词语大全 卿卿我我造句_卿卿我我中英文解释和造句

Posted 爱人

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1、词语大全 卿卿我我造句_卿卿我我中英文解释和造句

2、成语故事 卿卿我我的意思是什么?

词语大全 卿卿我我造句_卿卿我我中英文解释和造句

卿卿我我  qīng qīng wǒ wǒ







  • 是的。爱人们,也许不必每分每秒都卿卿我我。 Yes, the lovers, may not need to be deeply attached to each other every second.

  • 当然,我不是在谈论罗曼蒂克、卿卿我我的爱。 Of course, I’m not talking about romantic, “kissy-kissy” love.

  • 和你最新的恋人在复印件后面卿卿我我也是不合时宜的。 Nor is it OK to snuggle up behind the copier with your latest crush.

  • 十九世纪的人也不知道可以通过煲电话粥来卿卿我我、海誓山盟; The 19th century people did not know it may e , the solemn pledge of eternal love very affectionately through the telephone;

  • 看到年轻人卿卿我我,不是羨慕,而是嫉妒,对不起,你已经老了。 See young man very much in love, don’t be to envy, but envy, sorry, you already old.

  • 终于在纽约街头找到他当年的爱人祝英台,而她正和马文才卿卿我我。 In the streets of New York last year to find his lover Zhu Yingtai, and she is Ma Wencai and displays of affection.

  • 终于在纽约街头找到他当年的爱人祝英台,而她正和马文才卿卿我我。 Finally in the streets of New York to find his lover Zhu Yingtai year, and she is and Mawencaiqingqingwowo.

  • 终于在纽约街头找到他当年的爱人祝英台,而她正和马文才卿卿我我。 The lover who finds out his that year in the street in New York finally wishes English set, but she and the horse literary talent is very much in love.

  • 参加“心心相印”挑战项目的不仅有老年夫妇还有卿卿我我的小两口; Participation “to be affiliated” project challenges not only elderly couple were saying the couple;

  • 杰瑞进一步补充:“我们现在还是手牵手,卿卿我我的,还一起去冰山滑雪。 Gerry adds, “We are still holding hands, making love, and skiing down mountains together.”

  • 而一对卿卿我我、眼中只有对方的共生体又似乎只能陷入停滞不前的唯我主义。 Likewise, a pair of cozy coevolutionary symbionts embracing each other can only seem to lead to stagnant solipsism.

  • 原来,在大学里,她与他花前月下、卿卿我我地度过了三年风花雪月的美好时光。 Original, in the university, she and he before the flowers and below the moon, my my ground spent Qing Qing 3 years the good time of wind, flowers, snow and moon.

  • 现代侠女为爱而背叛猫哥,把公路当作江湖,最终却选择浪迹天涯而非卿卿我我。 A modern heroine who betrays Brother Cat for love, she treats the road as the world, but eventually chooses to roam the world over romantic intimacy.

  • 当然,我不是在谈论罗曼蒂克、卿卿我我的爱,尽管那本身也是一种相当强大的力量。 Of course, I’m not talking about romantic, “Kissy-Kissy”love, although that is pretty powerful stuff in itself.

  • 而一对卿卿我我、眼中只有对方的共生体又似乎只能陷入停滞不前的唯我主义[1]。 Likewise, a pair of cozy coevolutionary symbionts embracing each other can only seem to lead to stagnant solipsism.

  • 当然,我不是在谈论罗曼蒂克,卿卿我我的爱,尽管那本身也是一种相当强大的力量。 Of course, I’m not talking about romantic, “kissy-kissy”love, although that is pretty powerful stuff in itself.

  • 这里的“粘乎乎”并非指身体上的过于卿卿我我–尽管这种行为也有可能不招女人待见。 By “clingy, ” I don’t mean physically touchy-freely – although women can be turned off by such behavior.

  • 其后,我回实验室看书,适逢一师第与女友在内卿卿我我,只好退出,在四牌楼找了一座。 Afterward, I return to laboratory to read a book and happen to be a teacher with girl friend at inside very much in love, have to withdraw, sought 1 in four ornamental archways.

  • 这里的“粘乎乎”并非指身体上的过于卿卿我我——尽管这种行为也有可能不招女人待见。 By “clingy, ” I don’t mean physically touchy-freely–although women can bei turned off by such behavior.

  • 开头,大家随意闲聊,谈话是分散进行的,这就使伊俄涅和格劳科斯能够卿卿我我轻声谈个不停。 The conversation, at first desultory and scattered, allowed Ione and Glaucus to carry on those sweet whispers.

  • 是的。爱人们,也许不必每分每秒都卿卿我我。也许你只须在特定的时刻特定的场合坚守你的岗位。 Yes, the lovers, may not need to be deeply attached to each other every second. Maybe you just need to be holding your position at certain moments on certain occasions.

  • 你们的爸爸没有特意安排过什么“卿卿我我的聚餐”或者第二次蜜月什么的,甚至也没再送过我鲜花。 Your dad doesn’t arrange intimate dinners or second honeymoons. He doesn’t bring me flowers.

  • 两个人之间已经有了龃龉,曾经是卿卿我我的一对,其中一方不经说明就开始减少接触,必然有其原因。 Between two people already had the discord, once was a very affectionate pair, side does not start after showing to reduce the contact, inevitably has its reason.

  • 一对恋人在一起叫卿卿我我,一对夫妻在一起叫永结同心,而你就简单了,你和一只猪在一起叫成双成对。 A rightness of lover together call very much in love, a couple together call always knot united at heart, but you simple, you call with a pig together form a pair.

  • 记得第一天我就想,我会疯狂地爱上某个男孩,以后就在耳鬓厮磨、卿卿我我和跳华尔兹舞中度过几年时光。 I remember thinking on the first day I was going to fll madly in love with one of the boys and spend in next years of my life kissing and waltzing.

  • 卿卿我我(总想向别人展示他们有多么相爱):“他们那么卿卿我我,总是低头互相耳语或者注视著对方的眼睛。” to be lovey-dovey = for a couple to show everyone how much they are solove: “They’re so l nvey-dovey, always whispering to each other andglooking into each other’s eyes. “”

  • 卿卿我我(总想向别人展示他们有多么相爱):“他们那么卿卿我我,总是低头互相耳语或者注视著对方的眼睛。” to be lovey-dovey = for a couple to show everyone how much they are in love: “They’re so lovey-dovey, always whispering to each other and looking into each other’s eyes. “”

  • 在人群中潜入大礼堂,吸引我的不是坐在前面卿卿我我的情侣,也不是台上丰富多彩的节目,而是镁光灯下那种光彩。 Sneaked into the auditorium in the crowd and attract Qingqingwowo I am not sitting in front of the couple, nor is it rich and colorful stage shows, but the kind of glory under the spotlight.

  • 这里没有卿卿我我,只有“从不曾想过有那么一天,你会对我无怨无悔,不在乎我过去所作所为,让我有勇气去面对”的直率; There are no displays of affection that only “never thought there will be a day, you will have no regrets and I, I do not care what in the past, let me have the courage to face the” straightforward;

  • 而清初又是一个动荡残破的时期,出现这样一批莺歌燕舞卿卿我我的小说,着实给人以不合时宜之感,但正寄寓著作者“难与外人道”的复杂的心态。 However the early Qing Dynasty was such a queasy conjuncture, although these novels were out of time, they reflected the plex mentality of the writers.

  • 卿卿我我造句相关


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