词语大全 后患无穷造句_后患无穷中英文解释和造句
Posted 政府
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词语大全 后患无穷造句_后患无穷中英文解释和造句
后患无穷 hòu huàn wú qióng
如果仅仅为求水景做水,肯定后患无穷。 If only for the sake of doing water fountains certainly will be endless.
这是一张后患无穷的处方。 It is a recipe for disaster.
从长远看,这些问题不解决,后患无穷。 From long-term look, these problems are not solved, future trouble is boundless.
政府的现行方针只会带来灾难(后患无穷)。 The government’s present course will only lead to disaster.
一不小心就后患无穷,这是我们必须时刻牢记的! There is always a devil behind the door. That is something we must always remember.
说谎后患无穷。 One lie makes many.
黑金刚知道责任重大,一个措置失当,便是后患无穷。 Black King Kong knew he had been entrusted with a great responsibility. A single mistake could lead to endless discord.
邪恶的种子,如果不及时除掉,任其生长,那将后患无穷。 Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin.
人员的问题是最主要也是最难的问题,处置不好,后患无穷。 Personnel is the most important issue is the most difficult issue, disposal well, will be endless.
国内外的历史教训表明,一旦把扩张性政策长期化,后患无穷。 At home and abroad showed that the lessons of history, once the expansion of long-term policy, opening the Pandora’s Box.
以色列担心这个阿拉伯国家如果不收敛其核野心就将后患无穷。 Israel fears the Arab state won’t scale back off its nuclear ambitions unless consequences are feared.
但万万不可让外国插手,那样只能意味着中国还未独立,后患无穷。 But under no circumstances will we allow any foreign country to interfere. Foreign interference would simply mean China is still not independent, and that would lead to no end of trouble.
出于显而易见的原因,初次约会就把自己的情况全盘托出会后患无穷。 For obvious reasons, telling all of your business on a first date can e back to haunt you.
口风不紧船舰沉,但现在看起来一次不谨慎的键盘敲击也是后患无穷。 Loose lips may still sink ships, but for the moment it seems that an indiscreet keystroke can do just as much damage.
不说古树移载过程的麻烦,单是今后物业投入的精力就会使发展商后患无穷。 Old trees have found that the process is not trouble, the energy inputs alone will enable future property developers will be endless.
一想起埃利奥特先生在大献殷勤,就令人痛苦。他的这番殷勤真是后患无穷。 It was misery to think of Mr. Elliot’s attentions. Their evil was incalculable.
政府的恩惠如同潘多拉的盒子,后患无穷,主要不同之处是:盒底很少留有希望。 The favors of Government are like the box of Pandora, with this important difference; that they rarely leave hope at bottom.
因为不对房间整体结构有清楚的了解就贸然施工,对总体装修来说,是后患无穷的。 Understand rushed construction because of what structure of incorrect room whole has clarity, right overall decorate for, it is future trouble is boundless.
然而,性也不总是愉悦美妙,当它被不当滥用,常常也会带来伤害,甚至后患无穷。 However, sex has its limits. When it is abused its affects are no longer pletely pleasurable but often harmful and can even be destructive.
政府的恩惠如同潘多拉的盒子,(后患无穷),主要不同之处是:盒底很少留有希望。 The favors of Government are like the box of Pandora, with this important difference that rarely leave hope at bottom.
所以到最后,您的钱虽然这次装修时省了,但却后患无穷,以后还得花,实在是得不偿失。 So in the end, your money, although the decoration province, but will be endless, and after you spend is wasted.
其行为严重干扰了日常财务治理秩序,损害著集体经济利益,它的存在后患无穷,危害诸多。 Its behavior violated order of day-to-day financial management badly, harming collective economy interest, its existence future trouble is boundless, the harm is a lot of.
我极其痛恨建这类房子的人,其实他们很清楚这类房子后患无穷,然而,却要大肆鼓吹其优越性。 I very people who built these houses, they clearly such houses will be endless, however, have vigorously advocated its advantages.
如果一台制卡和会员卡制作机出现了故障,而假使你没有考虑到机器毁坏时间的长短,也会后患无穷。 If a business card printing and membership card making machine fails, and if you do not have to take into account the length of time the machine is destroyed, it will in the future.
