词语大全 原封不动造句_原封不动中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 原封不动造句_原封不动中英文解释和造句
原封不动 yuán fēng bù dòng
那男孩把路上发现的钱,原封不动地送回去。 The money was returned intact by the boy who found it on the street.
创伤并没有原封不动; The wound is no longer raw.
在街上发现那笔钱的男孩原封不动地把钱送了回去。 The boy who found it on the street returned the money intact.
他们的礼物原封不动地被退了回来,他们感到这是一个羞辱。 They felt that it was a slap in the face when their gift was returned unopened.
要么消化后排泄,不可能以原封不动的化学形式进入鲜牛奶。 After either digestion drains, impossible to be left intact the chemical species enter the fresh milk.
如果不采取行动,让该公约原封不动存在,这对于欧洲相当不利。 If nothing is done and the pact remains unchanged, it will be very bad for Europe.
科学家们已发现了1974年掩埋的15年后仍原封不动的热狗。 Scientists have even found hot dogs buried in 1974 still intact 15 years later.
这不是你写的,他说,有人帮你从百科全书上原封不动地打印了下来。 “This isn’t your work. ” he said. “Someone typed it for you straight out of the encyclopedia.
他没想到他说娜塔莎的这番话,可以原封不动地用到他对自己妻子的关系上。 Nikolay was unaware that what he was saying of Natasha might be said word for word of himself in relation to his wife.
一种特殊情况是:包装可以被打开,但是,各剂量企业包装必须是原封不动。 An exception allows the packaging to be opened, but the unit dose seal must still be intact .
感动之余,我将这条信息原封不动重新转发给她们,因为她们也是我在乎的人! odd I move, I replay them in this same message, because they are also the persons who I care about best!
反之,原封不动地保持旧的生产方式,却是过去的一切工业阶级生存的首要条件。 Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all earlier industrial classes.
否则由验证服务返回的错误信息将被原封不动地传给调用者,同时保存操作将失败。 Otherwise the error information returned by the validation service will be returned to the caller unchanged and the save operation will fail.
就拿由、、、等主演的来说,故事情节很多也是原封不动地照搬《欲望都市》()。 Take from that, such as starring, a lot of the story is intact copy of “Sex and the City” ().
此外,记者在幼儿园旁看到,那堵被要求“立刻拆除”的危墙原封不动,没人打理。 In addition, reporters in kindergarten beside see that block requested “the immediate dismantling” massive left intact, no less.
绝大多数情况下,一个人把自己的姓原封不动地传给孩子,根本不考虑是否可能要改变。 In the vast majority of instances, a man passes his family name to his children without change and without even considering the possibility of change.
有些规则无法原封不动地恢复。它们已被适当地标记。详细内容,请单击“帮助”按钮。 Some of your rules could not be retrieved intact. They have been marked appropriately. For more information, click the help button.
由于天下男人都是猪头,因此,仅管劈腿无数次,但心中那份珍藏的情感依然原封不动。 Having the opinion that all men are stupid, she has sex with others casually. However, She still keeps the precious feelings in the very soul.
高达95%的抗生素经动物体排泄会原封不动的进入环境中,进而促使具抗药性病菌的生长。 Up to 95 percent of antibiotics are excreted unaltered, seeping into the environment and possibly encouraging antibiotic resistance there.
他发现一切都原封不动的在那儿,那封告密信,判决书,莫雷尔的请愿书,维尔福先生的按语。 There he found everything arranged in due order, –the accusation, examination, Morrel’s petition, M. de Villefort’s marginal notes.
有些房屋是原封不动地进行受托拍卖或警方拍卖,在你买下、拥有所有权之前都无法对其加以检查。 Homes auctioned at trustee or sheriff sales are sold on an as-is basis, and there is no provision for an inspection before you take ownership.
发动机原封不动是因为,就像老福特在一则署名广告里说的,“我们还没学会怎么造一部更好的”。 The motor is practically unchanged because, as the Founder said in a signed advertisement, ”We have not learned how to build a better one.
你要想贬低自己、讨好别人,一个绝招就是把他的故事,按你所听到的样子原封不动地讲一遍又一遍。 If you wish to lower yourself in a person’s favor, one good way is to tell his story over again, the way we heard it.
有些规则无法原封不动地恢复。它们已被适当地标记。详细内容,请查看有关“导入规则”的帮助信息。 Some of your rules could not be retrieved intact. They have been marked appropriately. For more information, search for help on “Importing Rules”.
好的。非常感谢,亚伦。麦科勒姆,我猜想你是想让这部视频按原来的样子原封不动地发布出去,是么? KC: Okay. So thank you very much, Aaron McCollum, and I assume that you want this video to go out as-is?
过了一个月后,警察把他丢失的钱原封不动地送回来,以为这下他能兴奋了,可是放高利贷的却把钱数了数后又皱起了眉头。 After spending a month, the money that the police loses him is sent back intactly, think he can be glad this, but put usurious after counting money however pursy brows.
