词语大全 受宠若惊造句_受宠若惊中英文解释和造句

Posted 汤姆

篇首语:勤勉是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 受宠若惊造句_受宠若惊中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 受宠若惊造句_受宠若惊中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 宠辱若惊造句_宠辱若惊中英文解释和造句

词语大全 受宠若惊造句_受宠若惊中英文解释和造句

受宠若惊  shòu chǒng ruò jīng







  • 他经常奉承我,使我感到受宠若惊。 He often apple-polishes me and I’m flattered.

  • 他的赞美使我大感受宠若惊。 I feel greatly flattered at his pliment.

  • 她的爸爸发现她选择了他,真是受宠若惊。 Her father was flattered to find out that she had chosen him.

  • 在英语角有人说我口语好让我觉得有点受宠若惊。 I feel flattered by that some people say me that I spoken language well.

  • 在英语角有人说我口语好让我觉得有点受宠若惊。 I was quite flattered when someone in the English corner said that my spoken English was good.

  • 我真是受宠若惊。 I was just resting my eyes.

  • 早就对亚洲事务感兴趣的那个大使,不禁受宠若惊。 The ambassador, who had long been interested in Asian affairs, was flattered.

  • 他说他为那些发生在拉斯维加斯的谈话感到受宠若惊。 He said he was flattered to hear about the talk in Las Vegas.

  • 当简说她知道她父亲会喜欢我时我感到颇有点受宠若惊。 I felt quite flattered when Jane said that she knew her father would like me.

  • 汤姆有些受宠若惊,因为这位小姐看上去至少比他年轻15岁。 Tom was flattered, for she was at least 15 years younger than he.

  • 还从没有一个出版商主动来与我接洽,这种屈尊有点让我受宠若惊。 I had never been spontaneously approached by a publisher and such condescension rather turned my head.

  • 利物浦主帅承认他对如此评价受宠若惊,他渴望回报帕兰德利的高赞。 The Reds boss admits he is flattered by such ments and was eager to repay the pliment.

  • 一向不被公司重视的安迪,忽然被委以重任,令他受宠若惊,原来背后另有原因。 Andy Baxter has always been overlooked by his employers in the pany. One day, he is suddenly promoted.

  • 这次我真的很受宠若惊,我有点不敢相信,居然会有这样的好事发生在我的身上。 It was flattering and somewhat scary this time. I can’t believe that how could something right be happening to me.

  • 当他第二次邀请我跳舞的时候,我有些受宠若惊呢,我都没有想到他会这么赞赏我。 I was very much flattered by his asking me to dance a second time. I did not expect such a pliment.

  • 能和多年来我一直崇拜的这些著名女影星同获提名,我受宠若惊,心中充满了敬畏。 Just to be included in the pany of these amazing women I have so admired through the years, has left me slack-jawed with awe.

  • 这突如其来的香草礼品,一下子闯入我的怀中,让我既感到意外,又有些受宠若惊和不知所措。 This unexpected gift of vanilla, all of a sudden intrusion into my arms, so I was surprised and flattered and overwhelmed some.

  • 如果你想买一本书给孩子做礼物,走进书店,“受宠若惊”的你会被太多的选择搞得不知所措。 IF YOU go looking for a book to buy as a present for a child, you will be spoiled for choice, even in a year such as this, when there is no new Harry Potter.

  • 很激动,受宠若惊。这真是太棒了。昨天我做了现场问答,屋子彻底挤满了人,感觉真是非常好。 GDL: Overwhelming and very flattering. It’s been tremendous really. I did a panel yesterday and the ballroom was just absolutely packed and it was a really good, positive feeling.

  • 每个人对我的支持都是我受宠若惊。球员、经理、工作人员,切尔西的每个人,包括一切支持我们的人。 I think it has been fantastic from everyone. It has been the players, the managers, the staff, it was everyone in Chelsea, including supporters.

  • 我们会联想到宇宙的广袤、大地的无垠,以及自身得以存在的渺茫几率,然后,自叹卑微却又受宠若惊。 Our imaginations bee aware of the vast distance of space, the immensity of the earth and the huge improbability of our own existence. We feel small but privileged.

  • 包尔顿太太也许有些受宠若惊,对这些友好的表示感到费解,但潘登尼斯先生的善意是永 无穷尽的 。 Mrs. Botton was perhaps rather shy and suspicious about these advances; but Mr. Pen’s good humour was inexhaustible inexhaustible.

  • 当我来到海布里的训练场,当我发现我正在和这些墙壁上的球员一同训练,我想(他做了个受宠若惊的手势),现在轮到我了。 When you arrive here at the training ground, and you discover you are training with those players, you think [he makes a gesture which bines admiration and trepidation], now it’s my turn.

  • 站在这里,我很荣幸,也有点受宠若惊。在我之前,许多美国领导人从这里起步;在我之后,也会有许多领导人从这里继续前进。 I am honored and humbled to stand here, where so many of America’s leaders have e before me, and so many will follow.

  • 我并不为利物浦这样豪门在这里接到欢迎而惊吓,但是我却受宠若惊我在这里受欢迎程度,我必须感谢利物浦让我成为巨星的机会。 I’m not surprised how big Liverpool are out here but I am surprised how popular I am. I have to thank Liverpool for making me that player.

