词语大全 各执一词造句_各执一词中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:学乃身之宝,儒为席上珍。君看为宰相,必用读书人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 各执一词造句_各执一词中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 各执一词造句_各执一词中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 血肉横飞造句_血肉横飞中英文解释和造句

词语大全 各执一词造句_各执一词中英文解释和造句

各执一词  gè zhí yī cí









词语大全 血肉横飞造句_血肉横飞中英文解释和造句

血肉横飞  xuè ròu héng fēi







  • “砰”, 一颗手榴弹把那一伙当官的炸得血肉横飞。Then with a loud explosion a hand-grenade immediately blew the whole group of officers into a disorderly pile of dead bodies.
  • 肠子肚子全出来!血肉横飞! There’s lungs and stomach flying out, blood everywhere!

  • 年少的爱情,务必要血肉横飞才感到快意。 Young’s love must be mix flesh with blood that made one large charge.

  • 一段:“血肉横飞”式——这是骂人的外家功夫。 Section: “Xuerouhengfei” style – this is the curse Waijia effort.

  • 在这里,合资品牌大打出手,可谓“血肉横飞”。 Here, a joint venture brands fight can be described as “pieces.”

  • 虽是痛快淋漓,但自己亦会头破血流,故云“血肉横飞”。 Although it is Tongkuailinli, but also their badly beaten, Guyun “Xuerouhengfei.”

  • 老美的这种片子都是传统的血肉横飞,没有一点思考和悬念! Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get!

  • 我暗想如此一位强女子,在血肉横飞的战场上是否有过害怕; I thought to myself such a strong woman, Xuerouhengfei the battlefield whether there had been frightened;

  • 这些剑士们为超重装步兵,几乎可将任何敌军部队砍杀得血肉横飞。 Zweihänders are very heavily armoured foot troops who can cut a bloody swathe through nearly all infantry they will encounter.

  • 这些剑士们为超重装步兵,几乎可将任何敌军部队砍杀得血肉横飞。 Zweihanders are very heavily armoured foot troops who can cut a bloody swathe through nearly all infantry they will encounter.

  • 狂战士为终身战士,拒绝提升为将领,以便在战场上享受血肉横飞的厮杀快感。 Life long warriors who have refused promotion to a mand position so as to continue fighting.

  • 枪林弹雨、血肉横飞的暴力镜头,使青少年从小崇尚暴力,相信枪能“解决”一切问题。 Hail of bullets ripped the scenes of violence so that young people to advocate violence, I believe that the gun can “solve” all problems.

  • 敢死团成员身穿重型盔甲,双手挥舞巨型长剑,通常伴随着狂呼厉吼,令敌军血肉横飞。 These desperate men are armed with a massive two-handed sword and thick armour.

  • 敢死团成员身穿重型盔甲,双手挥舞巨型长剑,通常伴随着狂呼厉吼,令敌军血肉横飞。 These desperate men are armed with a massive two-handed sword and thick armour.

  • 约曼弓箭兵装备精良,使用长弓进行战斗,亦可挥舞长柄铁槌近身搏杀,令敌军血肉横飞。 Lightly armoured and equipped with a longbow for ranged bat, as well as wielding a large metal mallet for crushing armoured opponents in melee.

  • 自助餐厅的爆炸导致地面血肉横飞,玻璃碎片遍地。第二次爆炸袭击发生在伊斯兰法律系。 The blast at the cafeteria left bits of flesh splattered on the floor and shattered glass. The second attack took place in the Islamic law department.

  • 帮!唔!摔在地上。撕开!爪子滑到肋骨里。肠子肚子全出来!血肉横飞!后腿还在那跑呢! Bang! Boof! It’s on the ground. Splitted it open! Slip the hands in the rib cage. There’s lungs and stomach flying out, blood everywhere! Its back leg’s still trying to run!

  • 骨肉相残人情乖离不过是等闲之事,在那世界的深处,一出出神志迷离、血肉横飞的秘戏正在上演。 Such strategies are on one after another in the deep side of the mysterious world.

  • 一时间,明抢暗箭,硝烟四起,血肉横飞……王子“郑桥”饮誉金三角、三名年轻女子同时爱上了他。 Three girls fall in love with him simultaneously. One is ajima, a beautiful and wild princess of keqing natinality.

  • 这些斯堪的纳维亚战士始终坚持以传统北欧风格作战,热衷于将敌军砍得血肉横飞,令任何对手都极为胆寒。 Scandinavian warriors who still hold on to their old Norse ways. Their enemies fear their bloodlust and it is known Varyags will happily cut fleeing opponents to pieces.

  • 自助餐厅内遍地散落着横飞血肉以及因爆炸而迸裂的玻璃残渣。而第二次袭击则针对伊斯兰堡的法院部门展开。 The blast at the cafeteria left bits of flesh splattered on the floor and shattered glass. The second attack took place in the Islamic law department.

  • 这些弓骑兵并非作为轻装突袭部队作战,而是尽量接近敌军密集攒射,同时装备狼牙棒,以便令近身之敌血肉横飞。 Although cavalry archers, these are no light skirmishers. Instead they operate in close formation to lay down a heavy barrage of fire. They have maces for use on anyone who gets too close.

  • 爆破筒炸声震天响,敌人被炸得血肉横飞、碎尸一片,溃退下去。敌人接连4次进攻,均被打退,留下成堆的尸体。 Fried Bangalore ring around the sound, the enemy was blown pieces, pieces 1, rout continues. 4 successive enemy attack, were repulsed, leaving piles of dead bodies.

  • 他推掌向前击去,然后那掌打在恶魔身上的时候,它的整个身体爆裂了,一瞬间血肉横飞,我闻到了皮肉烧焦的味道。 He shoved his palm forward, and when it struck the demon, its body exploded: muscle, skin and bones tore apart, and the smell of burning flesh filled the air.

  • 他们泰半出身自耕农阶层,因此可出资购置轻型盔甲和长剑,以备近身搏杀,自身亦对这种血肉横飞的作战方式情有独钟。 Drawn from the ranks of free farmers, they are able to afford some light protection, and a sword for close bat, for which they have far more appetite than other light archers.

  • 他们多半出身自耕农阶层,因此可出资购置轻型盔甲和长剑,以备近身搏杀,自身亦对这种血肉横飞的作战方式情有独钟。 Drawn from the ranks of free farmers, they are able to afford some light protection, and a sword for close bat, for which they have far more appetite than other light archers.

  • 不过,即使镜头中血肉横飞、身首异处,你还是能看到我们的主角和他的外星朋友为了最终的目的不懈努力,这才是观众想要的。 It works because even in the middle of all those body parts splattering everywhere, there is still a recognizable human – and alien for that matter – in the midst of it all.

  • 这让我不由自主的想起47年前爆发的那一场让世界上的每一个人都刻骨铭心的战争,杀戮、流血、毁灭、血肉横飞、流离失所……。 It made me think of involuntary outbreak 47 years ago in a world that everyone on the unforgettable war, killing, bloodshed and destruction, Xuerouhengfei, displaced …

  • 最后一次进攻尾声,被一种看到其中一个部下在自己面前炸的血肉横飞的惨痛心情驱使下,谷子地下达了一个连他手下也反对的命令——枪毙战俘。 At the end of that first assault, Gu, driven by grief at seeing one of his officers blown to pieces before his eyes, orders the prisoners taken to be executed –an order his men refuse.

  • 血肉横飞造句相关



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