词语大全 双管齐下造句_双管齐下中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:勤劳一日,可得一夜安眠;勤劳一生,可得幸福长眠。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 双管齐下造句_双管齐下中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 双管齐下造句_双管齐下中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 双管齐下造句

词语大全 双管齐下造句_双管齐下中英文解释和造句

双管齐下  shuāng guǎn qí xià








  • 你需要双管齐下,才能得到最有效的锻炼。 You need both to get the most effective workout.

  • 在1934年,内阁制定了一项双管齐下的政体。 During 1934, the Cabinet developed a two-pronged polity.

  • 增加首付可以打击炒家,双管齐下达到平抑楼价的目的。 Against speculators can increase Shoufu, two-pronged aim to stabilize prices.

  • 同时,美国财政部和美国联邦储备委员会也双管齐下,出手救市。 S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve is also a two-pronged approach, the attempt to save the city.

  • 信息化企业服务用户的过程,是一个技术与服务“双管齐下”的过程。 Informatization enterprise serves the process of the user, it is a technology and service ” work along both lines ” process.

  • 在办学思想转变的基础上实现了课程改革与课程实施管理“双管齐下”。 And the control on curriculum reforms and curriculum management has been achieved on the basis of the transformation of schooling concept.

  • 政策的主要作用在于双管齐下地稳定房价,从而保证中低收入阶层的住房消费。 The main role is two-pronged policy to stabilize prices, thereby ensuring that low-ine housing consumption.

  • 近两年来,东盟是亚太地区的热点之一,从内部外部双管齐下,扩大各方、各领域合作。 In the recent two years, ASEAN has been the hotspot in Asia-Pacific region. The cooperation could be clone both interior and exterior among parts and regions.

  • 双管齐下的右侧是静态密度图像(标记洞穴)和遗传资源的静态图像(标记遗传资源)。 The two tracks on the right side are the static density image (marked DENS) and the static GR image (marked GR).

  • 不过,对于共和党当前的立场还是存在一种逻辑:实际上,共和党正双管齐下让野兽挨饿。 But there is a kind of logic to the current Republican position: in effect, the party is doubling down on starve-the-beast.

  • 因此,我们很自豪地提出最佳的产品及最优秀的佣金制度,双管齐下可在直销业引领风潮。 In doing so, eXfuze is proud to offer superior products and an eXtraordinary pensation plan that have bined to create a buzz throughout the direct-sales industry.

  • 出口的同时,我们也进一步开拓国内市场,力求打造一个国外和国内市场双管齐下的品牌。 In the meantime, we continue to strengthen our domestic market, trying to creating a famous brand both at home and abroad.

  • 但我的观点是,为了国家的强盛,单独的教育是不够的,教育与道德应双管齐下,不能偏颇。 But my opinion is that, in order to make a country strong, education alone is not sufficient.

  • 治疗要从病源着手,控制肝炎病毒,辅以化疗,双管齐下,在治疗肝癌方面,就会取得成功。 Proceed from the disease treatment and control of hepatitis C virus, bined with chemotherapy, a two-pronged approach, in the treatment of liver cancer, will be a success.

  • 但我的观点是,为了国家的强盛,单独的教育是不够的,教育与道德应双管齐下,不能偏颇。 But my opinion is that, in order to make a country strong, education alone is not sufficient. It should go side by side with morality.

  • 业内人士表示,沙特可能会双管齐下,以便遏制导致今年以来油价上涨40%多的市场动量。 Industryinsiders say that Saudi Arabia may employ exactly that double whammy ina bid to take the steam out of a market that has sent prices up more than 40% since the start of the year.

  • 面对这些问题,中国政府将会通过财政政策和货币政策的双管齐下,来实现保增长和反通缩的目标。 Faced with these issues, the Chinese Government will, through fiscal and monetary policies of the two-pronged approach to achieve capital growth and anti-deflation goal.

  • 即使大多数的专家极力倡导,在必要时行为治疗和药物须双管齐下,但药物通常是唯一提供出来的选择。 Although most experts advocate bining behavioral therapy with medication when necessary, medication is often the only option offered.

