词语大全 同心合力造句_同心合力中英文解释和造句
Posted 合力
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词语大全 同心合力造句_同心合力中英文解释和造句
同心合力 tóng xīn hé lì
什么是朋友?两人同心,齐心合力。 What is a friend?Two people are united at heart, and wind cooperate.
只有大家需要同心合力才能战胜他们。 So we will need a massive effort from everyone to get through to the semi-finals.
我们组的工人总是同心合力,所以就很快了。 The workers in our group always work hand in glove, so we are so quick.
合:团队合力同心,尊重个人并鼓励进步与创新。 TEAM: our team will coordinate our efforts with the respect for individuality and encourage for the progress and creation.
青春歌手和长辈合作砌砖墙,象征两代人同心合力。 Young singers worked together with the seniors to build a brick wall. It symbolized that two generations could closely work together.
让我们很快的往世界走一圈,看看小小的努力、加上大家的同心合力能成就甚么。 Let’s make a quick dash around the world to see what a little hard work and a lot of collaboration can achieve.
今天,合力人正满怀信心,同心合力,从新的起点创造更美好的服务于社会的共同愿景! Today, efforts are full of confidence, concerted efforts from the new starting point to create a better service to the munity’s mon vision!
个人收入购房、贷款有困难的家庭可以选择全家合力、共同贷款,从而体现一家同心、温暖亲情。 Personal ine housing, credit difficulties families may choose the family together, the mon loan and thus reflect a Care and warm affection.
我们坚信只要国际社会同心合力,我们就一定能够战胜这百年不遇的经济危机,迎来更加美好的明天。 We firmly believe that as long as the international munity works together, we will be able to prevail over this once-in-a-century financial crisis and embrace a better future.
伊丽莎白和吉英合力同心,约束咖苔琳和丽迪雅的冒失,可是,母亲既然纵容她们,她们还会有什么长进的机会? Elizabeth had frequently united with Jane in an endeavour to check the imprudence of CatherineLydia; while they were supported by their mother’s indulgence, what chance could there be of improvement?
伊丽莎白常常和吉英合力同心,约束咖苔琳和丽迪雅的冒失,可是,母亲既然那么纵容她们,她们还会有什么长进的机会? Elizabeth had frequently united with Jane in an endeavour to check the imprudence of CatherineLydia; while they were supported by their mother’s indulgence, what chance could there be of improvement?
基金会提供每所小学美金二万元,当地政府提供等数或更多的相对基金,及建筑义工,同心合力建设学校,基金会提供的资金,委讬省侨办按工程进度分期发放给学校。 The Foundation provides $20, 000 to each school for construction, while the local government provides the matching fund, along with the volunteer labor, to build the school in a cooperative effort.
词语大全 同心戮力造句_同心戮力中英文解释和造句
同心戮力 tóng xīn lù lì
山东艺景集团公司热忱期待与社会贤达、有志之士一道戮力同心,共图伟业! Shandong Arts King Corporation enthusiasm look forward to working with munity leaders, people with lofty ideals Lulitongxin a total of Figure Wai Yip!
只要现在开始,戮力同心的实行节能减排,co2带来的问题也许就会逐渐软化。 If only we can pool our efforts to start saving energy and reducing emissions, we may yet see a gradual improvement in the problems associated with CO2.
然而这个观点似乎预设了反向的关系:也许只有组织良好的社会戮力同心,才能兴建、维护大规模的水利基建。 Yet the inverse also seems implicit: construction and maintenance of an extensive water management infrastructure might require the focused attention of a well-organized state.
而且《资本论》这本巨著上他也和马克思戮力同心,做出了很多贡献——包括思想观点,实际的商业案例,以及不可或缺的编辑审校。 He also collaborated intensively on the great work, contributing many ideas, practical examples from business and much-needed editorial attention.
人们很容易忘记,当这场战争开始时,我们戮力同心——当时人们对恐怖袭击尚记忆犹新,决心保卫我国国土和我们弥足珍贵的价值观的意志使我们同仇敌忾。 It’s easy to forget that when this war began, we were united — bound together by the fresh memory of a horrific attack, and by the determination to defend our homeland and the values we hold dear.
同心戮力 tóngxīnlùlì同心戮力的意思和解释:指齐心合力。同心戮力的出处《墨子·尚贤》:“《汤誓》曰:‘聿求元圣,与之戮力同心,以治天下。’”同心戮力的例子同心戮力造句山
同心戮力 tóngxīnlùlì同心戮力的意思和解释:指齐心合力。同心戮力的出处《墨子·尚贤》:“《汤誓》曰:‘聿求元圣,与之戮力同心,以治天下。’”同心戮力的例子同心戮力造句山
同心协力 tóngxīnxiélì同心协力的意思和解释:心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。同心协力的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂
同心协力 tóngxīnxiélì同心协力的意思和解释:心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。同心协力的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂
协力同心 xiélìtóngxīn协力同心的意思和解释:心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。协力同心的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂
协力同心 xiélìtóngxīn协力同心的意思和解释:心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。协力同心的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂
协力同心 xiélìtóngxīn协力同心的意思和解释:心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。协力同心的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂
协力同心 xiélìtóngxīn协力同心的意思和解释:心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。协力同心的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂
契若金兰 qìruòjīnlán契若金兰的意思和解释:比喻朋友交情深厚。契若金兰的出处《易·系辞上》:“二人同心,其利断金;同心之言,其臭如兰。”契若金兰的例子契若金兰造句契若金
契若金兰 qìruòjīnlán契若金兰的意思和解释:比喻朋友交情深厚。契若金兰的出处《易·系辞上》:“二人同心,其利断金;同心之言,其臭如兰。”契若金兰的例子契若金兰造句契若金