词语大全 变本加厉造句_变本加厉中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:人争气,火争焰,佛争一炷香。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 变本加厉造句_变本加厉中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 变本加厉造句_变本加厉中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 变本加厉造句

词语大全 变本加厉造句_变本加厉中英文解释和造句

变本加厉  biàn běn jiā lì








  • 她的债主们的狠心更是变本加厉。 Her creditors were more pitiless than ever.

  • 但是,先生,这种偏见是变本加厉的。 But sir, this prejudice goes farther.

  • 但是,元老们在下半年的减持行动变得更为变本加厉。 However, the veterans in the second half of the more action to reduce further.

  • 那一年是1636,郁金香交易的投机性也变本加厉。 That happened in the year 1636 when mania was reaching its peak.

  • 脾气上的任何天生缺陷若不变本加厉,那几乎是不可能的。 It was hardly possible that any natural defects in it should not be increased.

  • 美国《性犯罪法》事实上已事与愿违、朝着变本加厉的方向在发展。 In fact its sex-offender laws have grown self-defeatingly harsh (see article).

  • “他们嘲笑她,”德雷克夫人说,“因此,她自然就变本加厉了。” “They laughed at her, ” said Mrs. Drake. “So, of course, that made her worse. ”

  • 最先仅是有关加薪的简单争论如今已变本加厉成长成造成严重损害的罢工。 What started as a simple discussion about pay has degenerated into a crippling strike.

  • 马科斯还变本加厉地亲自提升他诡计多端的堂弟统领军事化的国家警察部队。 Besides, Marcos himself had promoted his savvy younger cousin to head the military-led national police force.

  • 威胁数百万人生活的粮食危机开始缓和了吗,还是随着时间流逝更加变本加厉? WILL the food crisis that is menacing the lives of millions ease up — or grow worse over time?

  • 变本加厉地实施着他的计划。他把一种致命的细菌空撒到田园诗般的温布省。 Koong raised the stakes by unleashing a deadly germ into the air over pastoral Umboo.

  • 如果我可以承受痛苦,痛苦就会变得渺小;如果我无法承受痛苦,痛苦就变本加厉。 Slight thou art, if I can bear thee, short thou art if I cannot bear thee!

  • 仅靠政府间的协作既不能带来和平与可持续发展,相反会使对资源的劫掠更变本加厉。 Narrow government-to-government initiatives also risk creating the conditions for more-efficient resource plunder, promoting nether peace nor sustainability.

  • “卫队对人民的镇压越变本加厉,”魁刚略带疲倦地接话,这是再熟悉不过的状况了。 “The Guardians have cracked down harder, ” Qui-Gon said wearily. It was a familiar scenario.

  • 第一次重大行动成功之后,限制主义者变本加厉,使不会读写英语的人移民美国为非法。 Successful in their first major effort, the restrictionists pressed on to make illegal the immigration of anyone who could neither read nor write English.

  • 然而,无论何种教育知识观都未能使实践产生实质积极性的影响,应试教育“变本加厉”。 However, no matter what knowledge concept of education may have its influence, the “examination-oriented education” is still gaining in strength.

  • 不是抗日的财政经济政策,而是照旧不变甚至变本加厉的无益于国有益于敌的财政经济政策。 Not financial and economic policies for resisting Japan, but the same old, or even worse, financial and economic policies benefiting the enemy rather than our own country.

  • 几年来他通过勒索钱财、原油以及其他好处以换得暂时的事态平息,但是下一次却会变本加厉。 For years he has managed to extort cash, oil and other goodies for then quietening down, only to behave even more threateningly next time.

  • 第一是政府,人民币的调整已经出现了,这并没有赶走海外的热钱,反而使海外的热钱变本加厉地进入中国。 The first is the government, the adjustment has emerged, which did not expel foreign hot money, but their access to overseas hot money to China.

  • 达成和解协议后,李某反而变本加厉地在网络和南水镇曾某家附近大肆传播和张贴涉及其隐私的视频资料和照片。 Reached a settlement agreement, but Lee stepped up the network in the South Zengmou Township home near the big display of its dissemination and privacy of data and video pictures.

  • 他们弯起像弓的舌头,使在地上得势的,是虚伪而不是诚实,因为他们变本加厉作恶,全不理睬我──上主的断语。 They bend their tongue like bows. Deceit and not truth prevail in the land. They mit one crime after another and do not know me.

  • 不过这些年来,我变得愈加变本加厉,因为靠一份薪水养大三个孩子并不容易,特别是还供老大和老二上完了大学。 But I’ve been made cheaper because it was tough supporting three kids — particularly putting the eldest two through college — on one salary.

  • 即使我们失败一两场,尽管去抨击我们吧,我们还会回来的,而且是变本加厉,比以前更来势汹汹,赢得更多的胜利! Eight or nine?Maybe we drop one, go ahead and talk about us, we’ll run off some more and we’ll try to get it back.

  • 继上周建筑钢材疯涨一周,平均日涨幅达到100元/吨后,本周钢价变本加厉,以日涨200元/吨的速度向上狂飙。 Following the construction of steel skyrocketing week last week, the mean daily increase of 100 yuan / ton, the steel further intensified this week, up to 200 per day / tons of speed up a hurricane.

  • 可是,颟顸的霍氏集团对皇帝的新动向毫无察觉,反而依仗皇太后、皇后的特殊关系,变本加厉地专横跋扈、奢靡越制。 However, the Khodorkovsky’s Group of the emperor’s new trends without notice, but relied on the Empress Dowager, Queen’s special relationship intensify their efforts to Shemi the system.

  • 于是摩西只好退而求其次,要求大家至少不可杀人,但是容许宰杀动物。然而你们的祖先变本加厉,不仅杀动物,也杀人。 Therefore Moses has to draw back asks next, requests everybody not to be possible to kill people at least, but allows the butcher animals.

  • 在接下来的几个月里,这位会计主管看到同事们在老板的恫吓下战战兢兢地工作,(下属的)畏惧使得暴君式的老板变本加厉,越发得意。 Over the next few months, as the account manager watched co-workers cower under the boss’s brow-beating, he realized that the tyrant fed on fear.

  • 后来,戈尔丁进入了文法学校。在那里,还是孩子的戈尔丁受到的羞辱“如切肤之痛。”而后,在牛津大学学习自然科学时此般羞辱更是变本加厉。 Golding himself attended the grammar school, and the social humiliation he felt as a child—reinforced later at Oxford University, where he read science—was “as real as a wound”.

  • 而股票就像被宠坏的恋人,刚给了你点甜头,让你得意忘形之后,紧接着没准儿就是变本加厉的索取,若成不了“情场高手”,就只能让人玩得团团转。 The stock is like the spoiled lover, you just point to the sweetness you Deyiwangxing, followed by Maybe that’s further request, if not into “market intelligence expert”, can only play one round.

  • 为了推行改革,他提出了两套可能的方案:拆分这些金融大鳄或是限制其变本加厉的冒险行为,将其转变为谨小慎微而非势力庞大的坚实稳固的公用事业。 He sees two possible roads to reformation: dismantling the monsters or curbing their riskier activities to the point that they bee public utilities, too safe, rather than too big, to fail.

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