词语大全 发扬蹈厉造句_发扬蹈厉中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:所谓活着的人,就是不断挑战的人,不断攀登命运险峰的人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 发扬蹈厉造句_发扬蹈厉中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 发扬蹈厉造句_发扬蹈厉中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 发扬光大造句_发扬光大中英文解释和造句

词语大全 发扬蹈厉造句_发扬蹈厉中英文解释和造句

发扬蹈厉  fā yáng dǎo lì










词语大全 发扬光大造句_发扬光大中英文解释和造句

发扬光大  fā yáng guāng dà







  • 他们为针灸的发扬光大做出了杰出的贡献。 They have made outstanding contributions to the promotions to the promotion and development of acupuncture.

  • 博大精深的中华科学文化必将会发扬光大。 Enlightened by science, the rich and profound Chinese culture is bound to shine more gloriously.

  • 现今世界,奥运精神已经被新一代运动员发扬光大。 In today’s world, the Olympic spirit has been invested with new implications.

  • 两国人民的友谊将随着人文领域合作的拓展而发扬光大。 The friendship between the two peoples will be the expansion of cooperation in the field with the humanities and flourish.

  • 在制定目标的时候,不妨参考过去最好的成绩,使其发扬光大。 Insetting my goals I will consider my best performance of the past and multiply it a hundredfold.

  • 尊老是中华民族的优良传统,这一传统在新中国得到发扬光大。 The Chinese nation has a fine tradition of respecting elderly people. This tradition has been carried forward in New China.

  • 庸俗的东西总是会得到发扬光大的结局。为什么不将美好保留? Vulgar things always will be promoted oute. Why not a reservation?

  • 是的,我们应该把雷锋精神发扬光大。让雷锋精神,与我们同行! Yeah, we should emulate the spirit of Lei Feng. The spirit of Lei Feng is always with us.

  • 是的,我们应该把雷锋精神发扬光大。让雷锋精神,与我们同行! Bob: Yeah, we should emulate the spirit of Lei Feng. The spirit of Lei Feng is always with us.

  • 比利•李,和他的兄弟,继续将他们的武术在全世界传承、发扬光大。 Billy Lee 〕with his brother, he continues to spread his martial arts teachings to students around the world.

  • 在新英格兰,善男信女所关切的并非信念之沦丧,而是它的发扬光大。 In New England it was rather a broadening of faith than a loss of faith that exercised the religiously minded.

  • 作为中华民族子女的我们,难道不应该努力学习,把我们的祖国发扬光大吗? As the Chinese nation, our children, why should not study hard and do our country to flourish?

  • 但我坚信,我们一定能够战胜各种困难,把先辈开创的事业一代代发扬光大。 But I am certain that we shall be able to surmount all difficulties and that one generation after another will advance the cause pioneered by the first generation.

  • 《保持通话》也拥有这种传统特质,甚至更有技巧性地将这种戏剧包容发扬光大。 “Call to maintain” the traditional qualities have even more skills and to promote tolerance of this drama.

  • 圣洁福音真理的理念,若与圣洁生活习惯分开,不能活下去,至少不能发扬光大。 The true notion of holy evangelical truths will not live, at least not flourish, where they are divided from a holy conversation.

  • 传统建筑体现了中国的悠久历史,他们应该被好好保存,这样才能将历史发扬光大。 Ancient buildings carry a long history in China, and they must be well reserved in order to carry on the history.

  • 而今天,中国的建筑在保留传统风格的同时,吸取西方建筑风格的精华,发扬光大。 Today, while preserving traditional style, Chinese architecture has absorbed elements from western countries and keeps growing.

  • 有利于在继承传统工艺的基础上结合现代生物工程技术,让传统产品推陈出新,发扬光大。 It is helpful to develop the traditional products into novel and more popular products by the bination of traditional processing and modern biotechnology.

  • 全国解放以后,我们的教育工作,我们的青年团、少先队的工作,发扬光大了过去的优良传统。 After Liberation, young people were encouraged to carry on this fine tradition by the schools, the Young Pioneers and the Youth League.

