词语大全 呼之欲出造句_呼之欲出中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 呼之欲出造句_呼之欲出中英文解释和造句
呼之欲出 hū zhī yù chū
最使人歆羨的是呼之欲出的装饰玻璃! Xinxian most of the decorative glass is the Troops!
其三,房地产基金呼之欲出。 Third, the real estate fund Troops.
石化产业调整振兴规划全文呼之欲出。 Petrochemical industry ready to adjust the full text of the revitalization planning.
这起骇人听闻的谋杀案真相已经呼之欲出。 This shocking truth of the murder has Huzhiyuchu.
虽然“玉扣”不是真正的玉,但奢华之感却呼之欲出。 Although the jade buckle is not the genuine jade, but the luxurious feeling is actually vivid.
爱锁住两颗相恋的心,而信心,启开那呼之欲出的爱。 Love is a lock that linketh noble minds. Faith is the key that shuts the spring of love.
今日大盘创出本轮反弹行情新高,牛市行情呼之欲出。 Today the market hit a new high of the current round of market rebound, the bull market ready.
小说作家的“生成红学”呼之欲出–当代红学学术史述评。 Formation of the “Red Chamber Dreams”–A Review of the Contemporary Study on the “Red Chamber Dreams”
最闻名的“鹿影”,画面上的群鹿神态各异,有呼之欲出之感。 The most famous “Lu Ying”, the on-screen deer expression of different groups, Huzhiyuchu the flu.
同时金融创新、多层次市场建设以及购并重组等相关政策也是呼之欲出。 At the same time, financial innovation, multi-level market, as well as M &A restructuring and other related policies are also emerging.
龛楣上六个飞天神采奕奕,弹琵弄筝,吹箫奏笛,翩翩起舞,呼之欲出。 Flying on the six niches Youmei spirits, shells spoonbills get zheng, played the flute, dancing, all-too-apparent.
我们都是一群寂寞的孩子,又不能克隆出对方的思想,于是思念这东西呼之欲出了。 We are alone and unable to clone others’ minds, so we need memories.
要么是苏联人感到胜利已经呼之欲出,要么是他们担心他们的被保护人的士气行将崩溃。 Either the Soviets sensed an imminent victory or they feared the approaching demoralization of their clients.
既然上边如此重视工业化、城市化,那么就应该有相应的配套措施——言下之意,呼之欲出。 Since such a top priority of industrialization and urbanization, then there should be corresponding measures – implying , The all-too-apparent.
巖洞正中拱奉如来佛祖神像,两侧凸凹不平的浮雕十八罗汉,工艺精湛,神形兼备,呼之欲出。 Arch from the middle of the cave statues of Buddha ancestors, on both sides of uneven relief eighteen Lohans, exquisite workmanship, both God-shaped, all-too-apparent.
昨日上证指数以一根中阳线成功站上2245点这一重要心理关口,新一轮反弹行情呼之欲出。 Yesterday’s Shanghai Composite Index up to a point in the success of阳线on this important 2245-point psychological barrier, a new round of emerging market rebound.
管理信息化已经呼之欲出,目标是成型条件的管理,生产过程信息化,生产过程中的错误防止机制。 The informationization of management was vivid, and the goal was manage with information, without paper, and avoid errors.
然而有些遗憾的是,虽然已经到了呼之欲出的地步,但有关该机的主要硬件规格目前还存在诸多悬念。 However, some unfortunate that, despite all-too-apparent has reached the point where, but it’s the main hardware specifications are still a lot of suspense.
该地区钢厂对5月下旬钢材出厂价较大幅度的上调对市场再度形成一定刺激,钢材涨价之势呼之欲出。 Steel mills in the region in late May for the ex-factory price of steel greatly increases the market to stimulate the re-formed, steel prices trend emerging.
在此形势下,如何有效缓解大学生的精神和心理压力,为大学生提供良好的心里健康服务势必呼之欲出。 In this situation, how to effectively ease the mental and psychological pressure on students to provide health services in the hearts of good will e out.
其中人工雕刻利用娴熟刀法的深浅和转折配合,更能表现出玻璃的质感,使所绘图案予人呼之欲出的感受。 Carve the depth that uses adept knife method and turn to cooperate artificially among them, can show simple sense of glass more, make place plot case grants person of be vividly portrayed experience.
周一我就看到了一条包含了两条信息的新闻,这两条信息让本周专栏几乎就是呼之欲出:德国人和充气阳具。 On Monday I saw a story involving two things that meant this week’s column would practically write itself: Germans and inflatable penises.
