词语大全 博采众长造句_博采众长中英文解释和造句

Posted 胸怀

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1、词语大全 博采众长造句_博采众长中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 博采众长的意思_成语“博采众长”是什么意思

词语大全 博采众长造句_博采众长中英文解释和造句

博采众长  bó cǎi zhòng cháng







  • 虚心求艺,不拘门派,博采众长,不耻下问。 With an open mind for the Arts, informal door-to-door, absorbing, bu chi xia wen .

  • 产品集中国陶瓷工艺之精华,博采众长,独领风骚。 Product Sets the essence of Chinese ceramics, absorbing, to play the leading role.

  • 博采众长,不断创新,优质服务是我们永远的目标! Bocaizhongchang and constant innovation, quality service is always our goal!

  • 创新:善于学习博采众长,创造一流管理,一流技术,一流产品。 Innovation: good at learning, Takes the best, and first-rate management, first-class technology, first-class products.

  • 拓宽视野,博采众长,把握世界发达国家中小学音乐教师教育的状况; The stuff of the primary and high schools’ teachers will directly influence the realization of the aim of musical educational.

  • 于是,史玉柱开始思考博采众长,以第三方的力量来减少这种不确定性。 Then, shi Yuzhu begins to ponder over rich to collect numerous long, will reduce this kind of uncertainty with the force of tripartite.

  • 博采众长,研制更适用、更实用的仪表,正是康拓人永远的理想和追求。 Bocaizhongchang developed more applicable and more useful instruments, Kang extension is never ideal and pursuit.

  • 我们心悦诚服地赞赏其他国家、民族的先进文化,并以博大的胸怀博采众长。 We admire the advanced cultures of other nations and would like to learn from them openheartedly.

  • 冀派创始人王习三19岁投诗京派名诗并博采众长终成中国当代内画艺术之泰斗。 JI faction founder Wang Xisan Doushi 19-year-old Beijing School teacher and Bocaiyinchang finally a contemporary Chinese painting in the Art Master.

  • 所以,企业要思想开放,通过博采众长吸收外界先进经验,促进无序向有序的转化。 Therefore, the enterprise open-minded absorption by learning from others, outside-the-art experience to promote the of order to the transformation of the order.

  • 第三,“明察物伦”“虚静居敬”“反躬内求”“博采众长”的为官之道德修养方法; third, the means about official moral cultivation of “seeing through the matters clearly”, “detaching from worldly things”, “self-examination”, “doing everything by himself”;

  • 我集思广益、博采众长,从而形成自己的思想和行为方式;我不会坐等别人为我做这些。 I draw on collective wisdom and Bocaizhongzhang to form their own thinking and behaviour, I will not wait for me to do these other people.

  • 磊花烧酒是客家人在继承和发展小曲米香型白酒生产过程中博采众长、自主创新的成果。 Leihua distilled liquor was developed by Hakkas through the inheritance and innovation of traditional Xiaoqu rice-flavor liquor.

  • 以精心创造自己的产品特色,同时本厂在产品理念上始终坚持自主研发为主,博采众长为辅。 Innovated our own characters carefully, meanwhile we always stick to research products relying on us, assisted by absorbing widely.

  • 你是一只聪明、辛勤的小蜜蜂,嗡嗡、嗡嗡……不息地绕着百花,博采众长,辛勤地酿着甜蜜。 You takes each people’s merits, just like a little bright and hard-working bee, hums over the flowers to gather honey diligently without rest.

  • 不断吸引国内外先进的管理方法和技术,博采众长,积极与国际接轨,开发更多的环保新产品。 continue to attract domestic and foreign advanced management methods and techniques, absorbing, and actively with the international development of more and more environmentally-friendly new products.

  • 从现在起直至6月,人们通过“邬达克年”的系列活动,将能够领略到邬达克建筑博采众长之处。 From now till June people will be able to enjoy the eclecticism of Hudec’s buildings through the events of “Year of Hudec. “”

  • 他多次担任国家史馆直官,又屡任外职,担任地方官员,这使乐史的创作能够博采众长,自成一家。 Through reading, Leshi draw as many useful lesson from others. On the other hand, he held the post of the place official in many places.

