词语大全 千娇百媚造句_千娇百媚中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 千娇百媚造句_千娇百媚中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 千娇百媚造句_千娇百媚中英文解释和造句
千娇百媚 qiān jiāo bǎi mèi
千娇百媚的古晋南市市花~美人蕉。 This is Kuching City South Official Flower, Canna a. k. a. Canna Lily.
是的,奥地利公主千娇百媚、倾国倾城; Of course, as a princess of Austria, she was Francy pants, to be extremely beautiful;
她对丈夫总是千娇百媚。 She is bewitchingly charming to her husband.
她说话的口气怎么这么绝情…以前那个千娇百媚的人在哪呢? she speaks tone how such unfeeling. Before that acme of beauty and deportment person in which?
女人迷恋薄纱礼服,留住最漂亮的时刻,束起头发,千娇百媚又不失俏皮! The woman is infatuated with gauze formal attire, the hour with the most beautiful tarry, bundle have a hair, 100 fawn on do not break 1000 charming again nifty!
春花怒放,春叶茁发,春水奔流;春天千娇百媚,变幻多姿,真乃无声胜有声! Spring has no much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless seeking!
我都告您了我是个千娇百媚的公主,愿意配您过一礼拜,甚至让您为所欲为了。 I’ve told you I’m a beautiful princess and that I’ll stay with you for a week and do anything you want.
我的译文,让你读后,犹如一位“千娇百媚”的女子闪现在你的眼前,除了美还是美。 After you read my translation, it is just like bringing a beautiful and charming lady before your eyes, simply gorgeous.
国王的女儿使出千娇百媚,迎接巫师,她让他坐在她的脚下,让他把头靠在她的膝盖上。 The king’s daughter made a big to-do over Body-without-Soul, seating him at her feet and drawing his head onto her lap.
她是主人最小的女儿,今年才十六岁,生得千娇百媚,玲珑活泼,鲜艳得象一朵玫瑰花蕊。 She is the sweet youngest daughter of the master, a lovely girl of sixteen, fresh and glowing, and bright as a rosebud.
她是主人最小的女儿,今年才十六岁,生得千娇百媚, 玲珑 活泼,鲜艳得象一朵玫瑰花蕊。 She is the sweet youngest daughter of the master, a lovely girl of sixteen, fresh and glowing, and bright as a rosebud.
我们需要全心全意地过好每一时刻,动用我们所有感官:呼吸后花园里的芬芳、悦目于六岁小儿的蜡笔彩绘、惊羨彩虹的千娇百媚。 We need to live each moment wholeheartedly, with all our senses—finding pleasure in the fragrance of a back-yard garden, the crayoned picture of a six-year-old, the enchanting beauty of a rainbow.
和雷德‧斯克尔顿演的《淑女杜芭瑞》及和鲍勃霍伯演的《千娇百媚》中,她没有机会充分展现她的天分,但这却没有阻挡她迈向成功之路。 She got a few chances to show off her talent in films like DuBarry Was a Lady (with Red Skelton) and Fancy Pants (with Bob Hope) but never broke through to the top.
林黛:「道歉是一种礼貌,你也许不懂,可是外面很流行。」这样的说法,无论在上世纪六十年代的香港,或今时今日的香港都十分管用。选自陶秦《千娇百媚》的片段。 Clip from “Les Belles” (dir. Doe Ching). “Maybe you don’t get it, but offering an apology is a norm everywhere. ” What Linda Lin Dai says is so right.
金莎美容连锁有限公司派出68名选手参赛,一举夺得7个金奖,13个银奖,22个铜奖。特别是在颁奖仪式前,金莎以发道演绎、岁月如歌、千娇百媚、花样年华等六大部分的精彩表演博得台下阵阵掌声。 Golden Sha hairdressing interlinks limited pany to expedite 68 players to take part in the match, with one action carries off 7 gold prizes, 13 silver-colored award, 22 copper award.
