词语大全 各尽所能造句_各尽所能中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 各尽所能造句_各尽所能中英文解释和造句
各尽所能 gè jìn suǒ néng
词语大全 大势所趋造句_大势所趋中英文解释和造句
大势所趋 dà shì suǒ qū
互联网与通信的融合已成大势所趋。 The Internet and the correspondence fusion has bee ultimately.
这是阻挡不了、无法避免的大势所趋。 This is, however, inevitable and irresistible.
企业选择组建联盟进行合作创新成为大势所趋。 It bees a trend for the enterprises to join the innovation alliance.
此外,俱乐部现在的管理也趋于理性,这是大势所趋。 In addition, the club now Management also tending to the rational, this is the trend of the times.
许多人说,在环球化现象盛行的情况下,美国化是大势所趋。 Many say that with globalisation, the American style is the way to go.
全面落实科学发展观,积极构建社会主义和谐社会是大势所趋。 Comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development and actively build a socialist harmonious society is the general trend.
改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。 Reformation, the only outlet to prosper China, is expectations of people and the wave of future, and that is irreversible.
改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。 Reform is the only way to revitalize China, with is the expectations of all people, the wave of future and cann’t be reversed.
高等院校科研管理由行政型向服务型转变已是大势所趋、势在必行。 In institution of higher learning the change of scientific research management model from chief to service is necessary and inevitable.
虽法学史册众说纷纭,然法理学与自然科学的交叉确已是大势所趋。 Although in the legal scientific history books there are many theories, the jurisprudence and the natural sciences overlapping already were necessary.
随着现代信息技术发展,信息化、网络化、自动化已经成为大势所趋。 With the rapid progress of modern information technology, information, networking and automation have been the trend of the times.
数字化维修是航空维修的大势所趋,空中客车公司是这一领域的先拓者。 Digital maintenance technology is a tendency to do air-maintenance in a digital way.
程序设计类教材要以职业技能为核心建设,是当今高职教育改革大势所趋。 The construction of programming class teaching material focused on vocational skills is the trend of current higher education reform.
随着教育事业的改革与发展,扩大高校和地方办学自主权已成为大势所趋。 With the development and reform of education, it is a tendency to enlarge the autonomy of both the higher education institutions and the local authorities.
吸收国外先进管理模式,完成“以客户为核心”的战略转变已是大势所趋。 It is high time to learn advanced managerial theories, so that Chinese consulting panies could achieve the strategic transformation that is “customer-oriented”.
面对全球金融业混业经营的潮流,混业经营将是中国金融业发展的大势所趋。 So the universal banking is a trend in the development of China’s financial sector.
认为采用湿法浸出直接提取技术回收低品位矿产资源是大势所趋,前景广阔。 It is considered that use of direct extraction technology for recovery of low-grade mineral resources is the trend of the times and broad in prospects.
开放式实验教学是当前实验教学改革的大势所趋,但也存在着许多教学误区。 Open experiment teaching is an inevitable tendency of reform of current experiment teaching, but there are some misunderstandings as the open experiment teaching is developing.
面对全球金融业混业经营的潮流,混业经营将是中国金融业发展的大势所趋。 After China’s entry into the WTO, it is inevitable that China will open its financial sector to the outside world where the universal banking has been popular.
因此,一些公司开始把大量资金投入这个领域,因为他们意识到,这是大势所趋。 And so there are panies beginning to invest significant amounts of money to prepare for what they see as inevitable.
不可否认,在经济全球化的背景下,基础性生产要素的国内价格和国际接轨是大势所趋。 It is undeniable that in the context of economic globalization, the basic factors of production, domestic prices and international standards is a general trend.
但是大势所趋,是降不了的,日本战争的坚决性和特殊的野蛮性,规定了这个问题的一方面。 But the general trend of events will not permit capitulation; The obstinate and peculiarly barbarous character of Japan’s war has decided this aspect of the question.
