词语大全 叨在知己造句_叨在知己中英文解释和造句

Posted 知己

篇首语:时穷节乃现,一一垂丹青。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 叨在知己造句_叨在知己中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 叨在知己造句_叨在知己中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 知己知彼造句_知己知彼中英文解释和造句

词语大全 叨在知己造句_叨在知己中英文解释和造句

叨在知己  tāo zài zhī jǐ









词语大全 知己知彼造句_知己知彼中英文解释和造句

知己知彼  zhī jǐ zhī bǐ








  • 知己知彼,才能不会白买。 Others can not buy white.

  • 只有你懂他的意思了,毕竟是好朋友,知己知彼。 Only you understand what he means. So you’re good friends after all, with mutual understanding !

  • 候选人中谁能做到知己知彼,谁就抢占了赢得竞选的先机。 There is a truism in American politics, which is the candidate who is able to define himself and define his opponent first wins the election.

  • 末了,倡导制卡和会员卡制作企业“知己知彼、诚笃失约”。 Finally, the proposed business card printing and membership card making enterprise ” for mutual understanding, honest and trustworthy “.

  • 最后,建议制卡和会员卡制作企业“知己知彼、诚实守信”。 Finally, the proposed business card printing and membership card making enterprise ” for mutual understanding, honest and trustworthy “.

  • 首先,谈判者应当做到知己知彼,从而在谈判中不为对方所任意操纵。 First, negotiations should know well their own situation and that of the counterpart and thus not be willfully manipulated by them.

  • 在谈判中知己知彼是最重要的。否则你只会在人前出丑,输得一败涂地。 The big thing in negotiation is try and figure out your opponent. Otherwise, you’re going to look like an idiot and lose big.

  • 高一,高二,高考中的历届难题和常题。让学生达到有的放矢,知己知彼。 Annual English papers and hard questions for high-school students make trainees know their targets.

  • 只要发挥出正常的水平,两战全取六分并非奢望,关键是赛前做到知己知彼。 So long as displays the normal level, two fight all takes six point by no means wild hope, the key is achieves before the game knows oneself and the other side.

  • 邓布利多决定传授给哈利,他所知道的有关伏地魔的所有事情,谓之知己知彼。 Dumbledore has decided to teach Harry all he knows about Voldemort, to arm him against the evil one.

  • 谈判是很奥妙的艺术,最重要的是知己知彼。否则你就会丢尽颜面,一败涂地。 Negotiation is a very, very delicate art, the big thing in the negotiation is to try and figure out your opponent. otherwise you gonna look like an idiot and lose big.

  • 通过对主要市场竞争者进行对比分析,就可以知己知彼,制定更有效的竞争战略。 By parably analyzing the critical petitors, we can know each other more effective petitive strategies.

  • 了解对手的特点、长处,在比赛时就会有所侧重——所谓知己知彼、百战不殆者也。 Know what your petitors’ strengths are so you will have some race awareness.

  • 职业规划的第二个环节是评估职业机会,加上第一个环节就是做到知己知彼的程度。 The second link of occupation programming evaluates an occupation opportunity, plusing the first link is the degree which attains to know both your opponent and yourself.

  • 说实在的,“知己知彼”很可能是《孙子兵法》中最脍炙人口的一句话,也最常被引用。 In fact, “now your enemy, know yourself” is probably the most well-known phrase in Sun Tzu’s Art of War. It is also the most cited phrase.

  • 中国加入GPA谈判中政府采购实体的确定应注意研究其他成员实体清单,做到知己知彼; However, an entity included in the Appendix 1 will be decided by the bargain between GPA members eventually.

  • 知己知彼,才能更好的学习,地产人士们在芙蓉姐姐的身上是不是也多少看到了自己的影子? Others can learn better, the property was in Fu Yung sister who is also the body to see how their own shadow?

  • 所以,专家建议那些掌管一方国计民生的父母官,凡事要量力而行,知己知彼,方能百战不殆。 Therefore, experts remend that the officials in charge of party people, to do everything, knowing, can win.

  • 知己知彼方可百战不殆,要更好地防治木马,首先要深入了解木马程式的工作原理和使用方法。 A better protection against Trojan horses requires a thorough understanding of the work principles of the Trojan horse program and methods of its application.

  • 文章比较并分析了两岸仲裁法律制度的异同,以求在知己知彼的基础上,推动两岸仲裁合作的发展。 This article pares and analyzes the similarities and differences of arbitration law system, and finds a way to promote the cooperation between Taiwan and the mainland in the field of arbitration.

  • 投资房产,想靠收租金“一劳永逸”地过上幸福生活,光有钱和胆子还不够,必须还要做到知己知彼。 investment properties, rely on rent “once and for all” to live a happy life, and raise the money is not enough just to have done yourself.

  • 知己知彼,百战百胜。 很多朋友为情感烦恼。 让我们换位思考一下。如何用男人的思维方式来约会。 Hi. It is not for you. It is for girls to see how much they know about man.

  • 尤其是边境国家的地理地貌,建筑地形,风土人情,宗教信仰,军事装备及战法等等,做到知己知彼,至则可战。 Especially in the border state of geographical landscape, building topography, customs, religious beliefs, military equipment and tactics and so on, so that mutual understanding, to be war.

  • 同时通过双向的信息传递,使信息的提供者与使用者做到知己知彼,减轻信息的不对称现象,提高资本市场的效率。 In the meanwhile, the two-way transfer of information enables information providers and users to know each other better, reducing information asymmetry and raising capital market efficiency.

  • 虽然个人的条件及能力才是决定性因素,但是知己知彼才能百战百胜,事先有越多的准备,临阵必定有最佳的表现。 Although individual conditions and capacity is the decisive factor, but in which the enemy can advance and the more prepared definitely got the best performance.

  • 不管怎样你算是挺过了那段艰难时期,这时你们就成了一对耳聋眼花的老夫老妻——你能做到知己知彼的那个混蛋。 You get through the rough patches somehow and then it really is like a dysfunctional married couple–the evil that you know.

  • 当跨国汽车巨头们在中国打得热火朝天的时候,我国的汽车工业将如何发展自己呢?兵法有云:知己知彼,百战不殆。 When transnational automobile giants in China playing the sexy time, China”s automobile industry will be how to develop their mutual understanding Art of War says.”

  • 中国加入世界贸易组织后,法律服务市场将对外开放,我们面临着外国律师事务所的挑战,俗话说,知己知彼百战不殆。 With China’s admission into the WTO, the legal market of China will be open to the foreign law firms. We have to face the challenge of foreign law firms.

  • 壹个女人若是有很多男人追,要么她特别有魅力,各方面条件都非常优越;要么她深谙男人的心理,能够做到知己知彼,百战不殆。 If a woman has a lot of men chasing or she has the charm, all the conditions are very favorable; or she knows the psychology of men, can understand, Baizhanbudai.

  • 中国有一名话:“知己知彼,百战不殆。”意思说,打仗的时候,既要了解自己,还要了解自己的对手,这样才能在每场战役中取胜。 As the Chinese saying goes, “know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat”, one should know both himself and his counterpart to win each battle.

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