词语大全 合而为一造句_合而为一中英文解释和造句

Posted 语义

篇首语:知识的确是天空中伟大的太阳,它那万道光芒投下了生命,投下了力量。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 合而为一造句_合而为一中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 合而为一造句_合而为一中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 知其不可而为之造句_知其不可而为之中英文解释

词语大全 合而为一造句_合而为一中英文解释和造句

合而为一  hé ér wéi yī








  • 神死了的时间,宗教便将合而为一。 Religion will be one when God is dead.

  • 这是两条冰河合而为一汇集的照片。 Here is a shot of wo merging glaciers.

  • 死亡使众多合而为一,生命使其一化为万众。 In death the many bees one; in life the one bees many.

  • 我们重新走在了一起,愿你我永远合而为一。 We are refreshed to join together again. May we remain whole forever.

  • 我希望有一天你会加入我们,而全世界将合而为一。 I hope someday you will join us, and the world will be one.

  • 此二叔合而为一人,当此人死后他们俩也就分开了。 The two Shus bine together to shape up as a human. When the human die, they separate.

  • 横琴蠔自然生态园是科研、生产、观光合而为一的旅游景点。 Hengqin Ho Park is a natural ecological research, production, tourism into one of the tourist attractions.

  • 弗4:3用和平彼此聯络、竭力保守圣靈所赐合而为一的心。 Eph 4:3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

  • 但是把这三个系统合而为一会加速提高公司启动新网站的能力。 But consolidating them into one would speed up the pany’s ability to launch new sites.

  • 虽然思想和行动在现实中是分离的,但它们在第二状态合而为一。 Although thought and action are seperate in the physical, they bee ONE in the second state.

  • 当人类与自然真正地合而为一,生命才能绽放出绚美的华彩乐章。 No sooner be harmonization of man and nature realized than life can interpret its true meaning.

  • 意识和物质、能量是合而为一的,但意识发动了能量向物质的转化。 Consciousness and matter and energy are one, but consciousness initiates the transformation of energy into matter.

  • 几乎没有哪个民主政府会把他们国家的政府领导和国家领导者合而为一。 Few other democracies bine the position of the head of the government and head of state.

  • 将二者合而为一,是笔者试图向读者提供的既引导欣赏,又介绍知识的文章。 Will bine the two, is the author trying to guide readers of both shows, and on knowledge of the article.

  • 在日复一日的斗争活动中,我们要尽我们所能让物质力量与精神力量合而为一。 Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.

  • 如果你们与神合而为一,那么当神一直保持着不变时,你们也会相应地保持不变。 If you bee united with God, then when God stays as an immutable figure, you, too, will be immutable.

  • 我们死于这样的世界,充满爱,没有种族分别,我们灵肉合而为一,相爱的很深。 We die we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers.

  • 帮助我们将心思意念专注于祢,在祢的爱中合而为一,在我们彼此的相爱上活出见证。 Help us to remain focused on You, unified in our love for You, and active in our love for one another.

  • 当你的努力、投入和愉悦合而为一,而同时你又找到了激情的源头,那么万事皆有可能。 When work, mitment , and pleasure all bee one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.

  • 中国长期的成功发展,部分原因在于其近乎无可比拟的将远见卓识与脚踏实地合而为一。 Part of the key to China’s long-run success has been its almost unique bination of pragmatism and vision.

  • 因他使我们和睦、〔原文作因他是我们的和睦〕将两下合而为一、拆毁了中间隔断的墙。 For he is our peace, who has made the two into one, and by whom the middle wall of division has been broken down.

  • 因他使我们和睦,(原文作因他是我们的和睦)将两下合而为一,拆毁了中间隔断的墙。 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.

  • 一室一厅型寓所。其创新的开放式设计,令餐厅与客厅合而为一,使生活空间倍显宽敞舒适。 The newly” all in one” design one bedroom apartment, the hallway opens onto the living room with large facing windows, offers a more roomy living area.

  • 在死的时候,众多和而为一;在生的时候,一化为众多。神死了的时候,***便将合而为一。 In death the many bees one; in life the one bees many. Religion will be one when God is dead.

  • 大领主提里奥。弗丁:银色黎明和白银之手骑士团从今往后合而为一!我们会继承前人未竟的事业! Highlord Trion Fordring says: The Argent Dawn and the Order of the Silver Hand will e together as one! We will succeed where so many before us have failed!

  • 你的一部分已溶进我的生命,所以你中有我我中有你,合而为一,永不分离,众然天各一方也是心心相印。 A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it is you and me together and never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.

  • 圣父阿,求你因你所赐给我的你的名【根据原文意思补充漏译的“你的”】保守他们,叫他们合而为一,像我们一样。 Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

  • 我们对收集到的公益广告的语言进行分析之后发现,一则公益广告的语篇主要由标题和正文组成,有时候标题和正文合而为一; By analyzing the public interest advertising expressions we collected, we found that its passage structure is mainly posed by the title and the main text which sometimes bine into one speech.

  • 突尼西亚-求主让当地基督徒对神有永远的委身,并对初信者进行门徒训练,使他们与基督身体合而为一,放胆传福音且服事有果效。 Tunisia – Pray that Christian Believers in this nation would make lasting mitments to Jesus, and that they will disciple new Believers to be bold, effective, and integrated into the Body of Christ.

  • 宇宙精神是静态的或潜在的能量;它仅仅是它;它只能通过个体的人昭示显明,而个人也只有通宇宙过能彰显自身。二者是合而为一的。 The Universal Mind is static or potential energy; it simply is; it can manifest only through the individual, and the individual can manifest only through the Universal. They are one.

  • 合而为一造句相关


    词语大全 知其不可而为之造句_知其不可而为之中英文解释

    知其不可而为之  zhī qí bù kě ér wéi zhī








  • 钱穆特别看重士的“知其不可而为之”的理想主义精神。 Qian Mu particular importance on people “know not to do for” the spirit of idealism.

  • 他人看来,这是知其不可而为之的信念:不可能终会落地生根、繁衍生息下去。 For others it is an act of unfulfilled faith, that the impossible shall spawn and spread anew.

  • 唯独一个不怕死的文天祥,偏是知其不可而为之,就做些个“鸡鸣不已于风雨”的傻事。 The only one who wasn’t afraid of death was Wen Tianxiang, who did what he knew was impossible, being foolish like a rooster that did not stop crowing even in the storm.

  • 唯独一个不怕死的文天祥,偏是知其不可而为之,就做些个「鸡鸣不已于风雨」的傻事。 The only one who wasn’t afraid of death was Wen Tianxiang, who did what he knew was impossible, being foolish like a rooster that did not stop crowing even in the storm.

  • 哲学:知其不可而为之的事业——在合肥召开的“走向哲学:问题与体系”学术研讨会上的发言。 Philosophy: a cause that we cannot go for but we do——Speech on academic seminar “Toward Philosophy: Problem and System” held in Hefei.

  • 她说,仓促行事的危险是,「你否定了一个人突破逆境、知其不可而为之的奋斗,这正是奥运的基本精神一。」 Schneider said. The danger of acting hastily, she said, is “You deny a guy’s struggle against all odds – one of the fundamental principles of the Olympics.”

  • (梦那不可能的梦想,战那打不败的敌人,忍受那不能忍受的悲伤,走在那勇士也不敢去的地方)一切都是「知其不可而为之」! To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe, To bear with unbearable sorrow, To run where the brave dare not go.

  • 知其不可而为之造句相关



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