两种担忧都不可小视,区别在于通货膨胀还很遥远并且可控,而通货紧缩却已迫在眉睫,且后患无穷。 There is something to both fears. But inflation is distant and containable, while deflation is at hand and pernicious.
当群众得知王常盈的儿子潜逃以后,大家深感忧虑,他们说:“擒虎容易,放虎归山可就后患无穷了。” ” When the people learned of the flight of Wang’s son, they grew anxious and said among themselves: “It is easy to catch a tiger, but it is dangerous to let him go back to the forest.
政府气急败坏地努力挽救他们的金融系统、紧急跳水救生即将没顶的经济,而这些救急措施对公共财政后患无穷。 Frantic efforts by governments to save their financial systems and buoy their economies will do long-term damage to public finances.
我担心这将会很糟糕。让一个像爱利舍-乌斯马诺夫这样的不健康的人物进入你们的俱乐部,无异于引狼入室,后患无穷。 I fear that is very wrong. Letting as diseased a figure as Alisher Usmanov into your club can only do harm in the long term.
最后不能忽略了浴室的进水和排水,这些管道对浴室的布置会有一定的影响,而且错误的设计或者装修将会是后患无穷的。 Last but not least get flooded the bathroom and drainage, bathroom layout of the pipeline will have a certain impact, but the wrong design or decoration will be will be endless.
回顾历史,看清各种人类行为对环境所造成的各种影响,这样做可以向人们昭示,如果不采取恰当的防范措施,则后患无穷。 Looking back to the past to see the various effects of various human behaviors on the environment can show valuable lessons on what can happen if proper precautions are not taken.
词语大全 奥妙无穷造句_奥妙无穷中英文解释和造句
奥妙无穷 ào miào wú qióng
不由得感到大自然的博大奥妙与无穷的威力。 Can’t help feeling the rich big secret of nature and boundless power.
文祥不懂禅机,只觉得教主最后一句话蕴藏无穷的奥妙。 Wen Xiang did not understand these subtleties. However, he felt that the sect leader’s last sentence contained a profound and mysterious meaning.
色彩是广告设计中的一种必要技巧,使广告色彩奥妙无穷。 Color is an advertising design skills necessary to make the mystery of infinite color ads.
读这部书,有如读《巴黎圣母院》,奇谲诡变,奥妙无穷。 When you read this book, you will find it so cunning and astonishing with infinite subtlety as Goddess courtyard in Paris.
最近发现的这个洞穴真是奥妙无穷充满惊喜,尤其是那些五彩的石头。 The cave discovered recently is amazing, full of surprise and fantasy unknown, especially the colorful stones.
他得等著瞧瞧,在这个奥妙无穷的洞天福地里,他究竟能得到多大的好处。 He must wait and see just how much he would make here in this perfectly marvelous realm.
青春是一个变化无穷的魔方,只有仔细琢磨,才能掺破青春千变万化的奥妙。 But youth is different from the spring. Spring es every year, while youth es only once all one’s life.
魔方发明后不久就风靡世界,人们发现这个小方块组成的玩意实在是奥妙无穷。 Rubik’s Cube shortly after the invention of the fashionable world, people find that this small box of the thing is endless mysteries.
视角是个奥妙无穷的东西。俯仰之间,眼中势派大相径庭,自我心态变迥然不同。 The visual angle is something subtle and mysterious. Looking up or down gives different impressions. As a result one’s state of mind alters considerably.
同样,色彩也是现代广告设计中的一种必要技巧和研究领域,使广告色彩奥妙无穷。 Extensive Also, the colour of modern advertisement design is a necessary skill and research field, make advertisement colour secret.
灯光设计的奥妙和魅力真的是无穷无尽。在闺房中,基本要有基础照明、局部照明和装饰照明三类。 The secret that lamplight designs and glamour are endless really. In boudoir, want 3 kinds basically to have local lighting and fundamental illume, adornment illumination.
德国TenTE脚轮的非凡创意在于:将多姿多彩、奥妙无穷的童话世界,艺术化地嫁接到家具配件领域。 The TENTE castors from German are endowed with the extraordinary originality : it transplant the colorful and fascinated fairyland to the field of furniture accessories artistically.
是啊,多读书,可以从中吸取到许多知识,这对你有很大的帮助,让你开阔眼界,知道大自然的无穷奥妙。 Yes ah, more books, you can draw to many knowledge, this is very helpful to you so that you broaden their horizons, knowing the endless wonders of nature.
