词语大全 同甘共苦造句_同甘共苦中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 同甘共苦造句_同甘共苦中英文解释和造句
同甘共苦 tóng gān gòng kǔ
而且真正的朋友与我们同甘共苦。 And true friends share not only our joys but also our sorrows.
作为好朋友,我们应该同甘共苦。 As good friends, we should share happiness and sorrow.
不管是顺境还是逆境,父母还是同甘共苦。 My father and mother went through thick and thin toghter.
他们开始彼此相互了解和信任,同甘共苦。 They had e to know and trust their rades in arms, and had shared successes and hardships.
他们是同甘共苦的朋友。 they were friends through thick and thin .
我记得你是如何握住我的手与我同甘共苦。 I remember how you held my hand through the thick and thin.
我记得你是如何握住我的手与我同甘共苦。 I remember how you held my hand through thick and thin.
好朋友应该同甘共苦。 Good friends should share in joys and sorrows.
最后,就是愿意与阿里巴巴同甘共苦,共同成长。 Finally, be willing namely with Alibaba share happiness and woe, grow jointly.
查克知道我们需要朋友同甘共苦,关心别人是人生要事。 Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow and that it is important to have someone to care about.
我是你的朋友,不管际遇好与坏,我都会跟你同甘共苦。 I am your friend, so for better for worse, I will always be with you, I will always be on your side.
他们与你同甘共苦,不会因为你疯狂的家人而对你产生偏见。 They stick by you through thick and thin and won’t judge you based on your crazy family.
我们同甘共苦,亲如伙伴,他们是我的军师,更是我的朋友。 Through thick and thin , they have always been my precious team mates , advisers , and above all , friends.
彼此真诚相待,真心相爱,同甘共苦,共同享受人间的快乐! Each other treats sincerely, the sincerity falls in love, shares joys and sorrows, enjoys the world together the joy!
两个人还应并肩作战,同甘共苦,为创造美好的未来努力奋斗。 And I also hold that the two should struggle against difficulties together for future happiness.
天蝎座,这是个可以和你同甘共苦的老板,如果你忠心耿耿的话。 Scorpio. here’s a boss who will stick with you through thick and thin[5] , if you are loyal.
“教皇要求其代表们同所派驻国的人民同甘共苦,”一名梵蒂冈官员说。 “The pope leaves his representatives to suffer with the people of the country to which they are accredited, ” says a Vatican official.
那是一种通过共同生活、互相帮助、同甘共苦而形成的归属感、情爱感和安全感。 It is that feeling of belonging, of love and security that es from living together, helping and sharing.
由于怕神对爱情不忠,玛彭莎谢绝了阿波罗甜蜜的许诺。她选择了能同甘共苦的人作伴侣。 Fearing infidelity on part of a god, Marpessa turned down the sweet promises of Apollo and chose for her panion in life one capable of a like fate.
家,并不一定要是一所实际存在的房子,只要和家人在一起同甘共苦,就会有一种幸福的感觉。 Family does not mean a house existed. You can feel happiness as long as you share joy and sorrow together with your family members.
朋友和我同甘共苦,倾听我的衷肠,给我真知灼见和支持帮助。朋友使我走出烦恼,使我感到幸福。 Friends share our joys and sorrows, listen to our troubles, give us useful advices, offer us help and support, and make us happy.
但在以后的生活里,我也象雷切尔那样找到了自己的人生伴侣,我们彼此深爱,同甘共苦直到今天。 Like Rachel, I found someone else, whom I learned to love with a deep and permanent mitment that has lasted to this day.
这些小学生经常分组工作,这就给他们一个机会,去学习如何与人合作、同甘共苦以及提高领导才能。 The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills.
为什么一定要等到有事发生?男人观察一个女人是否可以跟他同甘共苦,也不是等到自己有困难才知道的。 When it es to a man, with no need to wait the ing of hardships, he will know whether a woman would like to share happiness and sorrow with him very easily.
“我想对我的支持者,对我的同伴们,对与我同甘共苦的姐妹们,发自内心的说一句:谢谢。”——希拉里克林顿。 “To my supporters, to my champions — to my sisterhood of the traveling pant suits — from the bottom of my heart, thank you. ” — Hillary Rodham Clinton.
看着这些和自己一起同甘共苦许多年的亲密战友,他睡不安寝、食不甘味,绞尽脑汁、想来想去,忽然有了一个主意。 Looking at these and go through thick and thin together with their close ally of many years, he can not sleep , food is not sweet, brains, After much deliberation, all of a sudden an idea.
朋友应当是能发挥你的最大潜能的,能设身处地地为你着想的人 ,会尊重你,相信你,理解你,能与你同甘共苦的人。 Friend should be the man who can find your genius, can take care about you in mind, can show respect to you, believe in you, realize your , who can share happiness and sorrows with you.
另外,他是同自己的部队同甘共苦的,他不明白为什么那些官吏的生活竟然比他高几倍,而他们毕竟是靠着他才能保持官职的。 Then, too, living among his troops, he wondered why the officials should live so much better than he, who was preserving them in power.
医生可以用药治愈我们的身体疾病,但没有朋友谁能真正的快乐和克服精神的困难?朋友让我们快乐,一个真正的朋友能与你同甘共苦。 Doctors can cure our body’s diseases with medicine, But who is ever really have a happy or get over mental problems without friends?Friends make happy, A true Friend can share your joys and troubles.
词语大全 分甘共苦造句_分甘共苦中英文解释和造句
分甘共苦 fēn gān gòng kǔ
分甘共苦 fēngāngòngkǔ分甘共苦的意思和解释:同享幸福,分担艰苦。分甘共苦的出处《晋书·应詹传》:“詹与分甘共苦,情若兄弟。”分甘共苦的例子对于她的日夜的操心,使我也不
分甘共苦 fēngāngòngkǔ分甘共苦的意思和解释:同享幸福,分担艰苦。分甘共苦的出处《晋书·应詹传》:“詹与分甘共苦,情若兄弟。”分甘共苦的例子对于她的日夜的操心,使我也不
分甘共苦 fēngāngòngkǔ分甘共苦的意思和解释:同享幸福,分担艰苦。分甘共苦的出处《晋书·应詹传》:“詹与分甘共苦,情若兄弟。”分甘共苦的例子对于她的日夜的操心,使我也不
分甘共苦 fēngāngòngkǔ分甘共苦的意思和解释:同享幸福,分担艰苦。分甘共苦的出处《晋书·应詹传》:“詹与分甘共苦,情若兄弟。”分甘共苦的例子对于她的日夜的操心,使我也不
含蓼问疾 hánliǎowènjí含蓼问疾的意思和解释:蓼:一种苦味水草。不顾辛苦,慰问疾病。旧时比喻君主安抚军民,跟百姓同甘共苦。含蓼问疾的出处《三国志·蜀书·先主传》裴松之注
含蓼问疾 hánliǎowènjí含蓼问疾的意思和解释:蓼:一种苦味水草。不顾辛苦,慰问疾病。旧时比喻君主安抚军民,跟百姓同甘共苦。含蓼问疾的出处《三国志·蜀书·先主传》裴松之注