词语大全 叹为观止造句_叹为观止中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 叹为观止造句_叹为观止中英文解释和造句
叹为观止 tàn wéi guān zhǐ
对台湾鹰架的安全性叹为观止。 You’re impressed by the safety of Taiwan scaffolding.
探险队员们对山顶的景色叹为观止。 The group of explorer were stunned by the view from the summit.
二月至五月的雨季期间,瀑布的气势最令人叹为观止。 During the rainy season, February to May, the falls are the most impressive.
OPEC组织对于中东盛产石油的速度感到叹为观止。 The OPEC wonders at the rate at which the Middle East produced its oil.
孙少怀以凹槽取代了把手,其中的简单的确叫人叹为观止。 Sun Shaohuai replaced handle with groove, call a person among them simply acclaim as the peak of perfection really.
在全年的大部分时间里,约塞米蒂瀑布的美丽总是令人叹为观止。 Throughout most of the year, the beauty of Yosemite Falls is no less breathtaking.
那小巧的花瓣不知疲倦地层叠著,直看得我心旷神怡,叹为观止。 That pact tirelessly cascading petals, and straight to see me feel good, amazing.
今天,这是在埃及发现的最令人叹为观止的考古学上的遗址之一。 Today it is one of the most remarkable archaeological sites to be found in Egypt.
威尔:(尝了一口)噢,这好浓郁啊。余味久久不散,令人叹为观止。 Will: [tastes] Oh, this is exquisite. The length is stunning. I’m in awe.
你可以参观冰宫,饱览常年的积雪及周围高山峻岭令人叹为观止的景色。 Visit the Ice Palace and take advantage of the everlasting snow and the breathtaking view amongst these imposing mountains.
撒哈拉令人叹为观止的魅力和严酷的气候对于探险家来说一直充满诱惑。 The Sahara°?s exotic beauty and harsh climate have long been a lure for adventurers.
最近在太平洋岛国汤加附近的海域中自然正在进行令人叹为观止的展示。 There is a spectacular display of nature going on these days in an area of the Pacific Ocean near the island nation of Tonga.
更远处,环绕着山体斜坡令人叹为观止的城市景色一直延伸到无际无边。 Beyond, sloping mountains fence in a breathtaking city view that seems to stretch forever.
哈梅内伊的考核报告称“他表现出的智慧和效率”达到了“一个叹为观止的高度。” Its report on Mr Khamenei’s performance found that “wisdom and efficiency” were “manifest in him to a sublime degree.
假如证明属实,这还无疑问将是科学史上对于了解宇宙最令人叹为观止的一项发现。 If this discovery is confirmed. it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered.
艺术馆庄严几近原始的结构及其令人叹为观止的收藏品,更凸显这个国家严肃的文化企图心。 The building’s austere, almost primitive forms and the dazzling collections it houses underscore the seriousness of the country’s cultural ambition.
邻近的「州立图腾柱公园」与「萨克斯曼原住民村庄」也有令人叹为观止的图腾柱与部族屋舍。 Magnificent displays of totem poles and clan houses can also be found nearby at Totem Bight State Park and Saxman Native Village.
随着相机制造商之间不断革新与竞争速度的加快,越来越多的人掌握了这项令人叹为观止的技术。 The rapid pace of innovation and petition among camera manufacturers has put increasingly impressive technologies into the hands of ever more people.
教育。继续提供教育,但一次提供一点点即可。扶轮可以学习的地方很多,可能会多得让人叹为观止。 Mentor. Make sure that a seasoned Rotarian helps new members get started and stays involved for at least a year. Newers can get lost easily.
尼亚加拉瀑布宽670米,落差56米,形成一幅令人叹为观止的白色水幕,其中最大的瀑布形似一个半圆。 The waterfalls, the largest of which is shaped like a semicircle, are 670 metres wide, and fall 56 metres in an awesome white sheet of water.
由此我见识到了以素描、绘画和摄影的形式,人们可以用手再创造自然风景的美,得到令人叹为观止的作品。 This brings me to see to the drawing, painting and photographic form, it can be manually re-create the natural landscape of the United States, the work has been stunning.
