词语大全 博览群书造句_博览群书中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 博览群书造句_博览群书中英文解释和造句
博览群书 bó lǎn qún shū
到这里来博览群书也是一种享受啊。 it’s a real treat to “bo lan qun shu” here.
博览群书会增加你的词汇量。 Extensive reading will increase your vocabulary.
博览群书会增加你的词汇量。 Wide reading will increase your vocabulary.
博览群书扩大我们的知识面。 Wide-ranging reading broadens our mind.
我们应该博览群书来扩大我们的知识面。 We shall do a lot of read to widen the range of our knowledge.
我们应该博览群书来扩大我们的知识面。 of read to widen the range of our knowledge.
博览群书扩大的知识面。 Wide-ranging reading broadens our mind.
他是一个博览群书的人。 He is a man of wide reading.
他在图书馆除了参阅美国小说之外,还博览群书。 He had touched anything in the library other than American novels.
读书有成效不在于博览群书。而在于读有用的书。 It is not wide reading but useful reading that tends to excellence.
读书有成效不在于博览群书,而在于读有用的书。 It is not wide reading but useful reading that tends to excellence.
他对外国文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息。 He has a deep interest in foreign culture and always browse through books to find the useful information.
但他至少当过加州州长,而不是阿拉斯加州州长,并且博览群书。 But he had, at least, been governor of California, not Alaska, and had read widely.
大学四载,游学江城,博览群书,触类旁通,涉猎广泛,过目不忘。 Four years in university, I studied in Wuhan, known as The River City. I read many various kinds of books, studied and memorized.
从大英博物馆分离出来的大英图书馆,是一个博览群书的最佳场所。 The British Library is a good place for reading extensively, which is separated from the British Museum.
充分地利用课余时间博览群书,阅读为人处事、企业管理等方面知识。 It is well-read to fully utilize the time after school , read such respects as conducting oneself and deal with matters , business administration , etc. knowledge.
她博览群书的名声,象云雾一样包围着她,使她变成了史诗中的女神。 Her reputation of reading a great deal hung about her like the cloudy envelope of a goddess in an epic.
关于是应该有选择的读书,还是应该博览群书这个问题,一直存在争论。 There is a hot discussion as to whether we should read selectively or we should read extensively.
撒尔伯格修养良好、博览群书,即使像赶骡队一样对待剧作家,也能尊重他们。 Self-educated and well-read, Thalberg respected writers even when he drove them like mule teams.
它可以使您的手机立刻拥有博览群书、浏览写真漫画、听歌播客、欣赏影音的功能。 A characteristic sound, powerful, easy to use, strong expansion of mobile multimedia files reading browsing tools.
在工作之馀,文祥更利用网络博览群书,进入了知识的无垠世界,令他的人生领域更上层楼。 When not working, the Network enables Wen Xiang to read many books and enter the infinite world of knowledge, thereby broadening his horizons.
可要想领悟到这一点,却得先博览群书,正如要蔑视成功,恰恰得先成功――这又何其不幸啊! Unfortunately, the only way to know it is first to bee educated , just as the only way properly to despise success is first to achieve it.
他博览群书,潇洒飘逸,可以表现的面真的很多,大家觉得诸葛亮是三面的,那我们要展示五个面给观众。 His well-read, elegant chic, you can really face a lot of performance, we think it is wise of the three sides, we have to show that the five To face the audience.
这是一个似慢实快的办法,书桌上不堆放多种类别的书,更不要摆出博览群书的派头一目十行、一天一本。 This is a way seemingly slow yet actually quick. We can’t pile up various books on the desk and take ten lines at one glance, finish one book in one day in the manner of “extensive reading”.
我爱好广泛,博览群书,尤其喜欢中国传统文化,对IT技术有浓厚兴趣,并熟练掌握软硬件及应用技术。 My hobby is widespread, reading, especially like Chinese traditional culture, for IT has strong interest, and mastering hardware and software and application of technology.
我善于交流并且我博览群书,至今我仍保持着大学时养成的一个好习惯:晚上睡觉之前一定要看半小时的书。 I’m good at munication and my reading, I still keep a good university, develop habits: before you go to sleep at night must read the book half an hour.
他出身于一个商人家庭,因特殊原因没能接受正规的学校教育,但依靠自学而博览群书,最终成了胡适的英文教师。 He was born in a businessmen family, because of the special reason , he can not take up the normal education .
我看了很多有关你的采访,然后这些都表明你博览群书,在生活的方方面面你都是个行家,比如绘画,比如多种乐器的演奏。 So I’ve read a lot of interviews, and it seems like you’re so educated in all aspects of life from books, to paintings, to playing many instruments.
我们可以通过博览群书努力学习,以及由浅入深、由狭到广的生活阅历提高自己的精神内涵,然后通过思想、行为表现出自己个性。 We can-read books to study, as well as progressive approach, from narrow to wide experience of life to improve their spiritual connotation, and then thinking, behavior its own personality.
心理呓语的案例通常都属于专业心理范畴,指的不是上文提到那样的因为我博览群书(或是十分愚蠢)而提出的不属于这个时代的问题。 As is usually the case with psychobabble it was a technical psychological term used out of context – not that I was sufficiently well-read (or stupid enough) to point that out at the time.
词语大全 博览群书造句,博览群书的造句
这个叔叔很博学. 每到星期日叔叔都会到图书馆博览群书。
She is a well-read and cultured woman.
I certainly had experience and a life of wide reading behind me.
He was widely read now, not only in history, but in philosophy and science;
An omnivorous reader in his youth, he came in time under the influence of both confucianism and taoism. He was a good swordsman too.
And I hope I can read widely and try to read all the extracurricular books I wanted to read before but did not have e-nough time.
博览群书 bólǎnqúnshū博览群书的意思和解释:博:广泛。广泛地阅读各种书。形容读书很多。博览群书的出处《周书·庾信传》:“庾信,字子山,南阳新野人也。……幼而俊迈,聪敏绝
词语大全 博览群书 [bó lǎn qún shū]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
博览群书 [bólǎnqúnshū][博览群书]成语解释博:广泛。广泛地阅读各种书。形容读书很多。[博览群书]成语出处《周书·庾信传》:“庾信;字子山;南阳新野人也。……幼而俊迈