词语大全 古色古香造句_古色古香中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:直如朱丝绳,清如玉壶冰。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 古色古香造句_古色古香中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 古色古香造句_古色古香中英文解释和造句
古色古香 gǔ sè gǔ xiāng
湖边的亭阁被修葺得古色古香。 The pavilions beside the lake have an air of great antiquity.
他们的房子装饰得古色古香。 Their house is adorned with beautiful antique ornaments.
这家饭店,装饰得古色古香。 This restaurant has Been decorated with classic Beauty.
这座建筑真是古色古香啊。 This really is a classic piece of architecture.
周啸天的旧体诗写得古色古香,幽凝典雅; The poems with the ancient style by Zhou Xiao-tian are with ancient flavour and elegance.
这条街有点古色古香。 The street smacks of antiquity.
完成照片:你完成了古色古香的照片的搜集。 Photo finish:You put together the antique photo.
真是古色古香。 It is with antique flavors.
古色古香,清雅素淡,是这个服装设计师的设计风格。 The style of this clothes designer is of classic Beauty and fresh elegance.
这个房子装潢得古色古香,让访客觉得好像回到过去。 The house was decorated in an antiquated style, which made visitors feel like they had travelled back in time.
风格古色古香,很具特色。并且材料质地柔软,有弹性。 This style is unique and antique, and the material is soft and springy.
出来的效果看起来将会有点不同,更加古式/古色古香。 The result will look a bit different, more antique.
这儿有一座不很整齐的,砌著三角墙的,古色古香的老教堂。 Here was an old church, quaint and rambling and gabled.
室内环境:古色古香的建筑,极具中国特色的餐厅布局和桌椅。 Indoor Environment: Its setting is quite a Chinese-type one.
古色古香,典藏丰富的鲁迅图书馆,是东方研究所中最值得炫耀的地方。 With its rich holdings and vintage atmosphere, the Lu Hsun Library is the Oriental Institute’s prized gem.
山墙照壁油漆彩画,琉璃瓦色彩斑烂,门楼古色古香,整个建筑和谐静雅。 Gablezhao bi tempera paint, colorful glazed tile, the gatehouse of the old, the whole buildingjing ya harmony.
玉皇庙在玉皇顶上,三间屋子配有红色的墙和柱子,灰色的瓦,古色古香。 Yu Huangmiao in Yuhuang Ding, the three houses with red walls and pillars, grey tiles, antique.
馆南北有配房,一称小方壶,一称小蓬莱,益增其古色古香、优雅清幽之氛围。 Museum of the North-South are allocated units, said a small square pot, one that small Penglai benefit by its old-world, the atmosphere of quiet elegance.
士兵和军官分别走入他们各自的食堂用餐,这些食堂都设在古色古香的圆形大厅正面。 The enlisted men and officers separated into different dining halls on facing sides of the archaic rotunda .
大开门在设计中的运用使古典风格巧妙融入现代设计元素,古色古香却不与时尚脱节。 Open the door to be applied mediumly in the design greatly make classicism clever blend in contemporary design element, antique do not be out of line with vogue however.
他在诗中写的是古色古香的事物;老人、旧建筑物、血统、面对秘不可解的死亡的儿童。 His poetry often deals with antiquity: old men, old buildings, lineage , children confronted with the ancient mystery of death.
在广场的东西两侧,分别建有一些仿古建筑,四周还有长长的走廊,古色古香,非常漂亮。 Of the east and west sides of the square were built a number of antique buildings, there are four weeks long corridors, antique, very beautiful.
然而,诸如屏风、窗饰、门饰以及其他许多细节的运用,古色古香,又尽皆营造著浪漫的情调。 However, such as screen, tracery, door act the role of ing and other of a lot of detail apply, antique, all all building romantic emotional appeal again.
构图方面也不再那么具有冒险性,此时期的结构和提香早期的作品比起来,几乎可说是古色古香。 In position too he became less adventurous and used schemes which, pared with some of his earlier works, appear almost archaic.
古色古香的京剧、相声、茶馆、胡同、四合院、天桥、残缺的古城墙让人感受到悠远的历史文化; The venerable Beijing Opera, Beijing repartee, tea-house, courtyard dwelling, Hutong, overpass, remains of ancient city wall, they all remind the long history of civilization.
住着古色古香的仿古长廊式平房﹐看着新增建的多功能厅﹑图书室等设施﹐老人们高兴得合不拢嘴。 The elders in the House were happy because they are living in a building with Chinese traditional style architecture and have the use of a new multimedia hall and library.
住宿部一应以平遥古民居式样陈设,土炕缎被等,古色古香;配以卫生间、空调现代设施,便利憩息。 We display the houses of Acmodation Department according to the traditional style of Pingyao, meanwhile, washing room and air conditioning are provided as well.
绕过一道河湾,迎面就见一幢美丽、庄严、古色古香的老红砖房;房前是修理得平平整整的草坪,一直延伸到河边。 Rounding a bend in the river, they came in sight of a handsome, dignified old house of mellowed red brick, with well-kept lawns reaching down to the water’s edge.
在大多数歌曲中,琵琶和大提琴的合奏占据了歌曲的主旋律位置,这使得专辑既具有传统民乐的古色古香,又不失流畅动听的现代曲风。 The instrumental ensemble of lute and cello constitutes the theme of most songs, and makes this record a bination of traditional chinese folk style and smooth modern melodies.
为了在河边教堂举行的婚礼庆典上增加一点额外的新意,这位30岁的新娘将穿着1909年制作的一件古色古香的爱德华婚纱走过通道。 Just to add an extra twist to the festivities at their Riverside Church wedding, the bride, who is in her 30s, will walk down the aisle in an antique Edwardian wedding gown sewn in 1909.
词语大全 古色古香造句
词语大全 古色古香造句 古色古香の例文 "古色古香"是什麼意思
古色古香造句古色古香の例文"古色古香"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!它不是
心驰神往造句 一:这篇文章中环境描述惟妙惟肖,令人心驰神往。 二:时至今日,仍然有许多美国人觉得中国远在天涯海角,鲜为人知,令人心驰神往。 三:美丽的景色让人心驰神往。 四:古香古色的城市很令
心驰神往造句 一:这篇文章中环境描述惟妙惟肖,令人心驰神往。 二:时至今日,仍然有许多美国人觉得中国远在天涯海角,鲜为人知,令人心驰神往。 三:美丽的景色让人心驰神往。 四:古香古色的城市很令
古诗词大全 古香慢(自度腔·夷则商犯无射宫·赋沧泪看桂)原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介
古香慢(自度腔·夷则商犯无射宫·赋沧泪看桂)[作者]吴文英 [朝代]宋代怨娥坠柳,离佩摇葓,霜讯南圃。漫忆桥扉,倚竹袖寒日暮。还问月中游,梦飞过、金风翠羽。把残云、胜水万顷,暗熏冷麝悽苦。渐
古诗词大全 古香慢(自度腔·夷则商犯无射宫·赋沧泪看桂)原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介
古香慢(自度腔·夷则商犯无射宫·赋沧泪看桂)[作者]吴文英 [朝代]宋代怨娥坠柳,离佩摇葓,霜讯南圃。漫忆桥扉,倚竹袖寒日暮。还问月中游,梦飞过、金风翠羽。把残云、胜水万顷,暗熏冷麝悽苦。渐
描写现代企业环境的词语清香四溢、清香怡人、温馨、舒心惬意、高端、大气、清新、明亮、舒适形容装修环境好的词语1、 古色古香【拼音】:gǔsègǔxiāng【解释】:形容器物书画等富有古雅的色彩