  • 而中国现代园林设计水平的提高迫切需要一批勇于创新、融贯中西、博采众长的园林设计师来引导。 The improvement of the design level of Chinese modern gardens demands the guidance of a group of innovative, well-versed in both Chinese and western learning, and ready-to-learn landscape architects.

  • 人性劲悍、习于戎马的人文特点;兼容并蓄、博采众长的开放意识;审时度势、顺时应变的革新精神。 Such factors as its geographical environment, the character of humanism, the opening sense and its innovation spirit result in the phenomenon.

  • 通过这些论述,笔者力图说明,曹禺在其剧创作中博采众长,为我作用,最终形成了自己的艺术风格。 Through what the author states, I try to illustrate how caoyu assimilate many successful experience in his work to eventually form his own artistic style.

  • 未来研究,期待兼收并蓄,博采众长,殊途同归,共同促进中国逻辑的发展,推动中外逻辑的对话与交流。 The research in the future will pick and swallow the merits of different kinds of logic, promote Chinese logic, and push the munication between Chinese logic and foreign logic.

  • 未来给我们以召唤:一个走向世界的民族,必须胸怀宽广,博采众长,才能以昂然身姿挺立于世界民族之林。 The future calls for us: a nation facing the world must be broad-minded and absorb the merits of others, then could stand on the world with angran posture.

  • 还仔细琢磨著名京剧演员谭富英、相声艺人万人迷、京韵大鼓演员刘宝全的表演艺术,博采众长以充实自己。 Sato also carefully well-known Peking Opera actors and British Tan, ic artist David, the actor Liu Jingyundagu the whole of the performing arts, Bocaizhongchang to enrich themselves.

  • 以宽广的胸怀去分析对待“异音乐文化”,自觉地与其他的音乐文化交流对话,博采众长,提高自身发展的潜能; It is necessary to analyze and treat “foreign music culture” with broad mind, to exchange and municate with other music cultures and to take in other’s advantages.

  • 徽标则用两个色彩斑斓的流旋变换动态圆来表现聚精髓、博采众长的含义,整个标志的感觉是动态的、立体的、饱满的。 Logo was presented with two types of change flow dynamics Yuan to gather performance quintessence, the meaning of others, the feeling is that the whole dynamic, three-dimensional, overflowing.

  • 希望通过本文的写作,能够使城市中低收入居民的住房问题得到政府和社会各界的关注,在解决方式上博采众长、群策群力。 By this dissertation, I hope the housing of middle-low ine families could be regarded by the government and all circles of the society.

  • 世界、国内著名的规划、园林景观、房地产商、代理商都已经进入贵阳,从而走出一条有贵阳政策背景的、博采众长的特色之路! World, renowned planning, landscaping, real estate dealers, agents have access to Guiyang, thus embark on a policy of a background Guiyang, others feature road!

  • 我们坚持以质量求生存,以科技求发展,博采众长,融合国内外机械科研之精华,保证为用户配套生产质量稳定、价格合理、新型高效的包装机械设备。 We are stick to the high quality products as live, technologies as development. We can guarantee products quality steady, price reasonable and new model high effect packaging machine.

  • 工厂重视竞争实力的有效加强,具有实力雄厚的科研中心和优秀的人材队伍,坚以“市场为导向,科技为依托”,博采众长,严格把控好每个环节,以求为客户提供更优的产品和服务。 Our factory attaches much importance to strengthen the petitive ability. with abundant research center and outstanding team, we stick to the belief that”market oriented, technology reliant”.

  • 博采众长造句相关


    词语大全 博采众长的意思_成语“博采众长”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音bó cǎi zhòng cháng
    成语解释 博:广泛;采:采纳;长:长处,优势。广泛地吸收各方面的优点、长处。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 动宾式
    成语用法 作谓语、定语;形容吸收别人的长处。
    产生年代 古代
    典故出处 北齐·魏收《魏书·刘芳传》:“考括坟籍,博采群议。”
    成语例句 搞科学研究,也要~。
    近 义 词 集思广益
    反 义 词 刚愎自用 自以为是
    英文翻译 collect widely all good qualities


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