词语大全 半死不活造句_半死不活中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 半死不活造句_半死不活中英文解释和造句
半死不活 bàn sǐ bù huó
这孩子看上去半死不活的,真可怜。 The poor child looks more dead than alive.
那人被半死不活地带进地窖关了起来。 The man, more dead than alive, was brought in and locked in the cellar.
那些行凶抢劫者把那老人打得半死不活。 The muggers beat up the old man within an inch of his life.
男人在一家半死不活的企业上班,工资微薄。 Dead man in a business to work, wages were low.
他曾在这里斋戒和祈祷,以致弄得半死不活; here gone through fast and vigil, and e forth half alive;
他曾在这里斋戒和夜祷,以致弄得半死不活; here, gone through fast and vigil, and e forth half alive;
格兰古瓦吓得半死不活,她静静打量了他片刻。 She examined him for a moment in silence.
他们中也有些青年,不过都是些半死不活的人。 There were some young people, but they were rather dead.
我不想要扔掉一把刀片之后把自己搞的半死不活。 And I didn’t wanna drop one blade and leave myself half done.
他不如死了更好, 免得受这种半死不活,虽生犹死得痛苦。 Better if he had died instead of having to suffer a living death.
但从整体上说,乡镇农机站还处于半死不活的状态,缺乏生… But say from whole, station of agriculture machinery of villages and towns still is in half-dead condition, shortage is crude…
女人的存在如吸血鬼一样半死不活,因为一个女人的充分表现是被禁止的。 The woman’s being is like the vampire’s, at once alive and dead, since her full expression is forbidden.
在驾车接近躺在街心的半死不活的珍妮特时,里克和丹争论该怎么处理她。 Rick and Dan debate what to do about Janet as they approach her lifeless body laying in the middle of the street.
我现在就像剩下半条命,半死不活的,给我一刀,结果我吧,让我安息吧。 Now I’m waiting for death ( Only half of my lift is remained ) , kill me pls , give me a rest for ever …
在大西洋两岸,许多银行仍然处于半死不活的状态,依靠政府的支持维持着。 On both sides of the Atlantic, numerous banks remain neither dead nor fully alive, propped up by government support.
将这位半死不活,困于尿床而依旧心肠歹毒的老太婆与巍巍大山相比实在可笑。 Of course it was silly really to connect this half-dead bed-wetting still spiteful old woman with a mountain.
在城市四周,人们看起来就像半死不活地走在人行道上,热得比火柴头还要烫。 ” And: “All around, people looking half-dead, walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head.
摄相机镜头记录了年轻的竞选志愿者半死不活地躺在沙发上,或者在公园里游荡。 The camera showed pitiful young campaign volunteers lying atose on a couch or wandering aimlessly through a park.
还有一些项目由于市场定位不准、经营不善,也使销售出现半死不活的难堪局面; There are a number of projects due to market positioning, mismanagement, but also the death of a sales embarrassment situation;
你杀死的是纯洁的生命,从你的嘴唇接触到它的血液的那一刻起,你就会变得半死不活。 You have slain something so pure that from the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life.
设备陈旧、技术和管理落后概括了国有印刷企业半死不活得过且过的生存现状之根源所在。 Equipment stale, technology and administrative lag were generalized state-owned presswork the enterprise is half-dead of drift along live the germ place of the current situation.
他爱在庄稼汉的脖子上狠抽一鞭子,尽管这个庄稼汉本来就给吓得半死不活、已经闪到一边去了。 when it was impossible to drive faster; liked to give a lash on the neck to a passing peasant who was already hastening out of his way more dead than alive.
诚然,这是一个很有价值的思考和剖析,或者说,这是中国足球走到如今半死不活地步的绝佳原因。 It is true that this is a valuable reflection and analysis, or that this is Chinese football now e to the point where the best reasons for Half-Life.
为了挽救自己而杀死纯洁和温顺的生灵,你自己也会变得半死不活,备受诅咒,从你的双唇粘上鲜血的那一刻开始。 You have slain something pure and defenseless to save yourself, and you will have but a half-life, a cursed life, from the moment the blood touches your lips.
我觉得自己很丢脸因为女子组还在出发线等待出发,我想她们大概在取笑我这个观光客在出发线附近乱搞活像一条半死不活的鱼。 I was majorly embarrassed as the women hadn’t started yet, and probably were laughing at this “tourist” flopping around on the start line like a half-dead fish.
然而,总的来说——由于一些半死不活的公司所带来的长尾效应——英国的制造企业与它们美国、日本、德国和瑞典的同行相比业绩糟糕。 In the aggregate, however—thanks to a long tail of dozy firms—manufacturers in Britain score badly against their American, Japanese, German and Swedish counterparts.
说不好的方面,这个企业给本地区的人留下了太多的钢铁印象,而曾经的辉煌已经过去了,现在给人印象是半死不活,基本没什么前途了。 not good, to the enterprise in the region are too many people left the impression of iron and steel, and has been brilliant over, now gives the impression that Half-Life, not the future of the basic.
“揍了他一顿,”小伙子挥动着棒子说道,“像一个基督徒揍另一个基督徒所能容许的那样,尽量把他揍到半死不活的地步——我并不想要他的命,以免偿命。” “Beat him, ” said the youngster, brandishing his staff, “as near to death as one Christian man should be labour another — I wanted not to have his blood to answer for.
仆人们听到奇怪的骚扰声,又看见他们的主人陷入危险之境,连忙把他救起,对驴子拳打脚踢,又用棍敲,将驴子赶到栏舍里去,驴子几乎被他们打得半死不活了。 The servants hearing the strange hubbub, and perceiving the danger of their master, quickly relieved him, and drove out the Ass to his stable, with kicks, and clubs, and cuffs.
自从获悉彼佳死讯,过了一个月,她才从屋里走出来,她原本是一个精神饱满、热爱生活的才刚刚五十岁的女人,这时却变成了一个半死不活,对生活没有兴趣的老太婆了。 When the news of Petya’s death reached her, she was a fresh-looking, vigorous woman of fifty; a month later she came out of her room an old woman, half dead and with no more interest in life.
词语大全 版版六十四造句_版版六十四中英文解释和造句
版版六十四 bǎn bǎn liù shí sì
半死不活 bànsǐbùhuó半死不活的意思和解释:形容筋疲力尽,精神不振的样子。半死不活的出处半死不活的例子想跑,水裹住他的脚,他就那么~的,低着头一步一步的往前曳。(老舍《骆
版版六十四 bǎnbǎnliùshísì版版六十四的意思和解释:形容做事死板,不知变通。版版六十四的出处清·范寅《越谚·数目之谚》:“版版六十四,铸钱定例也,喻不活。”版版六十四
版版六十四 bǎnbǎnliùshísì版版六十四的意思和解释:形容做事死板,不知变通。版版六十四的出处清·范寅《越谚·数目之谚》:“版版六十四,铸钱定例也,喻不活。”版版六十四
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古诗词大全 战士军前半死生,美人帐下犹歌舞。原文_翻译及赏析