词语大全 同日而语造句_同日而语中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 同日而语造句_同日而语中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 同日而论是什么意思 成语大全

词语大全 同日而语造句_同日而语中英文解释和造句

同日而语  tóng rì ér yǔ







  • 这一修订本不可与先前的版本同日而语。 This revised edition is inparable with the earlier ones.

  • 这一修订本不可与先前的版本同日而语。 The revised edition is to all intents and purposes a new book.

  • 几乎科技成就能与人类登陆月球同日而语。 Few scientific and technological achievements equal the success of landing men on the moon .

  • 我当然知道,我们身受的苦难不可同日而语。 I certainly know that there is no parison between our sufferings.

  • 电影──及所有媒体──将不再可同日而语。 Movies—all kinds of media really—will never be the same.

  • 我知道论两人的战术造诣,那是不可同日而语的。 I know that their tactics don’t pare.

  • 此种见解自然与实证主义史学的取向已不可同日而语。 Such views of nature and history of the orientation of positivism has been a huge difference.

  • 地球上几乎没有什么建筑能与泰姬陵的传奇之美同日而语。 Few buildings on earth can pete with the legendary beauty of the Taj Mahal.

  • 我是唯一一个可以和他同日而语的人,因此他决定教导我战争法则。 I was the only one able to withstand him and he decided to instruct me in the arts of war.

  • 当然,这栽环境早已成为汗青,此刻的不暗白激打与之前不可同日而语。 Of course, and it’s already bee history, today’s color-excited and stopover before.

  • 不过,歌迷们倒是比较能接受这种变化,毕竟17岁的小旋风已不可同日而语。 However, the singer fans pare but can actually accept this kind of change, 17 year-old small tornado has been no parison between them after all.

  • 可以说,如今注册会计师所处的审计环境、所面临的审计对象较之以前已不可同日而语。 That is to say, that nowadays the auditing environments and auditing objects have hardly been the same as those before.

  • 虽然以太网服务在目前的经济衰退中仍保持持续增长,但以太网设备市场却不可同日而语。 Although the Ethernet services market has continued to grow during the current recession, the market for Ethernet equipment is not expected to fare nearly as well.

  • 可以说,如今独立审计行为主体所处的经济环境、所面临的利益冲突较之以前不可同日而语。 That is to say, nowadays the auditing environments and interest conflict of individuals of the have hardly been the same as those before.

  • 就算是他们的失误,火箭队在控制球上的也和他们对阵步行者时粗糙而糟糕的表现不可同日而语了。 Even with their turnovers, the Rockets’ spacing and ball movement was much better than in their ragged performance against the Pacers.

  • 然而现在他的实力当量已经不可同日而语了,他改变了整个产业,他的很多初衷已经倒退不止一倍了。 However, now that his level of power has actually shifted and changed the industry, a lot of his original goals have doubled back on themselves.

  • 这与1998年的大灾难仍然不可同日而语。当时印尼盾的币值暴跌而印尼经济萎缩高达13。1%。 That is still a far cry from the cataclysm of 1998, when the rupiah collapsed and the economy shrank by 13. 1%.

  • 《建国大业》在华人电影史上都是史无前例的,与其它同类型的献礼片相比,其影响力更是不可同日而语。 It is unprecedented in the Chinese movie history both on the cast and the box office. Its impact is indescribable pared with other greeting movies of the same kind.

  • 故此,我们不可与西方民主中政府与人民之间的契约同日而语,而该契约是由普通的一票确认和定期更新。 Hence we cannot speak in customary Western democratic terms of a contract between government and citizens that is confirmed and renewed regularly by a popular vote.

  • 承包商将不再逍遥伊拉克法律之外,与打响战争的头一年不可同日而语,但是争取合理赔偿的途径依旧曲折。 Contractors are no longer immune from Iraqi law, as they were in the first years of the war, but avenues of legal redress remain winding.

  • 人类社会不是现在才遭遇危机,自古以来危机给人类造成的伤亡与损失几乎可以与文明的进步程度同日而语。 It is not now that human society encounters crises, the death and damage caused by crises was almost at the same time with the progress of human civilization.

  • 余华作品的多面性虽然与福克纳作品的琳瑯满目不可同日而语,但余华的激情和幽默却比福克纳有过之而无不及。 Yu Hua has not yet written as multidimensionally as Faulkner did, but his sense of humor and emotions have already surpassed those of his American peers.

  • “风景线”现房即住,真实品质一目了然,与那些“说得好、夸得妙,就是看不见、摸不著”的概念楼不可同日而语。 ” scenic routes ” Xianfang the living, true quality too, and those” that well, Kwajalein may result is not, anything “concept, mentioned in the same breath.

  • 如果说“红色官窑”是醴陵作为“中国瓷城”辉煌一时并扬名中外的象征的话,那么,现在的醴陵,则已不可同日而语。 If we say ” Troubleshooting Ip Routing Protocols ” is Liling as the “porcelain city of Chinese” shining moment and a symbol of Chinese and foreign famous, now, Liling has been a huge difference.

  • 该负责人指出,“在数量减少的同时,新澳现在剩下的门店质量都有提高,经营面积、人才储备、单店营业额都不可同日而语。” “The responsible person noted that the” reduction in the number of new Australia now has improved the quality of the remaining shops, business size, talent reserve, Shan shop turnover terms.

  • 可是尽管如此,虽然农民分遣队的实力和红军不可同日而语,但当他们胜利进军到游击队控制区的时候还是经常与红军发生冲突。 Notwithstanding all this, the peasant detachments, inparably weaker than the Red Army, often came into conflict with it after it victoriously moved into peasant guerrilla sectors.

  • 古天乐身价不可同日而语,最初住在旺角平价区,2002年花2千万元港币买独立别墅住,2005年又在同区以6600万元港币换了更大豪宅。 In contradistinction to the initial value, will live in mongkok parity, 2002 2 thousand yuan to buy individual villa, hk and in the same area in 2005 to $660 million for a bigger curtilage.

  • 这的确是一个寓意深长的故事,凸显全球资本集团的先锋们有多么老到高超的反民主的手段。不过,这跟刑求审讯以及高压电击还是相距甚远,不可同日而语。 That’s a revealing anecdote of the anti-democratic sophistication of the vanguard of global capital, but it’s a long way from torture chambers and electric volts.

  • 毕竟布莱尼真的已经老了,很多九品网络电视的网迷都纷纷留言,觉得现在的布莱尼和之前的布莱尼之间的差距实在是太大了,完全不可同日而语,甚至连性感都没有。 After all, blaine has really old, a lot of television networks do it all, feel now blaine before and the gap between the blaine is too big, in contradistinction to pletely, even sexy.

  • 乔治?布什在以色列发表了关于同伊朗对话是“绥靖行为”的评论,对此表示抗议的奥巴马受到冷遇。而奥巴马仍然坚持认为伊朗的威胁同当年苏联的威胁不可同日而语。 After taking umbrage at remarks George Bush made in Israel about appeasement, Mr Obama went on to argue that the threat from Iran was not of the same magnitude as that posed by the Soviet Union.

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