词语大全 可乘之隙造句_可乘之隙中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 可乘之隙造句_可乘之隙中英文解释和造句
可乘之隙 kě chéng zhī xì
敌人会犯错误,正如我们自己有时也弄错,有时也授敌以可乘之隙一样。 The enemy is liable to make mistakes, just as we ourselves sometimes miscalculate and give him openings to exploit.
有时退到该地区还无隙可乘,便不得不再退几步,待敌发生可乘之“隙”。 Sometimes when we have retreated to the predetermined area and not yet found openings to exploit, we have to retreat farther and wait for the enemy to give us an opening.
而且我乘敌隙,敌也可以乘我之隙,少授敌以可寻之隙,又是我们指挥方面的任务。 Besides, the enemy can exploit our mistakes just as we can exploit his. It is the duty of our mand to allow him the minimum of opportunities for doing so.
词语大全 无机可乘造句_无机可乘中英文解释和造句
无机可乘 wú jī kě chéng
另一个(放东西)的好地方是夹克衫里面带扣的口袋,扒手将无机可乘。 Another good place is in the buttoned-up inside pocket of a jacket. There is just no way in .
为了安全保障,建议当时要问清情况,达到威慑作用,让犯罪分子无机可乘; In order to protect the safety, the proposal was to ask, to achieve deterrence, so that criminals Wujikesheng;
罪藉着法律的命令,寻找机会,在我心里激发各种贪欲。没有法律,罪就无机可乘。 but sin, finding occasion, wrought in me through the mandment all manner of coveting: for apart from the law sin is dead.
这样那些可能想要破坏谈判交涉,但又很少参与会议协商的人就不会被接受了,也无机可乘。 In this way, those that would wish to disrupt negotiations but had not shown much effort in participating in the meetings will not be accepted.
而且一些张贴式的镭射字号,可以屡屡利用,让造不不假者无机可乘制卡和会员卡制作阛阓。 And some post-laser trademark, you can use over and over again, so that counterfeiters have also provided some business card printing and membership card production market.
王竑受命镇守居庸关,整修边关,精兵振武,对外修好,瓦剌军见无机可乘,将英宗遣送回京。 Wang Hong was ordered to guard Pass , the refurbishment of the frontier, elite Zhenwu, external repair, militarywa puncture see life as would be sent back to Beijing Yingzong.
现年27岁的他,已经形成自己独特的快如闪电的战斗风格,他善于凭借凌厉的刺拳得分,让对手无机可乘。 Now 27, Zou has since developed a characteristic, lightning-fast fighting style that helps him rack up points with rapid-fire jabs while keeping just out the reach of opponents.
当图雷冲到博尔顿队半场压制对手,并且消耗掉比赛时间的同时,亨利回到本方半场拼抢下球,让对手无机可乘。 While Kolo Toure surged into the Bolton half to close down opponents and eat up some time, Henry was back in his own half winning tackles and keeping the visitors at bay.
萨拉的民主党对手拜登比她经验丰富多了,但是拜登出了名的囉嗦可能会使他在萨拉频频失误的情况下也无机可乘。 Her Democratic rival Joe Biden is vastly more experienced, but his reputation for long-windedness could prevent him from capitalizing on any [of] Sarah Palin’s slips.
为了安全保障,建议当时要问清情况,达到威慑作用,让犯罪分子无机可乘;还要经常检查对账单,以便及时发现问题。 In order to protect the safety, the proposal was to ask, to achieve deterrence, so that criminals Wujikesheng; also carry out regular checks on the bill, to discuss the issue.
增加出口也要求在海外市场有更好的渠道,尤其是在亚洲,那里的一些国家让美国汽车无机可乘,相反还向美国出口数百万辆车。 Increasing exports also requires better access to overseas markets, especially in Asia where some countries lock out Detroit’s vehicles while sending millions of cars to the U. S.
随着政府人员的配置以及货物的流通趋于合法,以至于各种犯罪活动与外界的联系无机可乘,罪犯如今也通过各种新式方法取得联系。 But just as the legal movement of people and goods creates all kind of unlikely links, criminals are now connected in all sorts of new ways.
无机可乘 wújīkěchéng无机可乘的意思和解释:没有空子可鉆。无机可乘的出处无机可乘的例子无机可乘造句另一个(放东西)的好地方是夹克衫里面带扣的口袋,扒手将无机可乘。Ano
无机可乘 wújīkěchéng无机可乘的意思和解释:没有空子可鉆。无机可乘的出处无机可乘的例子无机可乘造句另一个(放东西)的好地方是夹克衫里面带扣的口袋,扒手将无机可乘。Ano
有隙可乘 yǒuxìkěchèng有隙可乘的意思和解释:指事情有漏洞可以利用。有隙可乘的出处有隙可乘的例子有隙可乘造句这个申明中有一点是有隙可乘的。Therewasoneassa
有隙可乘 yǒuxìkěchèng有隙可乘的意思和解释:指事情有漏洞可以利用。有隙可乘的出处有隙可乘的例子有隙可乘造句这个申明中有一点是有隙可乘的。Therewasoneassa
有机可乘 yǒujīkěchéng有机可乘的意思和解释:有空子可鉆。有机可乘的出处明·罗贯中《三国演义》第一百十回:“今魏有隙可乘,不就此时伐之,更等何时?”有机可乘的例子闻之窃
有机可乘 yǒujīkěchéng有机可乘的意思和解释:有空子可鉆。有机可乘的出处明·罗贯中《三国演义》第一百十回:“今魏有隙可乘,不就此时伐之,更等何时?”有机可乘的例子闻之窃
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不虞之隙造句不虞之隙の例文"不虞之隙"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!,不虞
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