词语大全 变化莫测造句_变化莫测中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 变化莫测造句_变化莫测中英文解释和造句
变化莫测 biàn huà mò cè
不必再叹息于人生无常,变化莫测。 no longer need to sigh in the Life is unpredictable.
他说,奢侈品行业绝对是变化莫测的。 The luxury-goods business is’absolutely flying blind, ‘ he says.
我们未来的计划未定,一切都变化莫测。 Our future plans are unsettled; everything is in a state of flux.
这是一门变化莫测,收益极其丰厚的生意。 It is a quicksilver business and wildly lucrative.
而他都忘了这些人类是多么残暴而变化莫测。 He had forgotten how iolent and unpredictable these human mortals could be.
总想外边的世界,可是外面的世界是变化莫测的! Outsidealways thinks the world, but the outside world is unpredictable!
无需太多的颜色,只用变化莫测的笔墨去表现而景物灿然。 Don’t need too much colour, just use the changing ink to painting and every thing es out.
信号衰减在输电线环境经常是伟大和变化莫测的。 Signal attenuation in the power line environment is often great, and unpredictable.
正是在这个时候,港商一脚踏入了变化莫测的房地产市场。 It is in this time of uncertain businessmen kick into the real estate market.
这些毕业生尚未找到工作,所以对他们来说,一切都变化莫测。 These graduates haven´t found jobs yet; to them everything is in a state of flux.
爱默生力量的另一源泉来自于他非常紧凑的风格和他的变化莫测。 Another source of Emerson, s strength is his extraordinary pactness of style and his range and unexpectedness of illustration.
人类本来有一些奇怪而变化莫测的心弦,只在一种无意的拨动下发育。 There are chords in the human heart-strange, varying strings-which are only struck by accident.
政策的变化在对经济产生影响前会有一段比较长且变化莫测的后滞期。 And there are long, variable lags before policy changes have any effect on the economy.
这就意味着眼下的利物浦能够更加变化莫测,踢出让我们更加欣赏的足球。 That will allow us to play more of the style of football we want to at Liverpool.
本文首先对无线信道的特性进行了分析,为变化莫测的信道建立了数学模型; In this thesis, the channels of the wireless munication system are firstly introduced and then the mathematical models of them are discussed.
奥巴马在这个变化莫测的世界中确立了自己的身份,许多美国人对此深有同感。 He has built his identity in a shifting world; that resonates with a lot of Americans.
无论这给美国人民和世界其他地区人民带来什么,给中国带来的却是变化莫测。 Regardless of what this does for Americans and people from other places around the world, however, what it can do for the Chinese people remains unpredictable.
计算机通配符、炸弹, 和闪电块保持栅格变化莫测和迅速增加您的机会对清楚的块。 Wildcards, bombs, and lightning blocks keep the grid unpredictable and increase your chances to clear blocks quickly.
可是这世界是这样地变化莫测,我们怎样才能知道哪一条路是使我们走向目标的坦途呢? However, changing this world is so unpredictable, how can we know which road is to enable us to do the easy target?
生命是变化莫测的,万物实体是极不易掌握的,道运筹的准则是无穷无尽、深奥而不明的。 It is difficult to master the frequently-changing life and entity of all things; the operational rule of Tao is limitless, profound and obscure.
这三种激情像变化莫测的狂风任意地把我刮来刮去,把我刮入痛苦的深海,到了绝望的边缘。 These passions , like great winds, have blown me hitter and thither , in a wayward course over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.
这九律均为组织原则,在如生物进化,模拟城市这样变化莫测的运作系统中都存在着这样的原则。 These nine laws are the organizing principles that can be found operating in systems as diverse as biological evolution and SimCity.
演练时持枪稳活,气势奔放,上下翻飞,神出鬼没,变化莫测,充分体现了”枪似游龙“的特点。 When demonstrating, we should hold the spear steady unexpectedly, which shows the characteristic that the spear moving like an undulating dragon.