词语大全 回眸一笑造句_回眸一笑中英文解释和造句
回眸一笑 huí móu yī xiào
陌生人的回眸一笑泛满人间的温情。 strangers Looking back a smile full of human warmth pan.
尤其回眸一笑,吓我一身冷汗。 Particularly return to Mou on smile, frighten my whole body cold sweat.
让人无法容忍的“回眸一笑”! Make person intolerable “looking back with a smile “!
可叹回眸一笑,不为情所酬。 Deplorable look back with a smile , not being fulfilled by feeling.
甚至是休息时的回眸一笑; even as she(1)takes her rest she turns and smiles;
临走前他再次回眸一笑,还打了一个眼色。 Before Jee Hoon leaves, he looks around, smiles and winks at me.
“我是杜丽!”她回眸一笑,随即潸然泪下。 “I am Du Li! ” Looking back her smile, then tears.
十年前我在你家楼下记住了你嫣然的回眸一笑。 10 years ago, I remembered your sweet smile at me at your downstairs;
十年前我在你家楼下记住了你嫣然的回眸一笑; 10 years ago, I remembered your sweet smile at me at your downstairs;
他看了她一眼,她对他回眸一笑,生命突然苏醒。 He peeked at her, and she smiled at him. Suddenly everything came back to life.
你说,你终其一生的守侯,就是为了等待,我这回眸一笑的温柔。 You said that you of his life is to wait, I Review of the gentle smile.
天使的回眸,抵过世界万物。再美的花儿,也比不上你的回眸一笑。 Angels Looking back, everything arrived in the world. Another beautiful flowers, but also can not pare Looking back on your smile.
诗人白朗宁曾写道:[他望了她一眼。她对他回眸一笑。生命突然苏醒。 Poet wrote: “weining banging had looked at him. she caught a glimpse of her to him in a sudden awakening. life.”
天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧。回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。 Sky born pretty substance difficult self abandon, one morning select in kings side, back eyes one smile hundred sexy born, six palace powder woman no colour.
不要因为失落而紧锁双眉,因为你不知道谁会因为你的回眸一笑而爱上你。 Never frown even when you are sad , because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
赛场外的她们回眸一笑百媚生,给这个激情似火的夏天,带来阵阵清凉微风。 Out of the racing marinas, their enchanting smiles, like the breeze, make the hot summer cool.
2004年8月14日,那回眸一笑让无数人记住了一个美丽而冷静的女枪手; August 14, 2004, the Review so many people remember the smile of a beautiful woman and the gunman calmly;
今天上午露丝突然对我回眸一笑,弄得我心潮翻滚,甚至在晚上时我也无法入睡。 Rose suddenly smile with a glance back at me this morning, which made my mind in a tumult, and even at night I couldn’t go to sleep.
而腕上闪烁的珠宝表则更随着她们的回眸一笑或者优雅手势,而使她们风情万种。 And the gem that twinkles on wrist is expressed criterion more answer eye to laugh at elegant perhaps gesticulation as theirs, and make their amorous feelings 10 thousand kinds.
她有西施样的模样,杨玉环样的媚丽,美人的丽质……回眸一笑的媚态跃然脑海。 Antiquata her kind of like, kind of Mei Li, Beauty …Looking back on the beauty of obsequiousness Yue-ran the minds of a laugh.
白居易的名句“回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色”,写出了最微妙的表情效果。 Bai Juyi’s “looks back on and smiles one hundred to grow charmingly , six palaces of powder black pigment have had no color “of well-known phrase, write out the most delicate expression result.
“一步一回眸,画不出美人的样子,却把你回眸一笑的百媚深深的刻在了心里”。 Looking back on step one, drawing not look beautiful, but you smile Looking back on the 100-mei deeply engraved in the hearts of.
在中国人们常说,“回眸一笑百媚生”,所以我选择这个姿势作为我的作品基本造型。 In China, there’s an ancient saying “a woman looks prettier when she looks back back over her shoulder with a smile. So, I chose this pose for this still.”
