词语大全 协力同心造句_协力同心中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 协力同心造句_协力同心中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 同心协力造句_同心协力中英文解释和造句

词语大全 协力同心造句_协力同心中英文解释和造句

协力同心  xié lì tóng xīn








  • 实行我们的计划需要同心协力。 The execution of our plan requires teamwork.

  • 我们需要同心协力地去赢这个比赛。 We need to cooperate perfectly to win the game.

  • 当蛛蛛同心协力结网能困住一只狮子。 When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.

  • 让我们同心协力,把战争“赶”走吧! Let us work together to make war rush away!

  • 同心协力一同打造心灵空间! Works with concerted efforts makes the mind space together!

  • 明智之士将会同心协力面对共同的危险。 Sensible people will draw together to face a mon danger.

  • 这八个人在划船竞赛中始终同心协力如一人。 The eight men kept together throughout the boat race as though they were one.

  • 归根结柢,协力同心,是安利事业的经营之道。 This business is all about working together.

  • 归根结柢,协力同心,是安利事业的经营之道。 After all, working together is what this business is all about.

  • 现在,我们必须为顺利结束这场战争同心协力。 And now, we must e together to end this war successfully.

  • 如果我们同心协力,我们应该能够打赢这场比赛。 If we coordinate our efforts we should be able to win the game.

  • 大家一起同心协力将故事演出来,真的很有趣哦! It is really fun to act out the story together!

  • 人体器官应该同心协力,不然,整个身体就会垮掉。 All must work together or the Body will go to pieces.

  • 你我同心协力,让台湾成为永续发展与文化多样性的典范。 Together, let us make Taiwan a showcase of cultural diversity and sustainable development.

  • 于是三个人协力同心,一刹那工夫就样样收拾妥贴,只等上路。 and all three being actuated by one spirit, every thing relating to their journey was speedily settled.

  • 自由世界同心协力地推广民主,我们敌人的灭亡就指日可待了。 The concerted effort of free nations to promote democracy is a prelude to our enemies’ defeat.

  • 公司现拥有更为完善的设备和技术力量,以及协力同心的员工团队。 The pany owns the more perfect equipments and the technique strength now, and joins force united at heart employee’s team.

  • 请点击以下网址来同心协力呼吁霹雳州议会解散,还政于民。谢谢。 Sign petition online by click below link to show your support to dissolve Perak State Assembly (DUN Perak). Thank you.

  • “同舟共济”这个成语比喻在遇到困难的时候,大家同心协力度过难关。 This idiom indicates that people should pull together to overe difficulties, burying their differences in time of mon danger.

  • 署理行政长官曾荫权表示,政府会携手与市民协力同心,使香港的经济复苏。 The Government will work hand in hand with the munity to make a concerted effort to revive the Hong Kong economy, the Acting Chief Executive, Mr. Donald Tsang, said.

  • 真的,我们的工作需要很长的时间,但只要我们协力同心,所需的时间不会太长。 Yes, it is going to take a long time but ladies and gentlemen, it is not going to take all that long time if we all work together.

  • 中国邀请其它国家和国际组织同心协力对抗自然灾害,建立一个安全和谐的世界。 China invites other nations and international organizations to work together in responding to natural disasters and to build a more secure and harmonious world.

  • 道路环境保护是一个永恒而任重道远的话题,我们要同心协力坚持可持续发展战略。 The environment protection of road is a shoulder heavy responsibility, and should be carried out with sustainable development idea.

  • 我们的精神:力求创新、精益求精、协力同心、至诚服务、创建最好的专业展览公司。 Our spirit: Strive to make innovation, keep improving , pull together concentric , sincere service, to establish the best professional exhibition Company.

  • 他们同心协力重兴绝地委员会,委员会中既包括绝地代表,也包括新共和国政府成员。 Together, they resurrected the Jedi Council, which now included both Jedi representatives and members of the New Republic government.

  • 亚太区内的经济体系必须同心协力,加倍紧密合作,再开创携手发展、共享繁荣的局面。 We in the Asia Pacific must work together more closely to rebuild our vision of shared growth and shared prosperity.

  • 如果你已投身安利一段日子,你必会感受到大家协力同心所获取的成果,分享由此而来的美誉。 If you’ve been with us for awhile now, you’ve ridden a wave of success for which you share the credit.

  • 此外,场地布置及最佳现场气氛奖由新社夺得,而诚社在各社员、健儿的协力同心下,荣膺全场总冠军。 Besides, the overall championship went to Honesty House; and Progress House was the house with Highest Spirit and Best Decoration.

  • 高丽研磨全体同仁正协力同心、众志成城,为“鹿”牌涂附磨具产品品质和服务跨入世界一流水平而努力奋斗! Korea grinding of all my colleagues are all pull together, united for the “Deer” brand Coated Abrasives Product quality and service level of the threshold of a world-class work hard!

  • 04年教师节以来,在新的领导帮子的带领下,蓬中人协力同心,继往开来,燃烧激情,昂然向上,再展风采。 Teacher’s Day since 2004, under the new leadership to help the children, led by Peng people together, forging ahead into the future, burning passion to march upward, and then show style.

  • 协力同心造句相关


    词语大全 同心协力造句_同心协力中英文解释和造句

    同心协力  tóng xīn xié lì











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    协力同心  xiélìtóngxīn协力同心的意思和解释:心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。协力同心的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂

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    同心协力  tóngxīnxiélì同心协力的意思和解释:心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。同心协力的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂

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    同心协力  tóngxīnxiélì同心协力的意思和解释:心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。同心协力的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂

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    同心合力  tóngxīnhélì同心合力的意思和解释:团结一致,共同努力。同心合力的出处《书·泰誓中》:“予有乱臣十人,同心同德。”同心合力的例子同心合力造句什么是朋友?两人同心

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    同心戮力  tóngxīnlùlì同心戮力的意思和解释:指齐心合力。同心戮力的出处《墨子·尚贤》:“《汤誓》曰:‘聿求元圣,与之戮力同心,以治天下。’”同心戮力的例子同心戮力造句山

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