词语大全 博大精深造句_博大精深中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:少年恃险若平地,独倚长剑凌清秋。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 博大精深造句_博大精深中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 博大精深造句_博大精深中英文解释和造句
博大精深 bó dà jīng shēn
中国古代公共行政思想博大精深。 Thought of ancient Chinese public administration is profound.
中国人的双重标准果然博大精深。 This double standard is hard to understand.
中国传统文化源远流长,博大精深。 The Chinese traditional culture has a long, great origin.
谢谢哦,中国的文化博大精深。 Thanks, the culture of China is extensive and profound.
中国传统道德卷帙浩繁,博大精深。 There are many kinds of traditional moral rules in China.
中华民族的传统文化源远流长博大精深。 A long history of the Chinese nation’s traditional culture is extensive and profound.
中国文学是博大精深的。 Bob: The Chinese literature is broad and profound.
哪些符号可以作为博大精深的中华文化的象征? Which cultural symbols can represent the richness and exquisiteness of the Chinese culture?
中国医学具有十分悠久的历史,内容博大精深。 Traditional Chinese medicine has a very long history and contains extensive and profound knowlgdge.
“以人为本”的内涵极其丰富,内容博大精深。 The connotation of the human-oriented concept is extremely rich, broad, and profound.
相信通过学习,您能掌握博大精深的中国书法。 I do believe you can master the extensive and profound Chinese calligraphy by learning this course.
佛经博大精深,就是抄一千遍也不见得会完全领悟。 Buddhist scriptures are very profound. Even after copying them a thousand times, you might not necessarily grasp them.
中国文明博大精深,中国是个伟大的国家,伟大的民族。 China is a great civilization, a great power, and a great nation.
《周易》内容博大精深,是中国几千年传统文化的渊源。 Zhouyi is the origin of Chinese traditional culture because of its profoundness.
乐趣无限:让您在多种情境中获得知识,感受汉语文化的博大精深。 Unlimited Fun: we will provide good environment to study Chinese and its culture.
独特的笔画结构和书写方式,使得汉字书写成为一门博大精深的艺术。 The strokes for the structure and unique writing style, making typewring a profound art.
邓小平的高等教育理论博大精深,为高等教育的改革和发展指明了方向。 Deng Xiaoprng’s higher education theory is broad and deep, which gives definite direction for higher education reform and development.
哦,故宫也是“必看”的景点。它能让你感受到中国古代文化的博大精深。 Well, the Forbidden City is also a “must-see”. It will really give you a sense of how magnificent ancient Chinese culture was.
我们每写下一页都不可能不为母语的丰富多采和博大精深而感受到真正的喜悦。 It is not possible to write a page without experiencing positive pleasure at the richest and variety, the flexibility and the profoundness of our mother-tongue.
这样的文化理念出自一个家族则充分展示了家族文化博大精深和与时俱进的文明。 And this subject es from a culture lineage family could incarnated the venerable civilization and Zeitgeist of the family.
孔子作为我国伟大的思想家、哲学家、教育家,其思想博大精深,其风范千古流传。 As a China’s great thinker, philosopher and educator, Confucius provided profound thinking and set an everlasting model for the world.
他们对中国文化的印象不会感到“博大精深”,而只是朦胧地保持一种神秘感罢了。 They are in no position to appreciate the richness and exquisiteness of the Chinese culture, only having a mystical feeling about it.
龙虎山和崆峒山为中国南北道教名山,“道契崆峒”悬匾,印证了道学的博大精深。 Lung Fu Shan and Kongtong Mountain Taoist mountains of China’s north-south, “Road Lease Kongtong” hanging plaque, confirmed the profound Daoxue.
他们的思想博大精深,源远流长,而其中蕴含的政治思想更是对后世有着十分深远的影响。 Their thinking is deep and sophisticated, and their political thongt make a very important difference to later history.
这里曾诞生了我国历史上第一所大学——“稷下学宫”,博大精深的齐文化滋养著这块热土。 Here was the birth of our history, the first university — “Jixia Academy, ” Qi profound cultural nourishment to this vast land.
道家哲学可以说是中国美学的起点,它的学说博大精深,所涉及的领域和范围也是极其之广的。 The Taoism philosophy is the Chinese esthetics beginning, its theory is broad and profound, involves the domain and the scope also are extremely broad.
民族音乐是中国传统文化的一面镜子,它折射出中华民族悠久的历史画面和其博大精深的内涵。 Folk music is a mirror of Chinese traditional culture. It reflects both the history and the profound connotations of Chinese culture.
马克思主义科技观作为马克思主义博大精深理论体系的重要组成部分,是一种正确的、科学的科技观。 The scientific and technological view of Marxism is an important ponent of an extensive and profound theoretical system of Marxism, it is a kind of correct, scientific and technological view.
形意拳作为博大精深的中华武术内容之一,经过历代传人不断鉆研、实践、总结、提高,逐渐形成较为完整的理论体系。 Xingyiquan has gradually became a relatively plete system of theory by continuously being studied, practiced, summarized, improved by people from one generation to another.
中国文化博大精深,这是我们一直引以为傲的。可是,偏偏就是“博大精深”这四个字却成为了文化的推广的主要障碍,使得人们对于文化敬而远之,高山仰止。 We have always been proud of the extention and profound of Chineseculture, which unfortunately turns out to be the main obstacles to promote the culture and make people easy to understand.
词语大全 博大精深的成语意思及歇后语 成语大全
中文发音: bó dà jīng shēn。
成语出处:明 姜世昌《逸周书》:“迄今读之,若揭日月而行千载,其博大精深之旨,非晚世学者所及。”
博大精深 bódàjīngshēn博大精深的意思和解释:博:广,多。形容思想和学识广博高深。博大精深的出处明·姜世昌《〈逸周书〉序》:“迄今读书,若揭日月而行千载,其博大精深之旨
大含细入 dàhánxìrù大含细入的意思和解释:原指文章的内容,既包涵天地的元气,又概括了极微小的事物。形容文章博大精深。大含细入的出处汉·扬雄《解嘲》:“大者含元气,细者入无
大含细入 dàhánxìrù大含细入的意思和解释:原指文章的内容,既包涵天地的元气,又概括了极微小的事物。形容文章博大精深。大含细入的出处汉·扬雄《解嘲》:“大者含元气,细者入无
奥妙无穷 àomiàowúqióng奥妙无穷的意思和解释:奥:深奥。指其中不易为人所知而奇妙有趣之处极多。奥妙无穷的出处奥妙无穷的例子奥妙无穷造句不由得感到大自然的博大奥妙与无穷
奥妙无穷 àomiàowúqióng奥妙无穷的意思和解释:奥:深奥。指其中不易为人所知而奇妙有趣之处极多。奥妙无穷的出处奥妙无穷的例子奥妙无穷造句不由得感到大自然的博大奥妙与无穷
多歧亡羊 duōqíwángyáng多歧亡羊的意思和解释:因岔路太多无法追寻而丢失了羊。比喻事物复杂多变,没有正确的方向就会误入歧途。也比喻学习的方面多了就不容易精深。多歧亡羊的
多歧亡羊 duōqíwángyáng多歧亡羊的意思和解释:因岔路太多无法追寻而丢失了羊。比喻事物复杂多变,没有正确的方向就会误入歧途。也比喻学习的方面多了就不容易精深。多歧亡羊的
出凡入胜 chūfánrùshèng出凡入胜的意思和解释:指超出了一般,进入了极高的境界。形容造诣精深,也指超脱世俗进入仙界。出凡入胜的出处《雍熙乐府·第三卷·端正好(我恰才出尘