目前,当一个角色加入新公会的时候,他的公会银行提取权限不会被重置,他在旧公会拥有的一切权限都会被原封不动的带来。 Currently, withdrawal limits are not reset when a character joins a new guild. Whatever a character\' \' s old guild status was carries over.
目前,当一个角色加入新公会的时候,他的公会银行提取权限不会被重置,他在旧公会拥有的一切权限都会被原封不动的带来。 Currently, withdrawal limits are not reset when a character joins a new guild. Whatever a character’s old guild status was carries over.
对此,罗伊德提出了一项可能的解释。在技术上,或许光子之间的缠结状态已完全结束,但其中某些隐含的特性在经过测量的破坏之后仍旧原封不动。 As a possible explanation, Lloyd suggests that although entanglement between the photons might technically be pletely lost, some hint of it may remain intact after a measurement.
我自己也搞不清楚为何我会收藏这些东西,只知道以前收拾时觉得不舍得丢,以为将来还会用到,但过了几年了,哪不舍得的东东还不是原封不动的摆在哪儿,就是不明白有甚么不舍得啦。 Previously when I cleaned up my room, I thought would need it for my future and keep it back into the same places but after few years those “rubbish” still keep in the same places not use at all.
词语大全 按兵不动造句_按兵不动中英文解释和造句
按兵不动 àn bīng bù dòng
林文犹豫了一下,仍然按兵不动。 Just hesitate a little, still bide one’s time.
大家都干起来了,你怎么还按兵不动呢? Everybody else has started work. Why do you sit there doing nothing?
然而按兵不动也存在风险。 Yet there are risks in sitting tight.
学术界因此继续研究,即使华尔街按兵不动。 Academia thus moved on, even if Wall Street did not.
按兵不动,待形势明朗后再入市可能比较明智。 Anything, to be uncertain after the market situation may be more sensible.
当我们需要你帮助时,你却按兵不动,亲得无聊。 When we need you help, all you did was sit back and twiddle you thumbs.
内地其他城市纷纷出台救市方案之际,深圳一直按兵不动。 Inland other cities appear in abundance rescues when the city plan, Shenzhen has held troops.
但是没人想冒按兵不动、进而引发市场灾难性反应之风险。 But no one wanted to take the chance of not acting and causing a calamitous market response.
但央企总体表现并不是很出众,显示主流资金仍是按兵不动。 However, the overall performance of the central rate is not very well, the show is still the mainstream funds hold.
当一只鸟只是为了张望而飞向高枝的时候,其它的鸟按兵不动。 When a bird merely flies up to a branch to look around, the other birds don?t move.
问题是我不是你,但即便如此,我也希望你无论如何要按兵不动。 The trouble is that I’m not you, but even taking that into account I’d urge you to stay put anyway.
疑难题目是我否则你,但即便如此,我也期望你无论咋样要按兵不动。 The trouble is those I’m not you, but even taking those into account I’d urge you to stay put anyway.
美国不断要求北约向阿富汗增派部队,但欧洲一些国家不断按兵不动。 The United States has been urging its NATO allies to send more troops to Afghanistan, but European nations remain reluctant to mit further reinforcements.
不过,在北京拥有超过500家加油站、一家独大的中石化却按兵不动。 has in Beijing surpasses 500 gas stations, an alone big China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation actually to hold troops.
欧洲央行在这个“节骨眼”上按兵不动的做法,自然引起了各方的高度关注。 The European Central Bank in this “critical juncture” on hold, naturally aroused great concern from all sides.
但它同时也暗示著欧洲开发商们对第二大房地产交易市场正“按兵不动”著。 It also points to an unusual degree of restraint among developers in Europe’s second-largest property market (by transactions).
如果人人都在买进时你做到了按兵不动,那么只有在人人都抛售时你才能买进。 You can only buy when everyone else is selling if you have held your fire when everyone was buying.
在投票机中,这类程式码往往会按兵不动,到了选举日才会出手更改选票记录状况。 In a voting machine, such code would do nothing until election day, when it would change how votes were recorded.
不过,对利好题材的过度炒作以及主流机构的按兵不动,仍将制约市场的上行空间。 However, on the positive theme of excessive speculation, as well as mainstream institutions not do anything, the market will continue to be constrained up space.
只有法拉利的莱科宁和马萨依旧按兵不动,练习赛中晚出场已经是他们的一个惯例了。 Only then Ferrari’s Laikening and Masa hold troops as before, in the practice match late entered the stage already was their convention.
在我看来,现在没有理由选择按兵不动,只要你愿意为长期收益而在短期内冒一些风险。 I see no reason not to start now, as long as you’re willing to risk some short-term declines in return for long-term profits.