  • 罗斯教授说,如果加大替代剂量,或使用另一种替代方式,或者双管齐下,那么戒烟可能会更容易一些。 You might be more successful with a higher dose, another kind of nicotine therapy or a bination, says Dr. Rose.

  • 在这个双管齐下的护理下,由皮肤表面上含色素的细胞所造成的色素沉着,最终将被表皮底部的细胞所取代。 This multi-prong action enables pigmented cells on the surface that are causing areas of the skin to be pigmented to be eventually replaced by cells from the bottom of the skin epidermis.

  • 许多美国国会台湾友人已经警觉到这个双管齐下,透过军事、经贸胁迫策略逼使台湾臣服于中国之下的现象。 China’s dual strategy of economic and military coercion to pel Taiwan into submission has alarmed many Taiwan supporters in the U. S. Congress.

  • 我们要么施加可信的破产威胁,要么让我们必须支持的金融机构变得更加安全(或者更好的做法是双管齐下)。 Either we impose a credible threat of bankruptcy, or institutions we have to support are made safer, or, better, we have both of these.

  • 只有实现硬制度和软管理的双管齐下,才能实现知识管理与组织战略目标的共进共荣,最终走向正和的双赢局面。 Only if deal with it from two aspects, both policy and culture at the same time, then can be succeed in achieving the corporations strategic target.

  • 过去这个周末,AIG管理层一直在疲于筹资,不管是出售资产或是接手私人资本运营公司的注资,或是双管齐下。 AIG executives spent the weekend trying to raise cash, either from asset sales or a capital infusion from private-equity firms, or both.

  • 该调查不仅针对2000名民众,还向642位美国外交学会成员发问,从公众舆论和外交政策专家观点双管齐下。 It poses its questions not only to 2, 000 members of the public but also to 642 members of the CFR, thus tracking both public opinion and the views of foreign-policy experts.

  • 也有一些车厂双管齐下:尼桑与日电组成了合资公司来生产更为先进的锂电池,而这种电池应用了薄板结构来提高冷却效果。 And some are doing both: Nissan has formed a joint venture with NEC to produce advanced Li-ion batteries that use a laminated structure to improve cooling.

  • 它的一项双管齐下的努力,以保护药物的产品与单位一级的系列化篡改自明的安全封条(苔丝)结合独特的纸箱号码( ucn ) 。 It’s a two-pronged effort to protect drug products with unit-level serialized tamper-evident security seals (TESS) bined with unique carton numbers (UCN).

  • 索尼表示,正在采取双管齐下的销售策略:一方面要面向大众市场销售更能负担得起的机型,另一方面销售有更多功能的高端大屏幕电视机。 Sony said it is taking a two-pronged strategy of selling mass-market models that are more affordable and higher-end large-screen televisions, packed with more features.

  • 华盛顿与首尔上周誓言对朝鲜采取“双管齐下”的做法,一方面执行联合国(UN)的制裁,另一方面提出一揽子慷慨的激励措施,鼓励平壤拆除核武器。 Washington and Seoul last week vowed to take a “two-track” approach to North Korea, pursuing UN sanctions while offering a generous package of incentives for Pyongyang to dismantle its atomic weapons.

  • 复苏动力来自三个方面:其一,出台政策推动经济增长,英格兰银行行长MervynKing将其描述为“前所未有的、货币财政双管齐下的政策刺激”; It will spring from three main sources. First, the economy will be boosted by what Mervyn King, the bank’s governor, describes as an “unprecedented policy stimulus, both monetary and fiscal”.

  • 双管齐下造句相关


    词语大全 双管齐下造句










    词语大全 双管齐下造句_双管齐下中英文解释和造句

    双管齐下  shuāngguǎnqíxià双管齐下的意思和解释:管:指笔。原指手握双笔同时作画。后比喻做一件事两个方面同时进行或两种方法同时使用。双管齐下的出处宋·郭若虚《图画见闻

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    词语大全 双管齐下的意思_成语“双管齐下”是什么意思


    词语大全 双管齐下   [shuāng guǎn qí xià]什么意思

    双管齐下  [shuāngguǎnqíxià][双管齐下]成语解释管:指笔。原指手握双笔同时作画。后比喻做一件事两个方面同时进行或两种方法同时使用。[双管齐下]成语出处清·壮者《扫