词语大全 名目繁多造句_名目繁多中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 名目繁多造句_名目繁多中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 名目繁多造句 名目繁多の例文 "名目繁多"是什麼意思

词语大全 名目繁多造句_名目繁多中英文解释和造句

名目繁多  míng mù fán duō






  • 寻医问药名目繁多缺乏透明。 Xunyiwenyao shops and the lack of transparency.

  • 海洋因为大量名目繁多的鱼类而充满生机。 The sea is alive with plenty of different kinds of fish.

  • 在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会,冷餐会上广交朋友的好机会。 In Paris, name many cocktail party, at the cold food meeting has wideacquaintance friend’s good opportunity.

  • 贷款购置二手房,最令人担心的是繁琐的手续和名目繁多的费用。 Housing loans to purchase second-hand, the most worrisome is the cumbersome procedures and shops.

  • 但是,从签下售房合同开始,各类名目繁多的收费通知就不断涌来。 However, the contract signed houses began to notice all kinds of shops and fees ing in.

  • 随着对英语教学研究的日益深入,名目繁多的英语教科书不断问世。 As tht demand for English increases, more and more English textbooks under various headings are being produced, for example, Structural English, Functional English, Communicative English and so on.

  • 各种税费名目繁多,份额过重,使这类商品房的可流通性几乎被阉割了。 Various taxes and fees shops, excessive share for the negotiability of such mercial housing almost being emasculated.

  • 公司也对其名目繁多的部门进行合并,并改组管理结构,以期加速决策效率。 It has also consolidated its various units and reshuffled its management in order to speed up decision-making.

  • 可以说目前对商品房价格影响最大且最不规范的是各类名目繁多的收费、摊派。 It can be said that the current prices of mercial housing for the greatest impact and most types of shops are not regulated charges, and apportionments.

  • 在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会,冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。在这种场合陌生人相识。 In Paris, cocktail parties and Buffet receptions of different kinds offer great opportunities for making friends. On such occasions, strangers may get to know each other.

  • 山林中的天然中药材,名目繁多,至今查明的已有一百余种,食用山蘑比比皆是。 Over one hundred Chinese traditional medicines have been proven in the valley and edible wild fungus can been found everywhere.

  • 而我们需要刨根到底的是,在市场上名目繁多的医药广告中,究竟有多少是PS的呢? And we need to Paogen in the end, under various names in the market of medical advertisements, how many of the PS is it?

  • 但事实上,也许口号和名目繁多的活动,有时比不上一个小小的细节给老人带来的温暖。 But in fact, perhaps the slogan and the numerous activities, and sometimes a little less detail to the elderly with To the warmth.

  • 目前,社会上体育行业内的职业资格证书名目繁多,证出多门,缺少统一的认证与管理; At present there are many professional qualification certificates in sport profession in society. However, these certificates are various and conferred from many departments.

  • 化妆品企业如雨后春笋般越来越多,名目繁多的化妆品品牌层出不穷,市场竞争愈演愈烈。 Cosmetics enterprises mushroomed, more and more numerous cosmetic brands and styles, increasing market petition.

  • 由于具有多方面的利益,所以一些地区、机构与商人近年来争相举办了名目繁多的选美活动。 Due to the diversity of interests, some regions, institutions and businessmen in recent years peting in the contest organized numerous activities.

  • 一些政府部门乱开创收渠道,设立了名目繁多的收费项目,其中相当部分既不合理又不合法。 Some government departments to create chaos on channels established shops and fees, a substantial part of the unreasonable nor legal.

  • 但当人们问起,反以人士发出名目繁多的责问而形成论战,这是不是件好事呢?他们又避而不谈。 But they are too willing to close down the debate with explosive charges of anti-Israel bias when people ask whether this is a good thing.

  • 想起当今名目繁多有些无聊的各种“选美”,想起时尚杂志十之八九的美女封面,不禁有些可笑。 Think of some of today’s numerous kinds of silly “beauty contest”, the most likely think of fashion magazine cover girl, and some can not help but ridiculous.

  • 可是,当人们面对中关村那些名目繁多的写字楼群的时候,他们很可能对这些企业的抱怨产生怀疑。 However, when people face the Zhongguancun those shops and office plex, they are likely to doubt that these enterprises.

  • 据统计,针对汽车的各种税费多达200多种,名目繁多,约占车价的1/3,严重制约了汽车消费。 According to statistics, the various taxes and fees for vehicles up to 200 multiple shops, about the price 1/3 severely restricted vehicle consumption.

  • 为促进房地产的健康发展,政府已多次下决心要砍掉那些依附在房地产开发建设中的名目繁多的收费。 To promote the healthy development of real estate, the government has repeatedly made to cut those dependent on the real estate development and construction, the shops and charges.

  • 今年夏天去北京植物园的市民,不仅看到了名目繁多的植物和花卉,还看到了“三潭碧水映西山”的新景观。 Beijing Botanical Garden this summer to the general public, not only to see the shops and plants and flowers, also see” San Tan Pik film] “in the new landscape.

  • 大卫·卡梅隆已经察觉到名目繁多的健康与安全条例使学校不敢放孩子们出去实地考察、课外活动甚至是仅仅在公园捡落叶。 David Cameron has noticed that health and safety regulations stop schools taking children out on field trips, outdoor activities or just collecting autumn leaves at the park.

  • 每年总有数十种新的减肥食品流行一时,什么“冰奇减肥药”、“九日见奇迹减肥品”、“轻松24小时减肥”,名目繁多。 Each year dozens of new diets are popularized. They have such names as the Miracle Diet, the Nine-Day Wonder Diet, and the Easy 24-Hour Diet.

  • 开盘即打折、在指定时间内买房打折、对开发商组织的房友会会员打折,甚至是买房送车,名目繁多的“打折风”在杭州兴起。 Everything is discounted, discounted at a specified time buyers, developers of the Housing Organization Member discounted, or even sold to car shops “discounted wind” in Hangzhou rise.

  • 对商品房价格影响最大且最不规范的是各类名目繁多的收费、摊派,据统计有六七十种之多,每平方米房价要摊入200元至300元。 Commercial housing price of the least regulated and most shops are various fees, expenses, according to statistics have sixty titles, prices per square metre to Tanru 200 to 300 yuan.

  • 通过这些手法在竞标卖地中已经大赚一把不算,还要再向房产商收取大量名目繁多的“附加费”、“城市建设基金”和“公建配套费”。 Through these practices in bidding land is not already a big profit, but also to a large number of shops and got a “surcharge” and “urban construction funds” and “public-matching costs.

  • 蒙古族进入阶级社会后,受到宗法思想的影响,形成了收继婚、抢婚制、世代婚、等级婚、入赘婚、买卖婚、抱斧婚等名目繁多的宗法性婚姻形态。 After Mongolian entered into class society, effected by patriarchal, They took shape of some marriage form such as continual marriage, despoil marriage, inherit marriage, grade marriage, etc.

  • 美国的价格系统是复杂的网状系统,包括经济生活中一切产品买卖的价格,也包括名目繁多的各种服务,诸如劳动力、专职人员、交通运输、公共事业等服务的价格。 posed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services.

  • 名目繁多造句相关


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