  • 史蒂芬·斯德维尔当得知自己转会切尔西的传闻时仅仅一笑而过,但是他同时也暗示如果有机会转会斯坦福桥,他会感觉受宠若惊。 Steve Sidwell has played down talk of a move to Chelsea but has hinted he would jump at the chance of a switch to Stamford Bridge.

  • 他给澳大利亚著名的选美皇后詹尼弗·霍金斯写信邀请她参加舞会,当得到这位2004年的环球小姐的同意后他简直是受宠若惊。 He wrote to Australia’s best-known beauty queen, Jennifer Hawkins, to ask her to the dance, was stunned when the 2004 Miss Universe accepted.

  • 瑞典国门安德里亚斯伊萨克松表示,能受到像阿森纳和曼联这样豪门的青睐令他受宠若惊,但是他相信再在法国待一年会对他更有好处。 Sweden international Andreas Isaksson is flattered at links to the likes of Manchester United and Arsenal, but believes another year with French side Rennes will benefit him.

  • 在汤姆工作的大楼里有一个咖啡屋,那儿总有一位小姐每天都和他打招呼。汤姆有些受宠若惊,因为这位小姐看上去至少比他年轻15岁。 When the young waitress in the café in Tom’s building started waving hello everyday. Tom was flattered, for she was at least 15 years younger than he.

  • 自己的名字被列入长老会之列对他而言无疑是一大惊喜,甚至到了现在,他也不时为长老会对他的能力的信任以及对他的智慧的赞许而感到受宠若惊。 Being named to the Council came as a plete surprise; even now, he is sometimes astonished by the faith the Jedi Council has in his abilities, and the credit they give to his wisdom.

  • 受宠若惊造句相关


    词语大全 宠辱若惊造句_宠辱若惊中英文解释和造句

    宠辱若惊  chǒng rǔ ruò jīng







  • 老子认为,这些宠辱若惊的患,都是因为我们有个〝自我〞的观念而引起的。 Laotse thought that the feeling extremely flattered derives from the concept of ego.

  • 了解了这一点,你就算是顿悟了。不了解,不体认及不确信这个回归尘土的宿命,那么你在这个世上,就会时常被卷入争强斗胜以及宠辱若惊的俗事之中; Not knowing, not identifying, and not believing in it, you would be involved into scramble and other mundane affairs that make you fluctuate in favor and disgrace, every now and then.

  • 宠辱若惊造句相关



    词语大全 宠辱若惊造句_宠辱若惊中英文解释和造句

    宠辱若惊  chǒngrǔruòjīng宠辱若惊的意思和解释:无论受宠、受辱,心里都要振动。形容人非常计较得失。宠辱若惊的出处《老子》第十三章:“得之若惊,失之若惊,是谓宠辱若惊。

    词语大全 宠辱若惊造句_宠辱若惊中英文解释和造句

    宠辱若惊  chǒngrǔruòjīng宠辱若惊的意思和解释:无论受宠、受辱,心里都要振动。形容人非常计较得失。宠辱若惊的出处《老子》第十三章:“得之若惊,失之若惊,是谓宠辱若惊。

    词语大全 翩若惊鸿造句_翩若惊鸿中英文解释和造句

    翩若惊鸿  piānruòjīnghóng翩若惊鸿的意思和解释:比喻美女的体态轻盈。翩若惊鸿的出处三国魏·曹植《洛神赋》:“(洛神)其形也,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙。”翩若惊鸿的例子正在

    词语大全 翩若惊鸿造句_翩若惊鸿中英文解释和造句

    翩若惊鸿  piānruòjīnghóng翩若惊鸿的意思和解释:比喻美女的体态轻盈。翩若惊鸿的出处三国魏·曹植《洛神赋》:“(洛神)其形也,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙。”翩若惊鸿的例子正在

    词语大全 受宠若惊的意思及近义词 成语大全


    词语大全 宠辱不惊造句_宠辱不惊中英文解释和造句

    宠辱不惊  chǒngrǔbùjīng宠辱不惊的意思和解释:宠:宠爱。受宠受辱都不在呼。指不因个人得失而动心。宠辱不惊的出处晋·潘岳《在怀县》诗:“宠辱易不惊,恋本难为思。”宠辱不

    词语大全 宠辱不惊造句_宠辱不惊中英文解释和造句

    宠辱不惊  chǒngrǔbùjīng宠辱不惊的意思和解释:宠:宠爱。受宠受辱都不在呼。指不因个人得失而动心。宠辱不惊的出处晋·潘岳《在怀县》诗:“宠辱易不惊,恋本难为思。”宠辱不

    词语大全 宠辱皆忘造句_宠辱皆忘中英文解释和造句

    宠辱皆忘  chǒngrǔjiēwàng宠辱皆忘的意思和解释:受宠或受辱都毫不计较。常指一种通达的超绝尘世的态度。宠辱皆忘的出处宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:“登斯楼也,则有心旷神怡,宠

    词语大全 宠辱皆忘造句_宠辱皆忘中英文解释和造句

    宠辱皆忘  chǒngrǔjiēwàng宠辱皆忘的意思和解释:受宠或受辱都毫不计较。常指一种通达的超绝尘世的态度。宠辱皆忘的出处宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:“登斯楼也,则有心旷神怡,宠

    词语大全 被宠若惊的意思_成语“被宠若惊”是什么意思
