词语大全 口诛笔伐造句_口诛笔伐中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 口诛笔伐造句_口诛笔伐中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 口诛笔伐造句_口诛笔伐中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 口诛笔伐造句

词语大全 口诛笔伐造句_口诛笔伐中英文解释和造句

口诛笔伐  kǒu zhū bǐ fá







  • 对于高考的口诛笔伐从来就没有停止过。 Of speech and writing for the college entrance examination has never stopped.

  • 房地产开发商成为网民口诛笔伐的对象。 Real estate developers bee netizens condemn it in speech and writing audience.

  • 就学生跪师事件,网友们纷纷展开了口诛笔伐。 Students kneel on the division, surfers have started a fire.

  • 但是对亚当斯进行口诛笔伐的,多数竟是共和党人。 But many of Adams’s most vocal and unrelenting critics turned out to be Republicans.

  • 这种固有观念,往往表现为对智力研究的口诛笔伐。 The answer, based on decades of intelligence research, is an unequivocal yes.

  • 在阅读了这一网站的转帖后,许多网民对其丈夫口诛笔伐。 Many netizens vehemently abused Wang Fei after reading posts copied from that website.

  • 别的国家的政府一干预市场,美国就看不过去,就口诛笔伐。 Whenever any other country was going to intervene its own market, U. S. would get in the way with masses of critics.

  • 中国足球在北京奥运会上小组都没有出线,沦为了媒体口诛笔伐的对象。 The Chinese soccer the group has not gone beyond a line at Beijing Olympic Games, degenerated into the object which the media denounces in word and in writing.

  • 过去,英国的执行长总是对体育明星、流行歌手、电视名人的收入口诛笔伐。 Moaning about sports stars’ earnings, as well as those of pop singers and television celebri-ties, was once the preserve of British chief executives.

  • 过去,英国的首席执行官总是对体育明星、流行歌手、电视名人的收入口诛笔伐。 Moaning about sports stars’ earnings, as well as those of pop singers and television celebrities, was once the preserve of British chief executives.

  • 环保观念近三年来在国内蓬勃兴起,这类破坏景观的行为很难躲过舆论的口诛笔伐。 The spread of environmental awareness over the past three years has made it difficult for actions that destroy the scenery to avoid public condemnation.

  • 上次欧洲杯之前,我们遭到口诛笔伐,说我们不堪一击,但是我们最后进入了决赛。 Before the last European Championships we were massacred that we were beaten when we got to the final and cancelled that out.

  • 炒卖土地一直受到社会各方面的口诛笔伐,因为它是北京平均房价居高不下的原因之一。 Land speculation has been the social aspects condemn it in speech and writing, because it is one of the reasons Beijing average prices high.

  • 的“超级征名”刚刚热热闹闹地开场,业内就已经出现了一些对“超级征名”的“口诛笔伐”。 “super-levy” just to look but an opening, the industry had been some “super-levy” “condemn it in speech and writing.

  • 在前一段时间被开发商口诛笔伐的“打折”,又悄悄地被开发商作为尽快把房屋出手的有效手段。 Former developer condemn it in speech and writing for some time been “discounted” and were quietly housing developers as soon as possible when the effective means.

  • 主帅拉涅利饱受口诛笔伐,舆论指责他对比赛的解读能力欠佳,临场换人也往往起不到多大作用。 Coach Claudio Ranieri suffering from speech and writing, he accused the media of the game’s poor ability to read, change-the-spot often will not achieve much.

  • 面对公共舆论对畸高房价和房地产暴利的口诛笔伐,“廉租房制度”往往成为开发商们自我辩护的借口。 In the face of public opinion on odd high real estate prices and profiteering by condemn it in speech and writing, the “low-cost housing system” tend to bee self-defence was pretext developers.

  • 你也许会记得上赛季结束后,科比通过书面、在电台上对库普切克口诛笔伐,一天几次要求被交易出去。 You may recall how last season ended — with Bryant killing Kupchak in the papers, and on the radio, demanding a trade several times a day.

  • 在今年的夏季联赛当中罗斯受到了肌腱炎的困扰,这让他的表现大打折扣,甚至成为了人们口诛笔伐的对象。 In this year’s summer league which Ross has been troubled by the tendinitis, which he greatly reduced the performance, and even became the object of people’s speech and writing.

  • 未曾想到一石激起千层浪,赞同者拍手称快,认为这是一剂“良方”,反对者“口诛笔伐”,认为这纯粹是文字游戏。 Did not think of one stone Mottaki, who clapped their hands in applause agree that this is a “good” opponents “vocal opposition” and that this is purely a game of words.

