词语大全 原原本本造句_原原本本中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:常勤精进,譬如水长流,则能穿石。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 原原本本造句_原原本本中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 原原本本造句_原原本本中英文解释和造句
原原本本 yuán yuán běn běn
词语大全 有条不紊造句_有条不紊中英文解释和造句
有条不紊 yǒu tiáo bù wěn
科学家通常是办事有条不紊的人。 A scientist is usually a methodical person.
他们总是有条不紊地干他们的工作。 They always went about their business in an orderly fashion .
她愿意负责把那些屋子打扫干净,整理得有条不紊。 She would have been glad to undertake to sweep the rooms and set them in order.
特殊有条理。生须要有条不紊–喜欢处于掌控名望。 Very organized. Need order in their lives – like being in control.
有条不紊的职责交接是家庭企业长期繁荣的一个条件。 Orderly transition of responsibilities is a condition for the long-range prosperity of a family business.
这项工作还需要许多文书工作。你能干得有条不紊吗? The job also requires a lot of paperwork. Can you be organized?
如果你是团队的领导,要确保你团队里的一切事务都有条不紊地进行。 If you’re the team leader, make sure everything in your team is well-organized.
马丁神父不再说话了,只顾有条不紊,不动声色地把一整只面包都吃光。 Father Martin did not speak again while he methodically and placidly devoured a loaf of bread.
选择适合自己的锻炼方式,然后有条不紊地、循序渐进地锻炼是重要的。 It is also important to select suitable exercises and then to do them in an orderly way, step by step.
处女座的人有条不紊,喜欢控制局面,这与你自由自在的本性经常冲突。 LEO & VIRGO: Virgo’s desire to be in mand and methodical nature collides with your carefree, spontaneous temperament.
处女座的人有条不紊,喜欢控制局面,这与你自由自在的本性经常冲突。 LEO &VIRG Virgo’s desire to be in mand and methodical nature collides with your carefree, spontaneous temperament.
在一片金色的余晖里,人们的劳动是有条不紊的,人们的情绪稳定而没有一丝惊恐。 In a golden afterglow, the people’s work is structured, people’s emotional stability and not a trace of panic.
的确,新的第一夫人有条不紊地塑造自己的公众形象,以远远超过时尚的方式进行。 Indeed, the new first lady is methodically shaping her public image, and in ways that extend far beyond fashion.
这次,巴军将武装分子追赶到了马拉坎地区的山林中,而不是让他们有条不紊的撤退。 Rather than allowing the militants to withdraw in good order, this time they chased them into Malakand’s hills.
当然,他们之中不是每个人都这样,但有条不紊和守时却似乎是这两个民族的共同爱好。 Naturally, not everyone among them is, but these peoples do seem to share a penchant for orderliness and punctuality.
如果你办事有条不紊,并愿意自己支配时间,那么,你会喜欢选择能够自我调控的锻炼。 If you are well-organized and appreciate time to yourself, you’ll prefer to control your own exercise regime.
做现实调查。发现自己的恐惧在现实中有没有任何真实依据。(进行时)尽量有条不紊。 Do a reality check. Figure out if your fears have any real basis in fact. Be as methodical as you need to be.
人群没有慌乱,医疗救护反应迅速,应急支援部门的工作比之以前也显得更加有条不紊。 There was no panic, medical help was swift and the work of the emergency services was better co-ordinated than in the past.
首先医生就治疗方案坦率地交换意见,然后聘请一个保健顾问以保治疗有条不紊地进行。 Start by having a frank conversation about treatment options, and appoint someone as a health-care proxy to make sure those plans are carried out.
家里总有干不完的事情,因为带孩子,夫妇中的任何一方都没有精力把一切整得有条不紊。 There is always too much to take care of and, with kids, neither one of a couple has the energy to keep on top of it all.
