词语大全 周而复始造句_周而复始中英文解释和造句

Posted 过程

篇首语:读书贵神解,无事守章句。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 周而复始造句_周而复始中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 周而复始造句_周而复始中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 周而复始的意思及成语故事 成语大全

词语大全 周而复始造句_周而复始中英文解释和造句

周而复始  zhōu ér fù shǐ








  • 总觉得生活开始进入了周而复始的烦琐。 Always felt that life was beginning to enter the cycle of cumbersome.

  • 恋爱周而复始的过程。我竟没有把任何留丅。 Love cycle of the process. I was not leaving any Xia.

  • 然后润滑油滴落回润滑油箱。润滑油周而复始如此循环。 The oil then trickles down into the sump, where it is collected again and the cycle repeats.

  • 我只是周而复始地跑。当神认为果子快熟,他就摘下来吃。 I just run in circles round myself. When God considers the fruit to be ripe, He will pluck it and eat it.

  • 我打算在年尾放自己一个长假,暂别这三年周而复始的忙碌生活。 This year end, I intend to go on a long holiday and bid temporary farewell to my routine yet hectic life.

  • 他们的鼓声有一定的间隔,会打一阵停一会儿再打,如此周而复始。 They would beat a drum roll, remain silent, then beat again with a flourish, and so on.

  • 但是人生在世,匆匆数十寒暑,宇宙世界却是周而复始、生生不息的。 But human life is short while life and growth in the universe continue endlessly.

  • 结尾,女孩的手将和谐打破,被捞出的人变回金鱼,周而复始的轮回。 At the end, the girl’s hand to break the harmony, remove the person back goldfish, the cycle of reincarnation.

  • 希望民主与专制周而复始的经验,能让我们中国人聪明一些,实际一些。 The experience of hoping for a recycling of democracy and autocracy has made us Chinese somewhat cleverer and somewhat more practical.

  • 好运-坏运的周而复始就好像过山车的上升和跌落。上去的必然要下来。 The cycle of good and bad fortune is like the rise and fall of a roller coaster: What goes up inevitably es down.

  • 如果我真的是做了同样的事情,那是不是就以为着我的生活像圆一样周而复始。 If I really do exactly the same things again, does that mean my life is like a circle which repeats all the time.

  • 该处订有一套周而复始的10年船队发展计划,逐步替换旧船,代以所需的新船。 It has a rolling 10-year fleet development plan to replace old vessels with new ones.

  • 这是一件非常遗憾的事情,因为周而复始地看见政府不断欺骗人民并对媒体施以控制力。 It is so disappointing to see this happen time and time again to the Malaysian public, where they are deceived by the propaganda held by thepoliticians and the controls they have over the press.

  • 这一喷溢过程以幕式活动形式周而复始,在超压盆地的过渡带和常压带中形成大的油气藏。 This expulsion process of geopressured system is episodic and generally forms big oil field or gas field in the transition zone of pressure and normal pressure zone in geopressured basin.

  • 一个浪子所走的路是跟太阳一般的,可是他并不象太阳一样周而复始。—-莎士比亚。 A prodigal son go with the sun is the general, but he was not the same as the solar cycle.

  • 菲尔正是许许多多普通人的缩影——为人自私、抱怨这抱怨那,无聊地过著周而复始的生活。 Phil Conners is the epitome of many ordinary people, who only care about themselves, plain about this or that and live in boring conventional lives.

  • 正是由于他们强大的活动力,我们人体需要的养份如碳、氮、硫等元素才能周而复始地循环。 Their heavy labor is the cause of a plete cycle of nutrients like carbon, nitrogen and sulfur which we need.

  • 比如说,你可以看到市场上的股票总是会有一个逐渐上扬,然后持续下跌的过程,周而复始。 As example, you could notice that most market share will always have gradual incline and then follow by long dropping line repeatedly.

  • 困难会接踵而来,面对新目标,新压力,我们不得不一次比一次更艰难去完成任务,如此周而复始。 Difficulties will follow, in the face of new targets, new pressure every time we have to plete the task more difficult, so the cycle.

  • 人会周而复始的在轮回中打转,根本上是由于我们对这世间万事万物存有牵挂、爱恋及执著之心的缘故。 Why do people e and go in transmigration?The basic reason is that we have missing, love and persistence on all things in this world.

