词语大全 后来居上造句_后来居上中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 后来居上造句_后来居上中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 后来居上造句_后来居上中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 后来之秀造句_后来之秀中英文解释和造句

词语大全 后来居上造句_后来居上中英文解释和造句

后来居上  hòu lái jū shàng








  • 什么讯息,我们又给予当我们按喇叭后来居上? What messages do we give when we honk from behind?

  • 桂冠电力后来居上? Laurel Power catch up?

  • 十大领域消费者投诉“升温”消费卡争议“后来居上” 10 field consumer plaints “warming” controversy consumer cards “e from behind”

  • 消费市场转暖的预期提振江铜CWB1后来居上领涨权市。 Warming of the consumer market is expected to boost copper leads right to the city of CWB1 catch up.

  • 近几年,我国进口俄罗斯纸浆后来居上,进口排名第三位。 Recently, China is increasing to import its pulp, the Russian pulp ranks the third in the amount of the total imported pulp of china.

  • 虽然宁波的房地产上涨启动时间比杭州迟,但涨幅后来居上。 Although real estate prices start time than Ningbo Hangzhou late, but never caught up.

  • 与此同时,房屋租赁市场后来居上,租售并举的消费观念已经为市民接受。 At the same time, housing rental market e from behind and video simultaneously consumer attitudes have acceptable to the public.

  • 第务五十三画:前来居黑人认为后来居黑人是讨厌的(但是现在后来居上! Painting No. 53: The Negroes who had been North for quite some time met their fellowmen with disgust and aloofness.

  • 当前的清史研究改变了其在断代史研究中的后进面貌,且有后来居上的可能。 Nowadays the study on Qing dynasty history changed its state of later corner, and is likely surpassing the formers.

  • 而对于发展中的中国来说,互联网的“开放”,是一条可以后来居上的跑道。 And to developing China, of Internet ” open ” , it is one can occupy the track that go up later.

  • 中国要想在这场世界创意产业竞赛中后来居上,政府必须有所作为,尽快行动。 China must act quickly in order to succeed in the international creative industry petition.

  • 南山寺花费巨资,精心构筑园林艺术,使得景点后来居上,来此揽胜的游客流连忘返。 Nam Shan Monastery spend money, carefully constructed garden art, making spots e from behind to miss this collection of sightseeing scenes tourists.

  • 南汇、奉贤将是后起之秀,虽然短时间做不到后来居上,但是起步较快,颇具升值潜力。 Nanhui, Fengxian will be up-and-ing talent, though short can e from behind, but started quickly, fairly appreciation potential.

  • 我们在与国际米兰的比赛中得到许多乐趣,在其后与尤文的比赛里能够后来居上也很棒。 We had fun playing against Inter and then against Juve it was great to eback after being down a goal.

  • 业内人士认为,宝安地产后来居上的迅猛态势,已然预示深圳地产区域格局将发生历史性演变。 According to the insides, the real estate e from behind the rapid growth Baoan, Shenzhen real estate already foreshadowed historic evolution of the regional structure will occur.

  • 对于百度和谷歌来说,此类合作被业界认为是一个能够在短期内后来居上,发展大量用户的捷径。 For Baidu and Google, the industry was that such cooperation is to catch up in the short term, the development of a large number of users a shortcut.

  • 你是否同意这辆赛车似乎不会随着新系统的加入在赛季初就一鸣惊人而是更可能在中后段后来居上? Is it a case that this car will make an impact later this season rather than sooner as new packages are developed?

  • 今天星期六上午,切尔西青年队下半场时后来居上,取得本以来19岁以下青年队比赛的首场胜利。 Chelsea Youth came from behind at half-time to win their first Academy Under 19s game of the season this morning, Saturday.

  • 但是我喜欢先看看,看它们是不是总跑第一,还是后来居上,看看它们到底有没有把握,它们为什么跑。 But I like to see them work out a little first, see if they’re front-runners or e from behind, find out what their whole card is, what makes them run.

  • 许多后来居上的国内汽车制造品牌此次也毫不逊色,与海外厂家同台竞技,彰显中国汽车制造业强劲动力。 Many domestic auto manufacturers catch up from behind the brand favorably, with overseas manufacturers on the same stage, shows a strong driving force for China’s auto manufacturing industry.

  • 但正是在这个时候,欧洲诸国先后开始了近代资产阶级革命和产业革命,社会生产力迅速发展,后来居上。 It was, however, during this period that European countries embarked on the path of modern capitalist revolution and the Industrial Revolution. They unleashed productive forces and overtook China.