还有“雄狮夕照”、“凤凰视塔”等数十个自然景观和人文景点,使你惊叹大自然是何等的博大精深和奥妙无穷。 And “Sunset Lion”, “as the Phoenix Tower” and dozens of natural landscape and cultural attractions, so you how amazing nature is infinitely profound and mysterious.
大家的一直观点是:国际跳棋入门最容易,最容易普及,而一旦入门进去,就会发现它变化多端,奥妙无穷,非常值得回味。 We have been the point of view is: the easiest entry drafts, the most popular, and once the entry into, he would realize that it is very dynamic and infinitely subtle, very memorable.
实际上,过去的中国艺术以现实为表现对象的现象是很少见的,艺术只是用来表现人类感叹宇宙与自然界奥妙无穷的一种手段。 In truth, the subject matter of Chinese art in the past was rarely reality itself. Art was primarily a means of expressing man’s views of the subtlety and endlessness of the universe.
此能无所不在,使宇宙星球充满了澎湃无穷的生命力,此能神奇奥妙,是万物生命的泉源,无任何名字可形容祂,强名祂为道。 This mystical energy, which exists in all shapes and forms, fills the universe with vibrant vitality. Hence, It is the origin of all lives and the Lord of all beings. We call this energy “Dao.”
当年在绵山修行的仙人高士们,今日或许已经驾清风而上直入九霄,留下来的这翠岭仙踪,给我们的是无限的遐想和寻访其中无穷奥妙的期待。 The reverend Taoist monks cultivated here have all gone with the pure wind, leaving us wondering at this green mountain, and the expectations to seek for the limitless abstruse.
永世无穷 yǒngshìwúqióng永世无穷的意思和解释:永世:永远。永远没有穷尽。永世无穷的出处《尚书·微子之命》:“作宾于王家,与国咸休,永世无穷。”永世无穷的例子永世无穷
奥妙无穷 àomiàowúqióng奥妙无穷的意思和解释:奥:深奥。指其中不易为人所知而奇妙有趣之处极多。奥妙无穷的出处奥妙无穷的例子奥妙无穷造句不由得感到大自然的博大奥妙与无穷
奥妙无穷 àomiàowúqióng奥妙无穷的意思和解释:奥:深奥。指其中不易为人所知而奇妙有趣之处极多。奥妙无穷的出处奥妙无穷的例子奥妙无穷造句不由得感到大自然的博大奥妙与无穷
永永无穷 yǒngshìwúqióng永永无穷的意思和解释:永永:永远。永远没有穷尽。永永无穷的出处《汉书·景帝纪》:“然后祖宗之功德,施于万世,永永无穷。”永永无穷的例子永永无
永永无穷 yǒngshìwúqióng永永无穷的意思和解释:永永:永远。永远没有穷尽。永永无穷的出处《汉书·景帝纪》:“然后祖宗之功德,施于万世,永永无穷。”永永无穷的例子永永无
无穷无尽 wúqióngwújìn无穷无尽的意思和解释:穷:完。没有止境,没有限度。无穷无尽的出处宋·晏殊《踏莎行》:“无穷无尽是离愁,天涯地角寻思遍。”无穷无尽的例子那西天路~
无穷无尽 wúqióngwújìn无穷无尽的意思和解释:穷:完。没有止境,没有限度。无穷无尽的出处宋·晏殊《踏莎行》:“无穷无尽是离愁,天涯地角寻思遍。”无穷无尽的例子那西天路~
杜绝后患 dùjuéhòuhuàn杜绝后患的意思和解释:杜绝:堵塞、断绝;患:祸害、祸患。指彻底消除以后可能产生的祸患。杜绝后患的出处明·罗贯中《平妖传》第四十回:“那安放白玉炉
杜绝后患 dùjuéhòuhuàn杜绝后患的意思和解释:杜绝:堵塞、断绝;患:祸害、祸患。指彻底消除以后可能产生的祸患。杜绝后患的出处明·罗贯中《平妖传》第四十回:“那安放白玉炉
回味无穷 huíwèiwúqióng回味无穷的意思和解释:回味:指吃过东西以后的余味。比喻回想某一事物,越想越觉得有意思。回味无穷的出处宋·王禹偁《橄榄》诗:“良久有回味,始觉甘