词语大全 反躬自省造句_反躬自省中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:获致幸福的不二法门是珍视你所拥有的、遗忘你所没有的。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 反躬自省造句_反躬自省中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 反躬自省造句_反躬自省中英文解释和造句
反躬自省 fǎn gōng zì xǐng
你真的必须反躬自省,寻找自已内心的力量。 You really have to look inside yourself and find your own inner strength.
在问题进一步恶化之前美国会首先反躬自省吗? Will America sort out its problems before the rot goes too far?
反躬自省,自我批评是我们完善推想坚定信念的一种手段。 Critical reflection is one means by which we work through beliefs and assumptions.
你应该老老实实地反躬自省,找出你这些错误观点的根源。 You ought to examine yourself honestly and find out the source of your erroneous views.
你应该老老实实地反躬自省,找出你这些错误观点的根源。 yourself honestly and find out the source of your erroneous views.
存在之子阿!你被传去做毕生总结之前,每日必须反躬自省。 O son of Being! Bring thyself to account each day ere thou art summoned to a reconing.
对执政能力的反躬自省和强化建设,是一个执政党走向成熟的标志。 To be in office of ability turn over bend forward self-munion and aggrandizement construction, it is one is in office the mark with party mature trend.
但是现在还没有迹象表明伊朗领导人会反躬自省他们野心勃勃的核计划。 But there is no sign yet that Iran’s leaders will reconsider their nuclear ambitions.
因此,一些地方被“不明真相的群众”冲击、打砸,执政者首先要反躬自省。 “Therefore, when some places are struck and attacked by “masses who don’t know the truth” those in power should first look into their own deficiencies.
有专家认为,在业界指责美国转嫁金融风险的同时,中资金融机构仍需反躬自省。 Some experts believed that while the field accuses the US to pass the burden the financial risk, the Chinese-funded financial organ must engage in self-examination.
对于绝对真理我全然未知。但是,我因自身的无知而反躬自省,我的荣耀与嘉奖便蕴于其中。 I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance and therein lies my honor and my reward.
他们时时关注自己,反躬自省,处处斟辞酌句、谨慎小心。待人接物他们总担心过头,又怕有所不足。 they are always thinking of themselves , measuring their words , and recalling their thoughts , and reviewing their actions , from the fear that they have done too much or to little .
他终日受着棍棒、鞭笞、镣铐、禁闭、疲乏之苦,受着狱中烈日的折磨,睡在囚犯的木板库上他扪心自问,反躬自省。 Beneath the cudgel, beneath the chain, in the cell, in hardship, beneath the burning sun of the galleys, upon the plank bed of the convict, he withdrew into his own consciousness and meditated.
也许是经常被人们当作忧伤的代表,丁香花果真变了一个样,忧郁的花瓣忧郁的蕊,让人不觉心中一颤,也开始反躬自省:我快乐吗? May be often on behalf of the people as a sad, really changed a lilac-like, melancholy melancholy petals core, people might feel the hearts of Yi Chan, also began to do some soul: I am happy?
词语大全 反躬自问造句_反躬自问中英文解释和造句
反躬自问 fǎn gōng zì wèn
他经过几天的反躬自问,最终决定离家而去。 After days of soul-searching he finally came to the decision to leave home.
我反躬自问,只批评约翰一个人是否有失公平。 I searched my heart if I had been unfair in criticizing John only.
但我们却要反躬自问:我们对人又有多少爱心呢? Then we need to ask: How much love do we have?
请反躬自问,耶稣基督在今天对你又有何意义呢? What does Jesus Christ mean to you today?
他反躬自问:我父亲有多少佣工,都口粮丰盛,我在这里反要饿死! And returning to himself, he said: How many hired servants in my father’s house abound with bread, and I here perish with hunger?
他反躬自问:我父亲有多少佣工,都口粮丰盛,我在这里反要饿死! Finally ing to his senses, he said: ‘How many of my father’s hired workers have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!
反躬自问,我们离这理想甚远,我们必须急起直追,追求更完全的合一。 We ought to show this oneness much more than we do.
现在,是山姆大叔应该反躬自问的时候了:究竟怎样做一个负责任的大国? It’s time for Uncle Sam to ask himself: how to be a responsible country on earth?
在要求世人尊敬自己之前,穆斯林必须反躬自问,他们能为人类做些什么。 The Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for humankind, before they demand that humankind respect them.
我选取他的优点而学习,用他的那些缺点而反躬自问,如果自己有同样的缺点就改正。 There will be good qualities that I can select for imitation and bad ones that will teach me what requires correction in myself.
无论怎样都不要责罚世间那些你认为的错误,而是应该反躬自问,为什么无法茍同,有什么可以更正。 Do not condemn, therefore, all that you would call bad in the world. Rather, ask yourself, what about this have you judged bad, and what, if anything, you wish to do to change it.
他终日受着棍棒、鞭笞、镣铐、禁闭、疲乏之苦,受着狱中烈日的折磨,睡在囚犯的木板库上他扪心自问,反躬自省。 Beneath the cudgel, beneath the chain, in the cell, in hardship, beneath the burning sun of the galleys, upon the plank bed of the convict, he withdrew into his own consciousness and meditated.
以色列军队曾炫耀于自己“武器的高精确度”,现在却将十足的火力发射到密集的平民区。对此,以色列需要反躬自问些尖锐的问题。 Israel needs to ask itself some tough questions about the extreme firepower unleashed in congested civilian areas by an army once proud of its “purity of arms”.
反躬自省 fǎngōngzìxǐng反躬自省的意思和解释:躬:自身;省:检查。回过头来检查自己的言行得失。反躬自省的出处《礼记·乐记》:“好恶无节于内,知诱于外,不能反躬,天理灭
反躬自问 fǎngōngzìwèn反躬自问的意思和解释:躬:自身;问:检查。回过头来检查自己的言行得失。反躬自问的出处《礼记·乐记》:“好恶无节于内,知诱于外,不能反躬,天理灭矣
反躬自问 fǎngōngzìwèn反躬自问的意思和解释:躬:自身;问:检查。回过头来检查自己的言行得失。反躬自问的出处《礼记·乐记》:“好恶无节于内,知诱于外,不能反躬,天理灭矣
反躬自问 fǎngōngzìwèn反躬自问的意思和解释:躬:自身;问:检查。回过头来检查自己的言行得失。反躬自问的出处《礼记·乐记》:“好恶无节于内,知诱于外,不能反躬,天理灭矣
反躬自问 fǎngōngzìwèn反躬自问的意思和解释:躬:自身;问:检查。回过头来检查自己的言行得失。反躬自问的出处《礼记·乐记》:“好恶无节于内,知诱于外,不能反躬,天理灭矣
抚躬自问 fǔgōngzìwèn抚躬自问的意思和解释:反过来问一问自己。抚躬自问的出处抚躬自问的例子抚躬自问造句抚躬自问造句相关反义对举的两个词,进入成语并形成互文以后,对立的语
词语大全 反躬自省 [fǎn gōng zì xǐng]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
反躬自省 [fǎngōngzìxǐng][反躬自省]成语解释躬:自身;省:检查。回过头来检查自己的言行得失。[反躬自省]成语出处宋·朱熹《朱文公文集·答王晋辅(其四)》:“自今以