词语大全 下马威造句_下马威中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 下马威造句_下马威中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 下马威造句

词语大全 下马威造句_下马威中英文解释和造句

下马威  xià mǎ wēi








  • 刚认识他时,他就给我来了个“下马威”。 Just to know him, he gave me came a “Xiama Wei.”

  • 要不是他心脏不好,我一定给他一个下马威。 If he didn’t have a bum ticker, I’d put him in his place.

  • 让老子杀他个下马威! Let old son kill he a down horse power!

  • 这个教练军士一开始就给全体新兵一个下马威。 The drill sergeant begins by putting the fear of God up every new recruit.

  • 这个教练中士一开始就给全体新兵一个下马威。 The drill sergeant begins by putting the fear of God into every new recruit.

  • 这个教练中士一开始就给全体新兵一个下马威。 The drill sergeant begins by putting the fear of God in every new recruit .

  • 比赛开始的时候我们很慢热,并且吃了个下马威。 The game started in a slow way and we were taken a bit by surprise.

  • 阿泰斯特在比赛的首节就给了皮尔斯一个下马威。 Artest’s first game in the section gives a Pierce Xia Mawei.

  • 而比赛开始后大连队的表现也着实给了客队一个下马威。 The game began after the performance of the Dalian team has really given a visiting team Xia Mawei.

  • 他展开大大的笑容,“希望我能在某一天给他下马威。” He then added with a smile, “Hopefully I’ll make him feel miserable one day. “”

  • 万一明年小皮又上来就在不利形势下给冬瓜一个下马威呢? The announcement leaves Giancarlo Fisichella and Heikki Kovalainen currently without a drive for next year.

  • 弗劳尔小姐给她的学生来了个下马威-他们都比以前安静多了。 Miss Flower has put the fear of God into her pupils-they’re all much quieter than they used to be.

  • 这个教练军士一开始就给全体新兵一个”。’下马威‘。”。 The drill sergeant begins by putting the fear of God up every new recruit.

  • 为了教训并下下马威,我必需确定我们所在的区域,其地面是柔软的。 To lessen the chances of injury to the gelding, I made sure we were in an area where the ground was soft.

  • 巴西队果然好生了得,首局以25:14获胜,给中国女排一个下马威。 Brazil’s birth was terrible, the Bureau for the first 25:14 to win for a Chinese women’s volleyball Xiama Wei.

  • 突如其来的金融危机,给了刚刚毕业的大学生刘强一个实实在在的下马威。 The sudden financial crisis, just to the graduates of a down-to-earth Liu Qiang did.

  • 该冒充内行时便大言不惭,先给对方来个下马威,也许他心一虚,宰人的刀会手下留情。 Posing as the expert when it bragged, to give each other a Xiama Wei, his heart may be a true, human slaughter knife will be lenient.

  • (停顿了片刻)现在我懂了﹗他是在对其他人友善对我这个新人下马威让我知道大哥是甚么! He didn’t even show me some hospitality. (Pauses for a second) Now I get it! He was being so chummy with the others to show the rookie what a big brother is!

  • 为了能够给对手来个下马威,除了外观之外新车还将在内饰的设计与配置上进行大刀阔斧的改进。 In order to be able to e to an opponent Xia Mawei, in addition to the new car will be in addition to the appearance of the interior design and configuration on a radical improvement.

  • 在请最高法院正式承认他领导的政变之前,穆沙拉夫将军给了他们一个下马威,解雇了一半的最高法院成员。 Before inviting the Supreme Court to legitimise his coup, General Musharraf felt pelled to sack half its members.

  • 可是文科居然也给我来一个这样的下马威,的确伤到我的心,很痛很痛,很难受,不过不哭,眼泪不能这么乱流。 But the arts also gave me a surprise, so Xiama Wei, really hurt my heart, pain pain, it is difficult subject, but the cry, tears stream can not be such a mess.

  • 一系列的恐怖袭击需要经过缜密的计划以及恐怖分子之间大范围的合作,但显然这些袭击给了美国当局一个下马威。 The attacks called for meticulous planning and co-operation among an extended network of conspirators, yet apparently took the authorities entirely by surprise.

  • 在第二轮的首场比赛,休斯顿就以100:92给了湖人一个下马威,而丹佛则在西部决赛中以106:103拿下第二战。 Houston surprised L. A. with a 100-92 win in Game 1 of the second round, while Denver took Game 2 of the WCF 106-103.

  • 每经记者 马超彦 李智本周首个交易日,市场便给投资者来了个“下马威”,上证指数不仅大跌72点,还出现了明显的缩量。 The first trading day this week, the market will be for investors to the “Xia Mawei, ” Shanghai Composite Index dropped only 72 points, also marked appeared Su Liang.

  • 希金斯昨天赢得并不轻松,特鲁姆普首局就给了他一个下马威,不过,“男巫”很快就用4次单杆50+的稳定水准将比分改写为4比1。 Higgins won yesterday is not relaxed, True the Pu first game has given him demonstration of authority, but, “the wizard” very quick used 4 time unilever 50+ stable standards score rewriting is 4:1.

  • 在加泰罗尼亚德比中经常虎虎生威的西班牙人也应该在“西班牙错位德比”中给皇马一个下马威了,否则实在有点丢加泰罗尼亚足球的颜面。 In the Catalan derby in the regular Hu Hu Sheng-wei of the Spaniards should “Spain dislocation Derby, ” a Real Madrid to the Xia Mawei it, it will be lost a bit of face Catalan football.

  • 郁杰摆明了要给新来的一个“下马威”,谁让你不按牌理出牌,除非真有本事,不然还是识趣地离开去从头学起为妙,我可不管你是不是美女。 My name is Jacky Yu, the teacher of this class. Pretty lady, could you give me a reason why do you want to study here?

  • 名不见经传的克鲁日来自罗马尼亚,这也是他们首次参加欧冠赛事,不过他们一上来就给了意大利人一个下马威,客场2比1击败意甲劲旅罗马。 From the little-known Cluj Romania, which is the first time they have to participate in Champions League matches, but one of them gave the Italians a Xiama Wei, Away 2 to 1 victory over Italy’s Rome.

  • 这种做法的弦外之音,意在展示谋杀者的用武之地,也给利特维年科在伦敦的友人传达了恐怖信息,可能还是给利氏背信弃义的英国东家一个下马威。 On this reading, it was designed to demonstrate the scope of the murderers and to send a hair-raising message to Litvinenko’s friends in London, and perhaps also to his perfidious British hosts.

  • 人们说如果我们继续很好的发挥并再赢得四,五场胜利的话就万事大吉了。但是周末对阵朴茨矛斯队的时候,他们却给了我们一个小小的下马威。他们也是今年唯一一支到斯坦福桥来客场对阵我们的队伍。 People say it would be nice if we went on and put four or five away, but Portsmouth surprised us at the weekend and they are the only team that has e to the Bridge this year and e at us.

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