词语大全 反复无常造句_反复无常中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:努力一点,现在想要的以后你都会有。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 反复无常造句_反复无常中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 反复无常造句_反复无常中英文解释和造句
反复无常 fǎn fù wú cháng
微粒将受到更为反复无常的冲击。 The speck would be jarred into more erratic motion.
我无法理解她那反复无常的态度。 I could not understand her capricious behavior.
气候形式会变得更加反复无常。 Weather patterns should also bee more erratic.
情绪总是反复无常该怎么办? Is the mood always capricious how should do?
他又改变主意了,他这人太反复无常了! He’s changed his mind again, he’s so fickle!
他有着反复无常的个性。 He has a highly volatile personality .
反复无常的人,他们能开始却不能持之以恒。 People, who are changeable can begin but they cannot last.
‘变换’。”无常反复无常或易变的情况。 An instance of being eccentrically variable or fickle.
反复无常的人,他们能开始却不能持之以恒。 Changeable human being can begin but they cannot last.
这里天气反复无常。 The weather here is variable.
而问题是,正是总统本人在事实问题上反复无常。 The problem is, the president himself plays fast and loose with the facts.
气候形式会变得更加反复无常,暴风雨也会更加猛烈。 Weather patterns should also bee more erratic and stoiins more severe.
以你们的失败评判你们,就是责怪季节更替为反复无常。 To judge you by your failures is to cast blame upon the seasons for their inconsistency.
基督教的神是三个头的妖怪,残忍、报复心重、反复无常。 The Christian god is a three headed monster, cruel, vengeful and capricious.
你不什么他是什么心情—总是一会儿绝望,一会儿又得意洋洋,反复无常。 You never know what mood you’re going to find him in—always wavering between despair and elation.
爱情方面,要是你们两人中有一人反复无常,难以相处的话,关系会很僵。 Partnerships may be strained if one of you has been erratic and hard to deal with.
缺乏了毅力,那些反复无常的人就会在生存竞争中被勤奋甚至迟钝的人所超越。 Wanting in perseverance, such volatile natures are outstripped in the race of life by the diligent and even the dull.
这依次导致了俱乐部内部更多的不信任和不安,于是持续的放任和反复无常继续著。 This in turn leads to more mistrust and unrest at the club as the constant revolution of indulgences and whims continues.
其数量增减反复无常,松林被毁坏就像虫子减少一样,通过再生又达到数量上的最高水平。 Its population rises and falls unpredictably, destroying clumps of pinewood as it peaks which then regenerate as the bug recedes.
然而目前的局面是如此的反复无常,专家们说,全球信贷危机看来在短期内并不会尘埃落定。 But with so much volatility, experts say the final curtain is unlikely to drop on the global credit crunch any time soon.
一条时时都在反复无常的犬,你甚至不能对它进行有效的服从性训练,又怎能将生命财产托付于它? How about a dog you can’t even obedience train reliably because the dog is too busy freaking out every time you leave your own property?
过去一年里,事实证明西方资金来源比中国的更加反复无常,这也是那些以矿为生的地区的一大忧患。 Western sources of capital have proved more fickle than China over the past year — a big source of worry in munities that rely on mining for their viability.
这个会议包括了一些在困难问题方面世界主要的专家,从能源价格到人口统计,反复无常的天气到中东。 The event featured some of the world’s leading experts on “difficult” issues – from energy prices to demography, “freak” weather to the Middle East.
西方的中国观反复无常,关键看我们在什么意义上理解西方的中国观,是认识还是想象、是知识还是表述。 The western view of China is ever changeable, and the key is on what meaning do we understand it, whether it is knowledge or imagination, or statement.
咖啡是个感性的女人,热情奔放中却显得过于兴奋,表情丰富,但反复无常,她总是问茶叶:你爱不爱我? Coffee is an emotional woman, passionate but in too excited, look rich, but volatile, tea, she always asked: Do you love me?
但是事实上,多是由于普京在七年总统任期内反复无常,如此制造出的形象才会使人们一下就得出这一结论。 But the fact that people jumped to this conclusion says much about the image created by Mr Putin’s capricious seven-year presidency.
原意是指实质不变,用玩弄手段,改换名目的方法使人受骗上当。后引申为,说话、办事反复无常、不负责任。 The idiom originally means to fool others by playing tricks. It later extends to mean changing one’s mind frequently or not being responsible.
甚至在1987年股市大跌第一次让他们切身体会到市场的反复无常之前,其中一些人就已经着手验证该理论的缺陷。 Even before the 1987 stockmarket crash gave them their first real-world reminder of markets’ capriciousness, some of them were examining the flaws in the theory.
我们都臣服于命运的反复无常。一场足球比赛经常因为一个小事件而发生转折,一个超过球员和他们主帅控制的小事件。 We are all subject to the capriciousness of fate A football match frequently turns on a single small incident, one beyond the control of players and their manager.
词语大全 翻复无常造句_翻复无常中英文解释和造句
翻复无常 fān fù wú cháng
反复无常 fǎnfùwúcháng反复无常的意思和解释:无常:变化不定。形容常常变化,一会儿是这样,一会儿又是那样,变动不定。反复无常的出处南朝·梁·费昶《行路难》诗:“当年翻复
翻复无常 fānfùwúcháng翻复无常的意思和解释:变化无常,说变就变。翻复无常的出处南朝·梁·吴均《行路难》:“当年翻复无常定,薄命为女何必粗。”翻复无常的例子翻复无常造句
翻复无常 fānfùwúcháng翻复无常的意思和解释:变化无常,说变就变。翻复无常的出处南朝·梁·吴均《行路难》:“当年翻复无常定,薄命为女何必粗。”翻复无常的例子翻复无常造句
教无常师 jiào wú cháng shī教无常师的意思和解释:受教不必有固定的老师。教无常师的出处《书·咸有一德》:“德无常师,主善为师。”教无常师的例子教无常师造句教无常师
教无常师 jiào wú cháng shī教无常师的意思和解释:受教不必有固定的老师。教无常师的出处《书·咸有一德》:“德无常师,主善为师。”教无常师的例子教无常师造句教无常师
变化无常 biànhuàwúcháng变化无常的意思和解释:无常:没有常态。指事物经常变化,没有规律性。变化无常的出处《庄子·天下》:“忽漠无形,变化无常。”变化无常的例子近来天
变化无常 biànhuàwúcháng变化无常的意思和解释:无常:没有常态。指事物经常变化,没有规律性。变化无常的出处《庄子·天下》:“忽漠无形,变化无常。”变化无常的例子近来天
变化无常 biànhuàwúcháng变化无常的意思和解释:无常:没有常态。指事物经常变化,没有规律性。变化无常的出处《庄子·天下》:“忽漠无形,变化无常。”变化无常的例子近来天
变幻无常 biànhuànwúcháng变幻无常的意思和解释:指事物经常变化,没有规律性。变幻无常的出处《庄子·天下》:“忽漠无形,变化无常。”变幻无常的例子唐古拉山天气~,往往