词语大全 各奔前程造句_各奔前程中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 各奔前程造句_各奔前程中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 各奔東西造句 各奔東西の例文 "各奔東西"是什麼意思

词语大全 各奔前程造句_各奔前程中英文解释和造句

各奔前程  gè bèn qián chéng







  • 又向不同的世界各奔前程。 and it has also learned a different world.

  • 死后我们同登彼岸,又向不同的世界各奔前程。 In death we reach the shore and go to our different worlds.

  • 死时,我们同登彼岸,又向不同的世界各奔前程。 In death we reach the shore and go to our different worlds.

  • 寂寞的往情,何处无知音,昔日的友情,而今各奔前程自一方。 to the lonely situation, where no music, old friendship, Gebenqiancheng Now, each side.

  • 大学毕业后我们各奔前程。我们去了不同的城市,渐渐失去了联系。 After college it was the parting of the ways We all went to live in different parts of the country and gradually we lost touch.

  • 小学的生活是多么令人迷恋而依依不舍,现在我们就要各奔前程了。 Primary life is and how is infatuated with Yiyibushe, Now we will have a Gebenqiancheng.

  • 昨天上午,中国女排队员们洒泪离开居住8年的天坛公寓,各奔前程。 Yesterday morning, the Chinese women’s volleyball team members Salei left to live 8 years of the Temple of Heaven apartment, Gebenqiancheng.

  • 每年只是节假日能看见他们一两次,他们都各奔前程,相聚太不容易。 He sees them maybe twice a year around the holidays, It’s hard to get together as they’ve all gone separate ways.

  • 对称破坏的过程不会产生唯一的结果,而是所有各奔前程的结果的叠加。 The process of symmetry breaking did not produce a unique oute but rather a superposition of all outes, which rapidly went their separate ways.

  • 对于革命情意阶级感情来说,各奔前程后尚能相逢一笑,已是弥足珍贵。 The revolutionary plex feelings class, the favorite subject after one smile, is invaluable.

  • 奥利弗:这和我们各奔前程有什么关系?我们现在在一起,不是很快乐吗? Oliver: What does that have to do with going our separate ways? We’re together now, and aren’t we happy?

  • 我们的学生会各奔前程,儿女也会离开家庭,我们得为每一年的计划寻找新的目标。 Our students move on, our children move out, and our annual plans simply find new targets to shoot for.

  • 这假期是美好的,但也十分令人悲伤,因为我们将要告别最亲爱的朋友,各奔前程了。 It can be beautiful, but it is also going to be challengingly sad, since we have to separated from our beloved friends, heading towards our different dreams.

  • 昨天上午,中国女排队员们收拾停当,洒泪离开居住八年的北京天坛公寓,各奔前程。 Yesterday morning, the Chinese women’s volleyball team ready to clean up, living Salei left the apartment for eight years, the Temple of Heaven Beijing, Gebenqiancheng.

  • 只是今后大家就难得再聚在一起吃每年元旦那顿饭了吧,没关系,各奔前程,大家珍重。 Only the future, we together on a rare New Year’s Day each year to eat a meal that you, It does not matter, we take good care of himself.

  • 奥利弗:这跟我们必须各奔前程又有什么关系?我们现在在一起,不是吗?我们很幸福呀。 Oliver: What does that have to do with going our separate ways? We’re together now, aren’t we? We’re happy.

  • 对于很多人来说,这将是最后一次机会——在他们各奔前程之前——同他们的校友共度时光。 For many, it will be their last chance to spend time with their school friends before they all go their separate ways.

  • 在我们的人生旅途中,有许多人我们可能只会遇见一次,然后便各奔前程,再也不会谋面了。 Our lives touch others but once, perhaps on the road of life; and then, maybe, our ways diverge, never to meet again.

  • 这批学生已各奔前程。几年后,其中的一名学生死于越南,他的老师参加了那名特殊学生的葬礼。 That group of students moved on. Several years later, one of the students was killed in Vietnam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student.

  • 已取这个损害你的人各奔前程了,你却对于当时碰到的每个己怀疑沉沉。于是魔鬼乘机留下了他的背囊。 You broke off your relationdship with that hurtful, abusive person , but you are suspicious and distrusting of every new person you meet. You let the devil leave his bags.

  • 当夫妻松绑开他们的结婚誓言而各奔前程时,结婚时采用丈夫姓的妇女就会发现自己要做出复杂的决定。 When couples undo their “I do’s” and go their separate ways, women who took their husband’s name when they married may find themselves with plex decisions to make.

  • 已取这个损害你的人各奔前程了,你却对于当时碰到的每个人怀疑沉沉。于是魔鬼乘机留下了他的背囊。 You broke off your relationdship with that hurtful, abusive person , but you are suspicious and distrusting of every new person you meet. You let the devil leave his bags.

  • 已取这个损害你优待你的人各奔前程了,你却对于当时碰到的每个己怀疑沉沉。于是魔鬼趁机留下了他的背囊。 You broke off your relationship with that hurtful, abusive person, but you are suspicious and distrusting of every new person you meet. You let the devil leave his bags.

  • 未取这个损害你优待你的人各奔前程了,你却对于当时碰到的每个人怀疑沉沉。于是魔鬼乘机留下了他的背囊。 You broke off your relationship with that hurtful, abusive person, but you are suspicious and distrusting of every new person you meet. You let the devil leave his bags.

  • 未取这个损害你优待你的人各奔前程了,你却对于当时碰到的每个己怀疑沉沉。于是魔鬼乘机留下了他的背囊。 You broke off your relationship with that hurtful, abusive person, but you are suspicious and distrusting of every new person you meet. You let the devil leave his bags.

  • 由于迈克尔和珍妮特成为国际巨星要各奔前程,他们就无法再一起演出。杰克逊五兄弟乐队1990年正式解散。 The group stopped touring together as Michael and Janet became international music superstars on their own, and the Jackson Five formally disbanded in 1990.

  • 一切人或生物都在准备离开,大限一到,都必须各奔前程,无论富人、穷人、年轻人或老人,都一定得经历这变迁。 All people, all creatures, are preparing to leave. When beings have lived an appropriate time they must go on their way. Rich, poor, young and old must all experience this change.

  • 你们即将各奔前程。我今天的希望就是,你们要始终睁大眼睛寻找奉献的机会,抓住它们,这是使你们成功的大道。 My hope today, as you mence to new beginnings, is you will always keep your eyes open for those opportunities to give and embrace them as your best sure way of doing well.

  • 你们即将各奔前程。我今天的希望就是,你们要始终睁大眼睛寻找奉献的机会,抓住它们,这是使你们成功的光明大道。 My hope today, as you mence to new beginnings, is you will always keep your eyes open for those opportunities to give and embrace them as your best sure way of doing well.

  • 妳们即将各奔前程。我今天的希望就是,妳们要始终睁大眼睛寻找奉献的机会,抓住它们,这是使妳们成功的光明大道。 My hope today, as you mence to new beginnings, is you will always keep your eyes open for those opportunities to give and embrace them as your best sure way of doing well.

  • 各奔前程造句相关


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