑的出处唐·杜甫《咏怀古迹五首》:“群山万壑赴京门,生长明妃尚有村。”千山万壑的例子

    词语大全 千山万壑造句_千山万壑中英文解释和造句

    千山万壑  qiānshānwànhè千山万壑的意思和解释:壑:山沟。山峦连绵,高低重迭。千山万壑的出处唐·杜甫《咏怀古迹五首》:“群山万壑赴京门,生长明妃尚有村。”千山万壑的例子

    词语大全 千山万壑造句_千山万壑中英文解释和造句

    千山万壑  qiānshānwànhè千山万壑的意思和解释:壑:山沟。山峦连绵,高低重迭。千山万壑的出处唐·杜甫《咏怀古迹五首》:“群山万壑赴京门,生长明妃尚有村。”千山万壑的例子

    词语大全 千山万壑造句_千山万壑中英文解释和造句

    千山万壑  qiānshānwànhè千山万壑的意思和解释:壑:山沟。山峦连绵,高低重迭。千山万壑的出处唐·杜甫《咏怀古迹五首》:“群山万壑赴京门,生长明妃尚有村。”千山万壑的例子

    词语大全 用风雨无阻造句

    用风雨无阻造句  一:红军战士们秉著艰苦卓绝的精神,千里迢迢远赴延安,不怕万水千山,一路上风雨无阻,遇见敌人勇猛无敌,冲锋陷阵,最后最后以坚贞不屈的精神赢得到达了延安。  二:人生路上不可能风雨无阻,

    词语大全 千山万水的意思_成语“千山万水”是什么意思


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    古诗词大全 减字木兰花·千山万水原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介

    减字木兰花·千山万水[作者]向子諲 [朝代]宋代千山万水。望极不知何处是。小院回廊。梦去相寻未觉长。绝怜清瘦。雪里梅梢春未透。常记分携。雨后梨花晓尚啼。《减字木兰花·千山万水》作者向子諲简介

    古诗词大全 减字木兰花·千山万水原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介

    减字木兰花·千山万水[作者]向子諲 [朝代]宋代千山万水。望极不知何处是。小院回廊。梦去相寻未觉长。绝怜清瘦。雪里梅梢春未透。常记分携。雨后梨花晓尚啼。《减字木兰花·千山万水》作者向子諲简介

    词语大全 千山万壑的意思_成语“千山万壑”是什么意思