她说:“麦凯恩曾经显得比较飘忽不定,不那么有条不紊,我认为,这象征他在竞选中所作的某些决定。 “McCain has appeared to be more erratic and less organized which has turned into a metaphor for some of the, I think, decisions made in his campaign, ” Wade said.
在整个职业生涯中,桑一直是一位矜持、有条不紊的球手,不管赢得了多少锦标赛冠军、创造了多少记录。 Sampras has been the same reserved and methodical player throught his career, no matter how many tournaments he won or records he set.
招聘会现场宣讲、投递简历和面试秩序井然,各项招聘工作有条不紊地进行,此次招聘会取得了圆满成功。 Job fairs to under-the-spot, drop-off resumes and interview retired in good order, to the orderly conduct of the recruitment process, this job fairs has achieved a great success.
当作者写完故事,他轻轻地吹干字中的墨迹,接着有条不紊地合上书,在书上牢牢地系上了一条红色的绸缎带。 When he finished, the author blew gently to dry the ink, then methodically closed the book and tied it securely with a red satin ribbon.
这里要特别感谢当地林业部门的密切配合。各地保护区给予巨大帮助,野外工作有条不紊,马匹和向导都及时到位。 It’s much appreciate to the local forest department. They gave the great help and close cooperate which made all the field work go on well.
当在约会等待时,带上一个放置物件的文件夹。这可以使你的阅读资料有条不紊,并且也可减少因延误带来的失落感。 Carry a reading folder of articles for those times when you’re waiting at an appointment. This keeps your reading pile under control and reduces the frustrations delays.
每一天,我们都在时、分、秒中度过,这其中的种种细节,我们要学会把它们细细地珍藏,把它们有条不紊的整理起来。 Every day, we are in hours, minutes and seconds spent, of which about all the details, we have to learn them and makes a collection, put them in an orderly finishing up.
对于预约来说,电话是必不可少的,预约所必需的资料必须要要有组织的记录下来,格式不是固定的(/有条不紊地记录而不是机械的纪录) For those that a reservation, telephone is a must. The information necessary for the proper reservation must be taken in an organized but not a mechanical manner.
就像几乎两个世纪以来所做的那样,(美国)总是按照宪法的要求照例有条不紊地移交权力,我们当中几乎没有人会专门想一想,我们确实多么独特。 The orderly transfer of authority as called for in the Constitution routinely takes place as it has for almost two centuries, and few of us stop to think how unique we really are.
虽然本周双方的言词都意味着可能摊牌,但是按照法律,任何保险公司打算离开该州,必须“有条不紊地撤离”(遵守有关法令),紧张气氛因而降低。 While the language on both sides this week has the ring of a showdown, the sense of drama is dampened by the”orderly withdrawal”required by law for any insurer wishing to leave the state.
原原本本 yuányuánběnběn原原本本的意思和解释:从头到尾按原来的样子。指详细叙述事情的全部起因和整个过程,一点不漏。原原本本的出处汉·班固《西都赋》:“元元本本,殚见
自告奋勇 zìgàofènyǒng自告奋勇的意思和解释:告:称说,表示。主动要求担任某项艰巨的任务。自告奋勇的出处清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第五十三回:“这饶守原本只有这一个狮子国
有条不紊 yǒutiáobùwěn有条不紊的意思和解释:紊:乱。形容有条有理,一点不乱。有条不紊的出处《尚书·盘庚上》:“若网在纲,有条而不紊。”有条不紊的例子听上去倒也是原原本
有条不紊 yǒutiáobùwěn有条不紊的意思和解释:紊:乱。形容有条有理,一点不乱。有条不紊的出处《尚书·盘庚上》:“若网在纲,有条而不紊。”有条不紊的例子听上去倒也是原原本
词语大全 原原本本 [yuán yuán běn běn]什么意思
原原本本 [yuányuánběnběn][原原本本]成语解释从头到尾按原来的样子。指详细叙述事情的全部起因和整个过程,一点不漏。[原原本本]成语出处《汉书·叙传下》:“元元本本