词语大全 发人深省造句_发人深省中英文解释和造句

Posted 伊利亚特

篇首语:自然界没有风风雨雨,大地就不会春华秋实。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 发人深省造句_发人深省中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 发人深省造句_发人深省中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 发人深思造句_发人深思中英文解释和造句

词语大全 发人深省造句_发人深省中英文解释和造句

发人深省  fā rén shēn xǐng








  • 发人深省的,一屋不扫何以扫天下? Thought-provoking, a house, So why do not sweep the world?

  • 这是一张非常发人深省的图片。 This is a very thought-provoking picture.

  • 挑战性的假设;发人深省的书。 a challenging hypothesis; a thought-provoking book.

  • 这幅图画所传达的含义非常发人深省。 The meaning conveyed in the drawing is most thought-provoking.

  • 对我们大家来说,这个坏消息是发人深省的。 The bad news have a thought-provoking effect on all of us.

  • 这故事的确发人深省。 This story really gives us something to ponder about.

  • 这是一部大胆,发人深省的又充满哲理的电影。 An audacious genre reworking, They Came Back is philosophically rich and intensely, though subtly moving.

  • 我一直喜欢以一个绝妙的、发人深省的提问收尾。 I always love a good rhetorical question that sets your audiences’ minds thinking.

  • 然而,对我而言,感人肺腑又发人深省的片子最吸引我。 However, as for me, I am only attracted to touching and thought-provoking films.

  • 这些使他转向了全新的方向,写出他最发人深省的著作。 This led him to veer off in a radically new direction—and to produce perhaps his most thought-provoking book.

  • 我们对史密斯先生非常出色而又发人深省的演说表示感谢。 We appreciate for Mr Smith’s excellent and thought-provoking speech.

  • 这本有趣(或具有挑战性)的书是我读过的最发人深省的书。 This challenging book is one of the most thought-provoking that i’ve ever read.

  • 这句话包含极大的真理,是许多发人深省的经文归纳后的总结。 Eliphaz, in this utterance, spoke a great truth, which is the summary of many an inspired Scripture.

  • 这类故事发人深省,促使我们思考在相似的情况下我们会怎么做。 Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances.

  • 这部电影的发人深省之处在于。它触及到了很多的社会敏感话题。 What impressed the audience most is that the movie had involved in many respect of sensitive topic in the society.

  • 而明代,几乎所有的学术成果都出现在明末,这一现象不能不发人深省。 Only if catch this clue, can you discover all the amazing phenomenon in the Ming Dynasty.

  • 我们没有足够的空间回顾他们发人深省的历史,其他一些书中有详细的记载。 We do not have space to recount their inspiring history, which other books record in detail.

  • 文学作品中,一些最伟大的结尾既不令人兴奋,也不让人沮丧,而是发人深省。 Some of the greatest endings in literature are neither uplifting nor distressing, but inquiring.

  • 完全正确。这儿有很多很好的答案,出乎我的意料。最后两个很棒,发人深省。 Exactly. Many great answers here, I wish I could’ve picked more best answers. The two at the end were very good and thought provoking as well.

  • 迪士尼推出了一部新的动画片,片中有歌曲,会说话的动物,当然也能发人深省。 Disney has a new animated movie. The movie has music, talking animals一and, of course, a good message.

  • 上面的漫画意味深长而发人深省,栽树人的艰辛劳作不只是为了他自己,也是为了后人。 The images above are both meaningful and instructive: this man’s hard work is not only for his own benefit, but also for the benefit of future generations.

  • 当读者能够正确理解他的开篇之语的时候,会发现文章提出了一个发人深省的社会学问题。 It raises a fascinating sociological question, when one is able to get past misperceiving his introduction.

  • 此刻,若登上钟楼击钟,钟声轰然,响彻云霄,“郎啊——郎——”之声“远闻数十里,发人深省”。 At this moment, if the board hit the clock tower bell, the bell came, xiang che yun xiao , “ah Lang – Lang -” voice “heard dozens far, the thought-provoking.

  • 天是那么蓝,草是那么绿,心情一定很愉快。然而梦醒后却是另一番景象,不禁发人深省,让人深思。 The sky is blue and the fields are green, and the laughter is the language of the world.  Then I wake and all I see, is a world full of people in need?

  • 婚变、忿怒、孩子遭绑架、官司纠纷和种种过失,字字句句,从头至尾,此书的面面页页无不发人深省。 Divorce, anger, a kidnapping of her children, court issues and errors, fill the pages of this inspirational book from cover to cover.