  • 北京申奥成功无疑将大大激发全国人民的运动热情,而奥林匹克的精神将在中华大地发扬光大。 With the success of this bid, the Chinese people will no doubt bee more enthusiastic about sports and the Olympic spirit will spread even more widely in China.

  • 卑鄙的行为就像有毒的种子,在封闭的环境中会发扬光大,只对一生碌碌无为的人算是件好事。 Vile deeds like poison weeds bloom well in prison air, it is only what is good in man, that wastes and withers there.

  • 他有着丰富的经验,因此希望他能够在我效力利物浦期间给予我帮助,使得我们的友情能够继续发扬光大! He has such great experience, so I hope we can continue our friendship here at Liverpool and he can teach me the ropes.

  • 还有﹐“雅音新篇“系列﹐更把50、60年代老歌重新演绎﹐注入新的感情﹐使这些老歌重新发扬光大。 Furthermore, he revived old songs from the 50s and 60s by injecting new emotions in the “New Elegant Music” series.

  • 我们对享有的自由心存感激,并将秉承为自由而奋斗的人的业绩,将这一天彰显关爱的崇高传统发扬光大。 Let us be guided by the legacy of those who have fought for the freedoms for which we give thanks, and be worthy heirs to the noble tradition of goodwill shown on this day.

  • 互相帮助是我们人类的美德,愿我们每一个人都能把这一美德发扬光大,让我们的爱心洒遍世界的每一个角落。 We help each other human virtues, to each one of us can carry forward the virtues of this, let us love all over her every corner of the world.

  • 由奥地利理论家鲁道夫‧史代纳发扬光大的这套哲学,强调人有灵性,而透过智慧,人类可找回这个性灵世界。 Developed by the Austrian theorist Rudolf Steiner, the philosophy is predicated on the existence of a spiritual world that can be accessed by the human intellect.

  • 我们必须把我们在哥本哈根确立的势头发扬光大,以确保在今后的日子里,大幅削减碳排放的国际行动是持久而充分的。 We’re going to have to build on the momentum that we’ve established here in Copenhagen to ensure that international action to significantly reduce emissions is sustained and sufficient over time.

  • 我们的建国之父们,面对我们难以想象的危险,起草了一部确保法治和人权的宪法,一部几代人流血牺牲来发扬光大的宪法。 Our Founding Fathers, faced with perils we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations.

  • 毛泽东是我党历史上最先发扬光大了这种实事求是学风,而邓小平继承、丰富和发展了包括毛泽东的实事求是观在内的传统实事求是观。 Mao is the first one who refine the spirit of seeking truth from facts, while Deng inherit, enrich, and develop Mao’s concept of seeking truth from facts.

  • 这跟日本所谓的「达人」文化有异曲同工之妙,往往一种新的潮流或技术到了日本就会发扬光大,就会形成一股新风潮,我想这是很值得我们探讨的。 The look has its roots in the United States, to be sure. But the spirit, rigor and execution of today’s prep moment is as Japanese as Sony.

  • 发扬光大造句相关



    词语大全 发扬蹈厉造句_发扬蹈厉中英文解释和造句

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    词语大全 发扬踔厉造句_发扬踔厉中英文解释和造句

    发扬踔厉  fāyángchuōlì发扬踔厉的意思和解释:原指周初《武》乐的舞蹈动作。手足发扬,蹈地而猛烈,象征太公望辅助武王伐纣时勇往直前的意志。后比喻精神奋发,意气昂扬。发扬踔

    词语大全 发扬踔厉造句_发扬踔厉中英文解释和造句

    发扬踔厉  fāyángchuōlì发扬踔厉的意思和解释:原指周初《武》乐的舞蹈动作。手足发扬,蹈地而猛烈,象征太公望辅助武王伐纣时勇往直前的意志。后比喻精神奋发,意气昂扬。发扬踔

    词语大全 发扬踔厉造句_发扬踔厉中英文解释和造句

    发扬踔厉  fāyángchuōlì发扬踔厉的意思和解释:原指周初《武》乐的舞蹈动作。手足发扬,蹈地而猛烈,象征太公望辅助武王伐纣时勇往直前的意志。后比喻精神奋发,意气昂扬。发扬踔