  • 更有网友对这一事件的负面效应表示忧虑,担心已经处于舆论风口浪尖上的《魔兽世界》再次成为人们口诛笔伐的对象。 Some users of the negative effects of the incident, said worries that already in the public opinion on the cusp of the “World of Warcraft” once again bee vocal opposition objects.

  • 在一片相互口诛笔伐的众声喧哗中,对于靠近所谓的“真相”,已经没有太多人感到兴趣,水落石出也变得毫不重要了。 Caught up in the war of words between both sides, people are no longer interested in the “truth” of the matter which seems to have bee immaterial.

  • 如今,盛情款待达赖喇嘛的西方国家成为中国政府准备口诛笔伐的对象,但印度仍是这位西藏领袖及其流亡政府的基地。 Today, Beijing is ready to whip up spats with western nations that extend hospitality to the Dalai Lama. But India remains the base of the Tibetan leader and his government-in-exile.

  • 这也在一定程度上说明,作为儒家道德观之核心的封建“孝道”,1919年后为什么会成为“五四”新文化运动口诛笔伐的靶标。 This constitutes part of the reason why the feudalistic “filial piety”-the centre of Confucian morality-was targeted by the “May-fourth” new cultural movement since 1919 onward.

  • 当时作品的出发点是为了显示出战争的恐怖,而这幅图“挑起了历史学家对这一事件的口诛笔伐”而且被称为史上最优秀的统计图。 Created in an effort to show the horrors of war, the graph “defies the pen of the historian in its brutal eloquence” and has been called the best statistical graphic ever drawn.

  • 想想格兰特吧,如果当初他在联赛里一个强队都没赢过,或者在欧冠小组赛最后一轮表现疲软,没能出线,等待他的会是怎样的口诛笔伐。 We know what would have been said of Grant, for instance, had he failed to beat every good team he played in the league or had been left vulnerable in the final round of Champions League group games.

  • 因为在赛季结束,他们将获得巨大的赞扬,或者球迷和媒体的口诛笔伐,不管这是否公平,但是他们必须接受,因为他们是这里的超级明星。 At the end of the season because they will be given great praise or criticism of the media and fans, no matter whether this is fair, but they have to accept, because they are superstars here.

  • 社会上认为一个富人应该怎样享受他的劳动果实、支持经济增长(或者,用奥巴马的话说“舒适地生活”),而不会遭到媒体和公众的口诛笔伐? How is a rich guy supposed to enjoy the fruits of his labor and support the economy (or, as Mr. Obama put it, ‘live high on the hog’) without getting media-pitch forked by the angry mob?

  • 《华盛顿时报》开设的社论版以他为希拉里•克林顿举办募款早餐会为由对之口诛笔伐,称他为“保守主义者最为恐怖惊惧(原文如此)的噩梦”。 The Washington Times ran an op-ed piece lambasting him for holding a fund-raising breakfast for Hillary Clinton, “the scariest spectral [sic] of conservative nightmares”.

  • 从我的孩子身上,我看到了我们社会的一种不良倾向:我们总是热衷于将取得重大成就的人捧为偶像,然后在他们出现问题后又不遗余力地口诛笔伐,散布冷嘲热讽的种子。 In my kids, I’ve seen our societal tendency to idolize high achievers, then to denigrate them just as energetically when they screw up, plant the seeds of cynicism.

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    词语大全 口诛笔伐   [kǒu zhū bǐ fá]什么意思

    口诛笔伐  [kǒuzhūbǐfá][口诛笔伐]成语解释诛:痛斥,责罚;伐:声讨,攻打。从口头和书面上对坏人坏事进行揭露和声讨。[口诛笔伐]成语出处明·汪廷讷《三祝记·同谪》:“他

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    词语大全 笔伐口诛   [bǐ fá kǒu zhū]什么意思

    笔伐口诛  [bǐfákǒuzhū][笔伐口诛]成语解释伐:声讨,攻打;诛:痛斥,责罚。从口头和书面上对坏人坏事进行揭露和声讨。[笔伐口诛]成语出处清·忧患余生《序》:“而吾辈不畏

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    笔伐  [bǐfá][笔伐]基本解释谓以文声讨。[笔伐]详细解释谓以文声讨。鲁迅《花边文学·序言》:“只为了一篇《玩笑只当它玩笑》,又曾引出过一封文公直先生的来信,笔伐的更严重了。

    词语大全 此唱彼和造句_此唱彼和中英文解释和造句

    此唱彼和  cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,

    词语大全 此唱彼和造句_此唱彼和中英文解释和造句

    此唱彼和  cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,