  • “孩儿话”总是饶有风趣的,能令人发笑,发人深省,任何其他地方说的孩儿话也许都不及那修院里的多。 In that house more than anywhere else, perhaps, arise those children’s sayings which are so graceful and which evoke a smile that is full of thoughtfulness.

  • 作者以乳房为视点,“通过身体思考”,寻找女性的生命轨道,毫不夸张地说,是一部发人深省的女性小说。 The author takes the breast as an angle, “thinking by the body”, and looking for the women’s life orbit. It is not exaggerating to say that it is a thought-provoking female novel.

  • 但激发他想象力的是一首史诗,“荷马叙述特洛伊战争的《伊利亚特》”是一则叙述特洛伊战争的神话,内容发人深省。 But it’s an epic poem that fires the boy’s imagination. Homer’s the Iliad, an account of the Trojan wars is mythology with a message.

  • 在欧盟内部,关于边缘国家处于困境之议如此普遍,以至于你只需瞥一下地图,就会发现这种观点多么古怪(且发人深省)。 Talk of an ailing periphery has bee so mon in the EU that it takes a squint at a map to realise how odd (and revealing) it is.

  • 美国管理大师彼得·德鲁克说过一句发人深省的话:“企业只有一项真正的资源—人,管理就是充分开发人力资源以做好工作”。 American management guru Peter Drucker said remark: ” Enterprise there is only one real resources — human, management is sufficient to develop human resources to do a good job “.

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    词语大全 发人深思造句_发人深思中英文解释和造句

    发人深思  fā rén shēn sī







  • 这篇杂文中有不少发人深思的东西。There is much food for thought in this essay.
  • 他话讲得不多, 可是语重心长,发人深思。His words, though quite brief, are earnest enough to prompt one to deep thought.
  • 难道你不想看一部发人深思的电影吗? Don’t you want a movie to make you think?

  • 穆瑞认为,“这类话题会发人深思。” “These issues help people think, ” states Murray.

  • 建材质量发人深思:劣质钢材水泥举报多; Second, the thought-provoking quality of building materials : cement inferior steel reported more;

  • 温暖、细腻、富有哲理、发人深思,非常的感人。 It’s warm, gentle, philosophical, thought provoking and immensely touching.

  • 我们希望您能发掘到他们的有趣和发人深思之处。 we hope you will find them interesting and thought-provoking.

  • 的确,沙钢的迅猛崛起是令人赞叹的,是发人深思的。 Really, of Sha Gang swift and violent rising abruptly is exclamatory making a person, it is hair person is thoughtful.

  • 这是发人深思的,但不代表这个方法一定是最优秀的。 This is impressive, but does not prove that the method is superior.

  • 在这幅发人深思的图中我们能看到地球上面簇拥著无数的人。 It is a very thought-provoking cartoon, in which numerous people are crowding on earth.

  • 我就是喜欢这种画;朴素,发人深思,而且毫无矫揉造作之感。 That’s the sort of painting I like: simple, suggestive and unpretentious .

  • 此外,每一章的后面还列有不少发人深思的研究课题和应用课题。 At the end of each chapter is a Research and Application section. Here you will find brief summaries of research similar to that discussed in the chapter.

  • 面对现代医学的挑战,如何发展中医外科学是一个发人深思的问题。 Facing the challenge of modern medicine, how to develop Chinese traditional surgery is a question.

  • 中国互联网上的评论通常都是一个字,或者很简短,很少有发人深思的。 Comments on the Chinese internet are often monosyllabic and short, and rarely thought-provoking.

  • 提问: 我希望接着你那富有见地以及发人深思的评论适时地问一个问题 。 QUESTION: This is, I hope, a very timely question following up on your thoughtful and stimulating remarks.

  • 在该政策实施20年来,当中存在一定的问题,这些问题都发人深思并亟待解决。 Implements for 20 years in this policy, middle has the certain problem, these questions all make people think deeply and urgently await to be solved.

  • 然而,奥斯丁决不只是一席安心毯,她的小说不仅让读者逃离现世,也颇发人深思。 Yet Austen is never merely a fort blanket, for her novels make readers think as much as they allow them to escape into another world.

  • 她的话发人深思,让我看到了光明,真正明白了“有志者,事竟成”这句谚语的含义。 When she said this, I saw that bright lightbegan to understand the saying “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

  • 有些网站还提供程序供人安装以便查询体育赛事比分,提供发人深思的名言和其它的东西。 Some sites even offer applications that can be installed to check sports scores, offer thoughtful quotes and more.