他并没有采纳情报服务机构提出的建议——再按兵不动一年,以观察撤离计划的实施情况? he declined the offer of the head of the service to stay in office one more year in order to help oversee the implementation of the disengagement.
而当这种观念成为共识之后,按兵不动或者逢高派发、保存实力的保守操作就不难理解了。 When this concept has bee a consensus, no action or the distribution of temper, to preserve the strength of the conservative operation is not difficult to understand.
如果我是你,我会按兵不动。问题是我不是你,但即便如此,我也希望你无论如何要按兵不动。 If I were you I’d stay put. The trouble is that I’m not you, but even taking that into account I’d urge you to stay put anyway.
今年全球汽车行业的日子都不好过,因为愈显黯淡的经济前景令各地消费者都在大宗消费面前选择了按兵不动。 The global auto industry is suffering this year as worsening economic prospects lead consumers world-wide to hold off on big purchases. In the U.
经修订的造型外,还有一些小的内部设备和设计戏法,保持新鲜的模式,虽然动力系统选择按兵不动在新的一年。 Revised styling outside, as well as some minor interior equipment and design juggling, keeps the model fresh, although powertrain choices stand pat for the new year.
但这次,总理决然采取了行动;他并没有采纳情报服务机构提出的建议——再按兵不动一年,以观察撤离计划的实施情况? This time around, the prime minister took action; he declined the offer of the head of the service to stay in office one more year in order to help oversee the implementation of the disengagement.
高失业率令美联储(Fed)只能按兵不动,因此任何拥有额外美元或有渠道借到美元的人都可以通过购买非美元资产从中获利。 And high unemployment keeps the Fed on hold, so anyone with extra dollars or the connections to borrow dollars wins by buying nondollar assets.
“他们告诉我们,如果我们不能有所作为的话,他们也会按兵不动,”她说,”我们在那里会谈的一些人说我们应该做的更多,我也认为我们应该做得更多。 “They told us if we’re not going to do something, they’re not going to do anything, ” she said. “Some of the people we talked to there said we should do more. I think we should do more, too.
“你猜得很对。甚至还超过了你的猜想,”国王说道,“不过,我一决定到这儿来,就马上派人去列日,暂时压一压叛乱活动。我那两个忙碌好动的朋友——卢斯拉尔和巴维翁已接到命令,暂时按兵不动,等我和我堂弟的这个亲切会晤结束以后再说。” “And if it indeed shall be so, ” said Oliver, in a resigned tone of voice, “it will be so ordered, because I was too grateful a servant to hesitate at executing the mands of my royal master.
原封不动 yuánfēngbùdòng原封不动的意思和解释:原封:没有开封。原来贴的封口没有动过。比喻完全按照原样,一点不加变动。原封不动的出处元·王仲文《救孝子》第四折:“是你
纹丝不动 wénsībùdòng纹丝不动的意思和解释:一点儿也不动。形容没有丝毫损坏或改变。纹丝不动的出处纹丝不动的例子纹丝不动造句但大部分人还是坐在那里纹丝不动。Butmost
纹丝不动 wénsībùdòng纹丝不动的意思和解释:一点儿也不动。形容没有丝毫损坏或改变。纹丝不动的出处纹丝不动的例子纹丝不动造句但大部分人还是坐在那里纹丝不动。Butmost
按兵不动 ànbīngbùdòng按兵不动的意思和解释:按:止住。使军队暂不行动。现也比喻暂不开展工作。按兵不动的出处《吕氏春秋·恃君览》:“赵简子按兵而不动。”按兵不动的例子又
按兵不动 ànbīngbùdòng按兵不动的意思和解释:按:止住。使军队暂不行动。现也比喻暂不开展工作。按兵不动的出处《吕氏春秋·恃君览》:“赵简子按兵而不动。”按兵不动的例子又
寂然不动 jìránbùdòng寂然不动的意思和解释:寂:寂静。寂静无声,一点动静都没有。寂然不动的出处《周易·系辞下》:“《易》无思也,无为也,寂然不动,感而遂通天下之故。”寂
寂然不动 jìránbùdòng寂然不动的意思和解释:寂:寂静。寂静无声,一点动静都没有。寂然不动的出处《周易·系辞下》:“《易》无思也,无为也,寂然不动,感而遂通天下之故。”寂
词语大全 文丝不动 [wén sī bù dòng]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
文丝不动 [wénsībùdòng][文丝不动]成语解释一点儿也不动。[文丝不动]百科解释文丝不动,读音wénsībùdòng,成语,意思是一点儿也不动。更多→文丝不动[文丝不动
词语大全 昂昂不动 [áng áng bù dòng]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
昂昂不动 [ángángbùdòng][昂昂不动]成语解释昂昂:气概轩昂的样子。形容目中无人,十分傲慢的样子[昂昂不动]成语出处楚剧《葛麻》第一场:“见了员外,昂昂不动,岂不是丢