  • 奥运村、中关村、CBD这三大旺区一直在吸引着地产投资的热情,最晚亮相的奥运村近期似乎后来居上。 Olympic Village, Zhongguancun, CBD three Mong District has been attracting real estate investment enthusiasm, the latest appearance of the Olympic Village to e from behind.

  • 第四种语形系统是输入系统,汉字输入系统后来居上,不仅在系统数量上,而且在输入速度上超越其他文字。 The fourth linguistic form of Chinese character-input system es out, The system surpasses the others not only in the quantity but also in the input speed.

  • 伊万诺维奇继续压制着对手,在对方领先的情况下后来居上实现本盘第三次破发,以6-1的悬殊比分先声夺人。 Yiwannuoweiqi continues to suppress the match, catches up in the opposite party leading situation realizes this third time to break, forestalls opponent by a show of strength by 6-1 disparate scores.

  • 至于审计署今年开始调查工商银行的问题,是否与工行后来居上招人耳目有所联系,业界普遍表示不便就此下定论。 As for the Audit Commission this year’s survey ICBC, with the eye of a contact person to e from behind strokes, the general conclusions that this inconvenience.

  • 格雷德尔先生在《科学》期刊最近发表的一篇文章中提到有三种语言目前并不是使用最广泛的语言,但有可能会很快后来居上。 In a recent article in the journal Science, Mr. Graddol noted that three languages not now near the top of the list of the most widely spoken might be there soon.

  • 我们控制比赛,尽管我们丢了两球,我们打进三球,并且还是后来居上,这是非常积极的消息,希望我们的局势会因此而改变。 We controlled the game and although we conceded two goals, we scored three and came from behind to win. That is very positive and hopefully it will be a different situation for us now.

  • 对于经济相对落后的西部地区来说,它们大都有丰富的自然资源和深厚的历史文化积淀,应该说具有后来居上的潜在“后发优势”。 As to the developing western regions of China, they have a great deal of natural resources and long history culture, which have potential afterwards advantage.

  • 阿森纳主帅温格非常高兴阿森纳的下半场的回应,在半场休息之后主帅的大发雷霆激起球员斗志,最终后来居上击败利物浦完成绝地反击。 Arsene Wenger was delighted with Arsenal’s second-half response as they came back from behind to beat Liverpool after the Gunners manager’s half-time fury provoked the perfect result.

  • 世界室内冠军美国的罗罗。琼斯后来居上,以12。58秒赢得了女子100米栏,牙买加的米兰妮。沃克尔以54。22秒赢得了女子400米栏。 World indoor champion Lolo Jones of the United States came from behind to win the women’s 100 hurdles in 12. 58, and Melanie Walker of Jamaica won the 400 hurdles in 54. 22.

  • 后来居上造句相关


    词语大全 后来之秀造句_后来之秀中英文解释和造句

    后来之秀  hòu lái zhī xiù










    词语大全 后来者居上造句_后来者居上中英文解释和造句

    后来者居上  hòuláizhějūshàng后来者居上的意思和解释:后来的超过先前的。后来者居上的出处《史记·汲郑列传》汲黯对汉武帝说:“陛下用群臣,如积薪耳,后来者居上。”后来

    词语大全 后来者居上造句_后来者居上中英文解释和造句

    后来者居上  hòuláizhějūshàng后来者居上的意思和解释:后来的超过先前的。后来者居上的出处《史记·汲郑列传》汲黯对汉武帝说:“陛下用群臣,如积薪耳,后来者居上。”后来

    词语大全 后来之秀造句_后来之秀中英文解释和造句

    后来之秀  hòuláizhīxiù后来之秀的意思和解释:秀:特别优秀的。后辈中的优秀人物。后来之秀的出处南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·赏誉》:“范豫章谓王荆州:‘卿风流俊望,真后来

    词语大全 后起之秀造句_后起之秀中英文解释和造句

    后起之秀  hòuqǐzhīxiù后起之秀的意思和解释:后来出现的或新成长起来的优秀人物。后起之秀的出处《晋书·王忱传》:“卿风流俊望,真后来之秀。”后起之秀的例子我国体育事业迅速

    词语大全 后起之秀造句_后起之秀中英文解释和造句

    后起之秀  hòuqǐzhīxiù后起之秀的意思和解释:后来出现的或新成长起来的优秀人物。后起之秀的出处《晋书·王忱传》:“卿风流俊望,真后来之秀。”后起之秀的例子我国体育事业迅速

    词语大全 后来居上造句


    词语大全 后来居上造句


    词语大全 后来者居上造句


    词语大全 后来者居上造句


    词语大全 后來居上造句 后來居上の例文 "后來居上"是什麼意思

    后來居上造句后來居上の例文"后來居上"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!紐約已