  • 他们的人生轨迹和犯罪事实,让人警省,发人深思,使所有在场的人心灵都受到极大的震撼。 Their life and crime, police provincial people, thought-provoking, so that all those present at the great minds have been shocked.

  • 在我看来,偶像崇拜这个发人深思的社会现象,其实是把双刃剑,可以深刻影响青年人成长。 In my opinion, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can deeply influence the growth of young people.

  • 应该说,这个时期是其学养、思想发展日趋成熟的阶段,音乐诗自然也是言外有意、发人深思。 It should be said that this period of time is his mature life, it means in this stage his knowledgeable and thinking bees increasingly mature.

  • 条文组合排列,发人深思。条文复出,启人聪明。条文变证,诲人机圆。未列方治,悟人法活。 The arrangement, repeated appearance and changes of such items set readers thinking, make them wise, and provide them with flexibility because no prescriptions or therapeutic methods are listed.

  • 在我看来,偶像崇拜和英雄崇拜这个发人深思的社会现象,其实是把双刃剑,会深刻影响青年人成长。 As for me, idol or hero worship, the thoughtprovoking social phenomenon, is indeed a doubleedged sword, which may deeply influence the growth of young people.

  • 这幅图非常发人深思,它使人们相信我们其实可以在任何地方运动,只要我们有通过运动来保持健康的意识。 The picture is thought-provoking in that it endeavors to convince its audience that we can actually exercise anywhere, as long as we have the awareness of preserving health by exercise.

  • 在这个展览中,你新奇的想象和你为各个画面所精挑细选的丝巾,构成了未解之谜,不曾给出答案,却发人深思。 Your imagination and the scarves with which you chose to create your scenes push the mystery even further, without, however, providing a solution.

  • 韦伯把西方资本主义过于理想化 ,但对隐藏在西方资本主义市场经济发展背后的伦理因素的发掘 ,仍发人深思。 Wei Bai western capitalism too Utopian, but of the ethical element of backside of progress of economy of capitalist to be being concealed in the west market disentomb, still send a person thoughtful.

  • 无论如何,克拉克先生酝酿了一本文笔优美,发人深思书,相对于(经济史)专业的行话和公式而言,令人耳目一新。 Mr Clark, however, has produced a well written and thought-provoking thesis, refreshingly light on jargon and equations.

  • 随着技术的进步,新媒体的能量也在逐步被放大,然而如何在“有利可图”的市场上图得一利依然是发人深思的问题。 With advances in technology, new media energy has gradually been enlarged, but how “profitable” on the map in the market is still a profit of thought-provoking issues.

  • 抒情的歌曲,是引人注目的,其内容有些神秘,但支持与重摇滚吉他,超大的鼓老合成器和机关设立,他们是有传染性和发人深思的。 Lyrically the songs are pelling and their content somewhat mysterious but backed up with heavy rock guitar, oversized drums and old Synths and organs, they are infectious and thought provoking.

  • 发人深思造句相关



    词语大全 发人深省造句_发人深省中英文解释和造句

    发人深省  fārénshēnxǐng发人深省的意思和解释:发:启发;省:醒悟。启发人深刻思考,有所醒悟。发人深省的出处唐·杜甫《游龙门奉先寺》诗:“欲觉闻晨钟,令人发深省。”发人

    词语大全 发人深思造句_发人深思中英文解释和造句

    发人深思  fārénshēnsī发人深思的意思和解释:深:无限,没有穷尽。启发人深入地思考。形容语言或文章有深刻的含意,耐人寻味。发人深思的出处唐·刘禹锡《柳花词三进首(其二)》

    词语大全 发人深思造句_发人深思中英文解释和造句

    发人深思  fārénshēnsī发人深思的意思和解释:深:无限,没有穷尽。启发人深入地思考。形容语言或文章有深刻的含意,耐人寻味。发人深思的出处唐·刘禹锡《柳花词三进首(其二)》

    词语大全 发人深思造句_发人深思中英文解释和造句

    发人深思  fārénshēnsī发人深思的意思和解释:深:无限,没有穷尽。启发人深入地思考。形容语言或文章有深刻的含意,耐人寻味。发人深思的出处唐·刘禹锡《柳花词三进首(其二)》

    词语大全 发人深思造句_发人深思中英文解释和造句

    发人深思  fārénshēnsī发人深思的意思和解释:深:无限,没有穷尽。启发人深入地思考。形容语言或文章有深刻的含意,耐人寻味。发人深思的出处唐·刘禹锡《柳花词三进首(其二)》

    词语大全 发人深省造句


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