因此在你起行前,很自然会想浏览这个网站,了解旅游目的地变化莫测的天气,以便作出相应的准备。 So you may want to check this website before you leave in order to be prepared for that sudden change in weather of your travel destination.
其拍电影、做主持、走台做秀等招法变化莫测,常常令人大跌眼镜–这“土鳖”开始穿“马甲”了。 The film, so chaired, to Taiwan, Dr. Law uncertain place, often a reaction — the “Tubie” started wearing “vests.
人生变化莫测,它如同无边无际大海,时而风平浪静,时而巨浪拍岸,然而在我的生活遇到过种种的荆棘坎坷。 Life changing, it is boundless as the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes the shore waves, however, encountered in my life through all the valley of tears.
实际上,变化莫测的市场意味着交易员可能眼看着的他的利润在数秒之内消失,有力位置迅速陷入没有利益的地带。 In reality, a fast-changing market means a trader can see his profits wiped out in seconds and his position quickly plunge into the loss-making zone.
在大环境变化莫测下,企业必须持续保持竞争力,提升组织绩效,才能永续经营,而「人」才是未来企业的致胜关键。 Under this circumstance, to continuously improve their performance to bee more productive and petitive is very crucial for the firms to be sustainable. People is the key factor for success.
这不单单是企业品牌的创新,更要放在经济全球化当中体现你的不可替代性,才能在变化莫测的市场竞争中得以生存和发展。 This is not just corporate brand innovation, but also on economic globalization which reflects your irreplaceability, to unpredictable changes in the petitive market to survive and develop.
始创于1997年的泡泡系列,其表演所用的泡泡都是特别设计的塑料制品。这些作品探讨了生命的变化莫测和生死无常。这些主题也在其近期作品中有所体现。 The bubble series, a performance series that was initiated in 1997 and makes use of specially designed plastic bubbles, discusses the transience of life and the endless cycle of life and death.
词语大全 变化无常造句_变化无常中英文解释和造句
变化无常 biàn huà wú cháng
变化无常 biànhuàwúcháng变化无常的意思和解释:无常:没有常态。指事物经常变化,没有规律性。变化无常的出处《庄子·天下》:“忽漠无形,变化无常。”变化无常的例子近来天
变化无常 biànhuàwúcháng变化无常的意思和解释:无常:没有常态。指事物经常变化,没有规律性。变化无常的出处《庄子·天下》:“忽漠无形,变化无常。”变化无常的例子近来天
变化无常 biànhuàwúcháng变化无常的意思和解释:无常:没有常态。指事物经常变化,没有规律性。变化无常的出处《庄子·天下》:“忽漠无形,变化无常。”变化无常的例子近来天
变化多端 biànhuàduōduān变化多端的意思和解释:形容变化极多。也指变化很大。变化多端的出处明·冯梦龙《古今小说·陈从善梅岭失浑家》:“这齐天大圣神通广大,变化多端。”
变化多端 biànhuàduōduān变化多端的意思和解释:形容变化极多。也指变化很大。变化多端的出处明·冯梦龙《古今小说·陈从善梅岭失浑家》:“这齐天大圣神通广大,变化多端。”
变化多端 biànhuàduōduān变化多端的意思和解释:形容变化极多。也指变化很大。变化多端的出处明·冯梦龙《古今小说·陈从善梅岭失浑家》:“这齐天大圣神通广大,变化多端。”
变幻莫测 biànhuànmòcè变幻莫测的意思和解释:变幻:变化不可测度。变化很多,不能预料。变幻莫测的出处唐·韩愈《殿中少监马君墓志》:“当是时,见王于北亭,犹高山深林巨谷龙
变幻莫测 biànhuànmòcè变幻莫测的意思和解释:变幻:变化不可测度。变化很多,不能预料。变幻莫测的出处唐·韩愈《殿中少监马君墓志》:“当是时,见王于北亭,犹高山深林巨谷龙
莫测高深 mòcègāoshēn莫测高深的意思和解释:高深的程度无法揣测。指处世的态度、或说话、文章的内容(多不用在正面,带贬义)。莫测高深的出处《汉书·严延年传》:“吏民莫能测