词语大全 原形毕露造句_原形毕露中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 原形毕露造句_原形毕露中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 本相毕露造句_本相毕露中英文解释和造句

词语大全 原形毕露造句_原形毕露中英文解释和造句

原形毕露  yuán xíng bì lù







  • 我们一贯把他看作朋友, 但在当前的紧急关头中, 他原形毕露了。We always regard him as a friend, but he showed his colours in the current emergency.
  • 我早就认为他迟早会原形毕露的。I thought he would show the cloven hoof sooner or later.
  • 但每次一张嘴说话,他们就原形毕露。 But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.

  • 经过大家轮番地考验,他终于原形毕露。 After everybody tested him several times, he finally showed his true colours.

  • 他伪装得很好,可是一说话就原形毕露了。 He have a good disguise, but as soon as he speak he betray himself.

  • 原形毕露是个成语。 “Yuan xing bi lu” is an idiom.

  • 人性的柔弱,最容易在极度欢愉之中原形毕露。 The weakness of human nature is most likely to reveal it’s original in exceeding enjoyment.

  • 原始人,如儿童与野兽一般,只是文明人原形毕露而已。 Primitive people, like children and animals, are simply civilized people with the lid off.

  • 当牛市转熊市后,“股神”原形毕露,散户就要为此埋单。 When the bull market to bear market, “stock god” Yuanxingbilou, individual investors should pay for this.

  • 衣服也许可以掩饰一个笨蛋,不过他一开口,就原形毕露了。 line 5是, , , clothes may disguise a fool , but his words will give him away.

  • 老天。你知道我难以相信什么吗?你怎么能这么容易原形毕露。 My God. You know what I can’t believe? How easy you are being on yourself.

  • 等到几周后你“原形毕露”时,人们也许认为你这个人很虚伪。 When your true colors show a few weeks down the line, people might think you’re a phony.

  • 我们一贯把他看作朋友,但在当前的紧急关头中,他原形毕露了。 We always regard him as a friend, but he showed his colours in the current emergency.

  • 世界各国的统治者原形毕露,无力对抗拿破仑的光荣与伟大的理想。 The sovereigns of the world, stripped bare by him, can oppose no rational ideal to the senseless Napoleonic ideal of glory and greatness.

  • 隐身了的吸血鬼可以悄声无息地移动,但在攻击人的瞬间会原形毕露。 Invisible of blood-sucking vampire can silently the voice passive ground move, but will reveal his true colors at attackstoning the person’s moment.

  • 据微软介绍,攻击者只需一个特制的媒体文件,就能让这个漏洞原形毕露。 An attacker could exploit the flaw using a malformed media file, Microsoft said.

  • 2006年4月16日,云南省丽江市玉龙县,火灾过后,森林里的秘密原形毕露。 April 16, 2006 Yulong lijiang, Yunan. The secret of the forest appeared after the fire.

  • 事实上,随着在美国上市的一些国内公司业绩原形毕露,户外媒体行业正在遭受风投的冷遇。 In fact, with the United States in the number of domestic listed pany’s performance Yuanxingbilou, outdoor media industry is suffering from a cold shoulder to the wind.

  • 研究人员发现,录影过程中原形毕露的吵架类型,是预测当事男女有无心脏病隐忧的有效指标。 The researchers found that the style of argument detected in the video sessions was a powerful predictor for a man or woman’s risk for underlying heart disease.

  • 新娘子一见母鸡,也就立刻迫不及待地往上一扑——也就这么一扑,它也原形毕露,又成了黄鼠狼。 A bride, also immediately hen eager to upgrade a — also so, it is a true colours, and became a weasel.

  • 上一次让我原形毕露的是《超级玛丽兄弟2》,这是一款1988年发行在任天堂红白机上的游戏。 Most recently it was Super Mario Bros 2, a game released in 1988 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

  • 这些骗子们绝对不会支持见面交易或者类似支付宝这样的第三方介入,因为这样会导致他们原形毕露。 These swindlers who will never support or similar payment transactions meet-the third-party intervention such as this would cause them to Yuanxingbilu.

  • 科学就是真理,因为它最讲究实际。任何乔装打扮,鱼目混珠的东西,在科学实验室里都会原形毕露。 science is truth , for it is most particular about practicality. any disguised or fake things will show their true feathers when they are put to the test in the laboratory.

  • 当两人在一起相处了七个月之后,双方不再像刚开始那样努力想给对方留下好印象,而开始“原形毕露”。 This is the point at which we stop trying quite so hard to impress our new love and start revealing all the bad habits that have so far remained hidden.

  • 再者,酒精的热量仅次于脂肪,建议每天喝酒量不应超过一杯红酒或两杯啤酒,避免「啤酒肚」原形毕露! The remended daily consumption of alcohol is less than one glass of red wine or two glasses of beer.

  • 长期以来,很多人以为蜂蜜出现结晶的现象,就是因为蜂群喂了砂糖,最后原形毕露的出现砂糖状的物质! From very long time, people are thinking that if they saw crystallization in honey is then confirm that honey are produce by feeding bees with sugar. This is not a correct answer.

  • 腾讯体育记者秦云成都报道十二轮不胜–联赛开始初期曾经在里有点呼风唤雨架势的成都谢菲联队现在已经原形毕露。 Tencent Qin Chengdu Sports reported that over 12 – the league began in the early years do anything they want a little attitude of the Chengdu Blades United Yuanxingbilu now.

  • 过去18个月以来,捕捉真相的聚光灯摇来摇去,使一个又一个机构原形毕露,它们就像我们一直认为的那样腐朽不堪。 Over the last 18 months the spotlight of truth has swung this way and that, and one institution after another was suddenly exposed as being precisely as rotten as we always thought it was.

  • 曾经在股市中点石成金、翻云覆雨的“名家名嘴”,一夜之间原形毕露,这是规范资本市场制度建设的重要一环,是必要之举。 In the stock market in the golden touch, Fanyunfuyu “Mingzui masters, ” Yuanxingbilu overnight, which regulate the capital market system is an important part of the building is a necessity.

  • 但双眼往往是最易泄露年龄的部位,若然黑眼圈原形毕露、眼袋尽现又布满皱纹,不但令容颜大打折扣,更分分钟出卖您年龄的秘密! Our eyes certainly reveal a lot about our personalities – often more than we would like! They can also reveal hints about our age, especially when dark circles or fine lines begin to appear.

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    凶相毕露  xiōngxiàngbìlù凶相毕露的意思和解释:毕:尽,全。凶恶的面目完全暴露了出来。指原来伪装和善,遇事就露出了本相。凶相毕露的出处凶相毕露的例子凶相毕露造句我们不

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