车到站了,那个乱套的魔方,各个面也回复了,看了别人令人叹为观止的表演,我心里不由得涌起几分羨慕。 Vehicle arrival, and that hell broke loose of the Rubik’s cube, each side has responded to, saw the amazing spectacle of someone else, filled my heart can not help a bit envious.
极富创意的结构设计已令人叹为观止。在制作工艺上值得您细细把味,从细节中您亦可见到仙峰的品质与品味。 It is surprised to have such structure designed. And the technology is worthwhile beingappropriated. From the quality and graceful taste of products made by XIAN FENG.
但与此同时,雅典人和他们的游客尽可对这令人叹为观止的新博物馆感到自豪,这里无疑汇集了最伟大的艺术。 In the meantime, though, Athenians and their visitors can be proud of their stunning new piece of architecture, filled with indisputably great art.
红园建筑上独特的砖雕、木雕和河州彩绘闻名三陇,尤其是砖雕艺术,品种繁多,形象逼真,常常令游人叹为观止。 Red Park construction unique Zhuandiao, carved and painted River, known for three Longde, in particular Zhuandiao art, wide variety, lifelike image, so that visitors are often breathtaking.
威廉斯:我记得我参加《卧虎藏龙》北美首映前举办的影评试映会时,电影当中令人叹为观止的特效都会获得喝采。 KW: I remember when I attended a critics, screening of Crouching Tiger before it opened, there was cheering in the middle of the movie simply at the stunning special effects.
蝎子沟不仅具有“一线天”的壮景,而且“龙潭映月”、“磨耳崖”、“铁锁崖”三景最令人叹为观止,拍手叫绝。 Scorpion ditch not only has a “thin strip of sky, ” Zhuang King, and “Longtan Serenade, ” “grinding ear Cliff”, “locks Cliff” Three King’s most impressive, clap wow.
从石南花覆蓋的山峦到树木茂密的幽谷,从壮丽的海岸风光到大风肆虐的沼泽之地,叹为观止的景致遍及每一个角落。 From heather covered mountains to dense wooded glens, dramatic coastline scenery to windswept bog lands, there is a breathtaking sight around every corner.
但是吉本斯的更猛烈的批评声是关于一个人迹更为罕至的地方:岛内最高峰四周的一个平台上座落着一组叹为观止的建筑,那里被人们成为“南峰”。 But Mr Gibbons’s graver plaints concerned an even more remote place: an amazing set of structures perched on a ledge below the island’s summit in an area known as the South Peak.
前所未见的超级大型魔术表演,配合玻利尼西亚雄壮魅力的舞蹈及故事,展现另一种独特及神秘的风格。大格局的魔术,十全十美的灯光与音响,令人叹为观止。 Magic of Polynesian show used to be a winner of the International Magic Award. Waikiki’s ultimate stage and spectacular magic illusions, music, and lighting with polynesian songs and dances.
词语大全 叹观止矣造句_叹观止矣中英文解释和造句
叹观止矣 tàn guān zhǐ yǐ
叹观止矣 tànguānzhǐyǐ叹观止矣的意思和解释:用来赞美看到的事物好到了极点。叹观止矣的出处《左传·襄公二十九年》记载:吴国的季札在鲁国看各种乐舞,看到舜时的乐舞,十分赞
叹观止矣 tànguānzhǐyǐ叹观止矣的意思和解释:用来赞美看到的事物好到了极点。叹观止矣的出处《左传·襄公二十九年》记载:吴国的季札在鲁国看各种乐舞,看到舜时的乐舞,十分赞
叹为观止的意思 叹为观止 【叹为观止的意思】看到这里就够了;不必再看别的。指赞美所见的事物好到极点。 【叹为观止的出处】《左传·襄公二十九》:“观止矣!若有他乐;吾不请已。” 【叹为观止的读音
观止 [guānzhǐ][观止]基本解释[totheend]看到这里就可以休止了。赞美看到的事物好到极点达到无以复加的程度观止矣!若有他乐吾不敢请已。--《左传.襄公二十九年》觉
词语大全 探观止矣 [tàn guān zhǐ yǐ]什么意思
探观止矣 [tànguānzhǐyǐ][探观止矣]成语解释用来赞美看到的事物好到了极点。[探观止矣]百科解释tànguānzhǐyǐ成语:探观止矣【解释】:用来赞美看到的事物好到