  • 同时,把人员素质测评提升到战略层面,认为人员素质测评和人员优化一样,是周而复始,动态运行的过程。 At the same time, the quality of personnel evaluation upgraded to a strategic level. That the quality of personnel evaluation and optimization of staff, is the cycle, dynamic operation.

  • 但有理由相信:自然与生命的生生不息,自然与生命的周而复始,既是一个短暂的美丽,又是一个美丽的永恒。 There is reason to believe: the natural and life generation after generation, natural and life cycle, both a short-lived beauty, but also a beautiful eternal.

  • 阿诸那啊,对此奉爱没有正信的人就无法得到“我”,就会在这个苦难的肉体存在的绝路上,经历周而复始的生死轮回。 O Arjuna, persons devoid of faith in the righteousness of this devotion, unable to obtain Me; undergo repeated rebirth on the deadly path of this miserable material existence.

  • 思想在情境、事件、或者被感知为情绪肇因的人身上,把能量喂给了情绪;情绪再把能量反馈给思想模式,如此周而复始。 By dwelling mentally on the situation, event, or person that is the perceived cause of the emotion, the thought feeds energy to the emotion, which in turn energizes the thought pattern, and so on.

  • 生命就是这样,需要我们周而复始的循环,只有重复,才使得我们的生命得以延续,或许,这就是自然带给我们的生存法则! The life is this, needs our circulation again and again, is redundant, only then causes our life to be able to continue, perhaps, this takes to our survival principle naturally!

  • 看看这个“回转利嘴机”:两个缀满鲨鱼状利齿的铁环在相交的轨道上疯狂旋转,彼此互成夹角,周而复始地“大嚼特嚼”。 Take the Rotary Mouth Machine: two hoops studded with shark like teeth madly rotate in intersecting orbits, each at an angle to the other, so that their “bite” circles round and round.

  • 阿诸那啊,就是这些同样的无数众生,周而复始地随着“他”的白天的到来而出生,夜晚的降临而消失,下一个白天的到来又自动展现。 O Arjuna, these very same innumerous living entities repeatedly taking birth with the advent of his day, disappear on the arrival of his night manifesting again automatically on the advent of his day.

  • 从柏拉图到今天,一直存在一种对这样的情况的周而复始的坚持,即如果我们是理性的,我们便会总是把犯罪视为一种疾病,并使我们致力于它的治疗。 From Plato to the present day there has been a recurrent insistence that if we were rational we would always look on crime as a disease and address ourselves to its cure.

  • 随着股市令人惊恐的一天天摆荡,狂涨800点,下跌350点,再暴跌400点,又上扬250点,周而复始,交易员已经变成两股互相对决的荷尔蒙。 With markets swinging scarily from one day to the next — up 800, down 350, down 400, up 250 and so on — traders have bee bundles of duel-ing hormones.

  • 然后纳什做假动作,把诺维茨基晃起来,只好后退……一次又一次,场上的比拼就象个循环,周而复始。与此同时的,是两个年轻人的人生紧密相连,与联盟同在。 Then Nash will feint, Nowitzki will back up, and it will start again, two lives looping around each other , taking the league with them.

  • 周而复始造句相关


    词语大全 周而复始的意思及成语故事 成语大全

    中文发音: zhōu ér fù shǐ


    成语出处:《文子 自然》:“十二月运行,周而复始。”



    词语大全 周而复始的意思及成语故事 成语大全


    词语大全 否极泰来造句

    否极泰来造句  一:人世间的事往往否极泰来周而复始地循环,不必因一时的挫折而灰心。  二:目前局势已好转,应是否极泰来的征兆,咱们的坚持最后有了代价。  三:车到山前必有路,否极泰来。  四:黑夜过后

    词语大全 否极泰来造句

    否极泰来造句  一:人世间的事往往否极泰来周而复始地循环,不必因一时的挫折而灰心。  二:目前局势已好转,应是否极泰来的征兆,咱们的坚持最后有了代价。  三:车到山前必有路,否极泰来。  四:黑夜过后

    词语大全 周而复始的意思_成语“周而复始”是什么意思


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