五百年前的回眸一笑换来今生的一次擦肩而过,很多次的回眸一笑才换来了今天的相遇。 As Buddhism says, one glance of smile 500 years ago just for one time meeting, so glances of smiles lead us together today.
不过,朱虹对窗梳妆、回眸一笑的美丽和裂腹掬心撕皮镜头强烈反差对比还是让人觉得恐怖”。 However, Zhu Hong of the window dressing, Review of the beautiful smile and heart-social-torn abdominal skin lens or a strong contrast pared feel terror.
2004年8月14日,杜丽勇夺雅典奥运会首金,那回眸一笑让无数人记住了一个美丽而冷静的女枪手; August 14, 2004, Du Li won the first gold the Athens Olympics, so many people smile Looking back to remember a beautiful, cool-headed woman gunmen;
他看着她走过那棵树下的时候,她回眸一笑,明亮的眼眸几近羞涩,长发扑扑簌簌地散开来,一拧腰折进了巷子。 He looked at her through the tree under the tree, she smiled Looking back, almost shy bright eyes, long hair head to disperse Pu Susu, a screw back into the fold of the alley.
回眸一笑,嫣然一笑,抿嘴而笑,都可以说是微笑,母亲的嫣然一笑充满无限的慈爱和宽容,长辈教师的微笑漾溢着期待; Looking back a smile, smiling, Minzui laughter, can be said to smile, the mother’s smiling full of endless love and tolerance of, elders, teachers, look forward to the smile Yang Yi;
有时,在我脑海里,我跟着她们走到神秘的街道拐角上她们所住的公寓,到了门口她们回眸一笑,然后走进一扇门消失在温暖的黑暗之中。 Sometimes, in my mind, I followed them to their apartments on the corners of hidden streets, and they turned and smiled back at me before they faded through a door into warm darkness.
老太太知道这个消息后简直无法相信,为了赌一口气,竟然让自已深爱的人在心碎中死去,这时候任她如何大声的呼喊也唤不回老先生回眸一笑。 The old lady couldn’t believe that news. She made her lover dead in heart breaking just because of feeling wronged and acting rashly.
千娇百媚 qiānjiāobǎimèi千娇百媚的意思和解释:形容女子姿态美好。千娇百媚的出处南朝陈·徐陵《杂曲》诗:“绿黛红颜两相发,千娇百态情无歇。”唐·张文成《游仙窟》:“千
回眸一笑 huímóuyīxiào回眸一笑的意思和解释:眸:眼珠。转动眼珠,嫣然一笑。常用以形容女子妩媚的表情。回眸一笑的出处唐·白居易《长恨歌》:“回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜
回眸一笑 huímóuyīxiào回眸一笑的意思和解释:眸:眼珠。转动眼珠,嫣然一笑。常用以形容女子妩媚的表情。回眸一笑的出处唐·白居易《长恨歌》:“回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜
词语大全 千娇百媚 [qiān jiāo bǎi mèi]什么意思
千娇百媚 [qiānjiāobǎimèi][千娇百媚]成语解释形容女子姿态美好。[千娇百媚]成语出处唐·张文成《游仙窟》:“华容婀娜;天上无俦;……千娇百媚;造次无可比方。”[千
凤来朝·百媚春风面[作者]陈允平 [朝代]宋代百媚春风面。凤箫催、绿么舞遍。玉鸾钗、半溜乌云乱。悄疑是、梦中见。曲叹弓弯袖敛。绣芙蓉、香尘未断。买一笑、千金拼。共醉倚、画屏暖。《凤来朝·百媚
凤来朝·百媚春风面[作者]陈允平 [朝代]宋代百媚春风面。凤箫催、绿么舞遍。玉鸾钗、半溜乌云乱。悄疑是、梦中见。曲叹弓弯袖敛。绣芙蓉、香尘未断。买一笑、千金拼。共醉倚、画屏暖。《凤来朝·百媚