但在笔者看来,与其说是“大势所趋”,不如说是显现了大学、社会和学生的过度功利化心态。 To me, rather than saying that it is an inevitable trend, it shows the utilitarian mentality of universities, students and the society.
随着国家对环境保护的日益重视和节约能源的需要,化工装置熄灭火炬是大势所趋,势在必行。 With the increasing attention of government to environment protection and the requirements for energy saving, putting out the flare bees the trend for chemical plant.
而在另一方面,现在还没有一位客户提出要将其热敏设备换为紫激光设备,这是因为热敏己是大势所趋。 On the other hand, there is no one offered to its thermal equipment into violet laser equipment, this is because the thermal f pubulic.
尽管各成员立场各不相同,但由于劳工标准纳入WTO具有其合理性,劳工标准纳入WTO已是大势所趋。 Although there are different standpoints among the member states, the labor standards will became the WTO formal articles because of own rationality.
随着我国即将加入WTO,以及电信运营业自身发展的要求,打破政府垄断、公平竞争、改革开放已成大势所趋。 With China抯 entry into WTO, Goungdong Tele has to abolish the monopoly and implement fair petition to meet the incessant development of tele business.
信息技术的快速发展为传统流程制造业带来了巨大的冲击,用先进的自动化与信息技术对其进行现代化改造是大势所趋。 The rapid development of information technology brings heavy impact on the traditional process industry. It is an important issue to reform it by using advanced automation and information technology.
文学期刊与改革要求和市场大趋势难以谐调的矛盾日益突出;文学期刊面临生死挑战;文学期刊改革大势所趋,势在必行。 The contradiction between the reform requirement of the literary journal and trend of the time cann tbe in harmony .
直到1990年代,互联网时代到来,比特取代原子的成本逻辑在各个领域都开始发挥作用,出版物的数字化已经是大势所趋。 It was not until the 1990s, the Internet age, khabit replaced the Atomic cost logical fields e into play digital price for the item is already a general trend.
大势所趋 dàshìsuǒqū大势所趋的意思和解释:大势:指整个局势。整个局势发展的趋向。大势所趋的出处宋·陈亮《上孝宗皇帝第三书》:“天下大势之所趋,非人力之所能移也。”大势所
大势所趋 dàshìsuǒqū大势所趋的意思和解释:大势:指整个局势。整个局势发展的趋向。大势所趋的出处宋·陈亮《上孝宗皇帝第三书》:“天下大势之所趋,非人力之所能移也。”大势所
妙处不传 miàochùbùchuán妙处不传的意思和解释:指精微奥妙的地方不是言语和笔墨所能表达的。妙处不传的出处宋·黄庭坚《戏题小雀飞虫画扇》诗:“丹青妙处不可传,轮扁斫轮如
妙处不传 miàochùbùchuán妙处不传的意思和解释:指精微奥妙的地方不是言语和笔墨所能表达的。妙处不传的出处宋·黄庭坚《戏题小雀飞虫画扇》诗:“丹青妙处不可传,轮扁斫轮如
匪夷所思 fěiyísuǒsī匪夷所思的意思和解释:匪:不是;夷:平常。指言谈行动离奇古怪,不是一般人根据常情所能想象的。匪夷所思的出处《周易·涣》:“涣有丘,匪夷所思。”匪夷所
匪夷所思 fěiyísuǒsī匪夷所思的意思和解释:匪:不是;夷:平常。指言谈行动离奇古怪,不是一般人根据常情所能想象的。匪夷所思的出处《周易·涣》:“涣有丘,匪夷所思。”匪夷所
尤的组词 常见组词与解析: 1、以儆效尤 造句:埃尔斯伯格和其他两位前告密者警告说,美国情报部门会“极尽所能惩罚这位‘维基解密’的创始人,以儆效尤。” 典故:儆:使人警醒,不犯错误;效:仿效,