随着美国各大媒体开始筹备二战诺曼底/军登陆纪念报道,法国是否对美伊战争采取“高姿态”的问题也呼之欲出。 As America’s great media outlets have begun preparing for coverage of the D-Day celebrations, the question of a” grand gesture” by the French toward the American war in Iraq has been raised.
有关于环境污染治理的预测工具到污染治理实际应用中的等离子技术,都因为对于这一重要问题的关注,而呼之欲出。 The interest for this fundamental question arose from the need of predicting tools to govern more applied work devoted to pollution control by plasma techniques.
场上球队表现出了丰富的进攻套路,第二个进球呼之欲出;唯一令人惊讶的在于这个进球,竟是如此精彩的一记制胜球。 With a wealth of attacking talent on show, it seemed inevitable another goal would follow; the only surprise being the source of what proved to be a famous winner.
传统中国元素的运用,红色带来的热情、极富动感的造型和谐地组合在一起。单独镶嵌于厨卫吊顶之上,传统美呼之欲出。 The use of traditional Chinese elements, the red brought enthusiasm, dynamic style in harmony together. Alone in the kitchen ceiling above the mosaic, the traditional US-ready.
而今传统的成本控制存在诸多缺陷,已经不适应市场经济的发展要求,于是一种新的现代企业制度下的成本控制呼之欲出。 The traditional method of cost control does not reach the needs of market economy as it has a great many defects. A new type of cost control under modern corporate system is obviously required.
随着中国经济社会改革中的重大课题——医疗体制改革方案和细则呼之欲出,中国政府解决“看病难”问题,已是曙光微露。 Since the reform proposals of health care reform which has been the primary issue of Chinese socioeconomic reform are beginning to gain currency, the approaches to such problems stand a chance.
飘飘欲仙的凤凰在用高框平填打造的银花丝祥云、贵的盛开银花丝牡丹花、花纯金花丝灵芝的仙境中含着微笑接受百鸟的顶拜的姿容显得栩栩如生,呼之欲出。 In the backdrop of exquisite fully bloomed peony and plume blossom in paradise, is a vivid picture of the phoenix, hovering amidst silvery clouds, gracefully receiving the homage of the birds.
今天,在加沙地区,不仅巴勒斯坦不同派别之间存在着争斗——以亚瑟阿拉法特为首的法塔运动与伊斯兰哈马斯抵抗运动之间的内战呼之欲出,同时巴勒斯坦与以色列之间也有冲突。 In Gaza, there is fighting among the Palestinians – a barely repressed civil war between the old Fatah movement of Yasser Arafat and the Islamists of Hamas – but also between them and the Israelis.
词语大全 呼之即来,挥之即去造句_呼之即来,挥之即去中
呼之即来,挥之即去 hū zhī jí lái,huī zhī jí qù
她很方便,用过之后可以随手抛弃,呼之即来挥之即去,不占空间永远安静,她就是便利贴女孩。 She goes to the lavatory very much,can after have used handily abandon,e at self’s call waving that being to go to,Zhan space is not forever quiet,she is not convenient to snuggle up to girl.
如果我们真的谈了,还怎么可能回到现在这样、我能利用你的好感对你意气指示、呼之即来、挥之即去呢? How could we ever go back to the way we were,where I take advantage of your clear attraction to me so I can have someone at my beck and call?
它们应该是呼之即来挥之即去想玩就玩的东西,而不是让你觉得有负担/责任/义务去玩的东西。“某老外的精彩评论。 They are supposed to be there for when you WANT to play,not to make you feel like you have an obligation to play.
男孩喜欢有自己的生活空间的女孩,她们不是呼之即来,挥之即去的。他们希望,如果他们喜欢你,你并非总是需要他们陪伴你的左右。 Guys like girls who have a life. They like it when you aren’t always available. They like to know if they like you,you aren’t going to be needing them all the time.
喷薄欲出 pēnbóyùchū喷薄欲出的意思和解释:喷薄:涌起,上升的样子;欲:将要。形容水涌起或太阳初升时涌上地平线的样子。喷薄欲出的出处喷薄欲出的例子它是立于高山之巅远看东方
喷薄欲出 pēnbóyùchū喷薄欲出的意思和解释:喷薄:涌起,上升的样子;欲:将要。形容水涌起或太阳初升时涌上地平线的样子。喷薄欲出的出处喷薄欲出的例子它是立于高山之巅远看东方
呼之即来,挥之即去 hūzhījílái,huīzhījíqù呼之即来,挥之即去的意思和解释:即:就,立刻;挥:挥手。叫他来就来,叫他走就走。形容统治阶级对下属或奴才的任意使唤。
呼之即来,挥之即去 hūzhījílái,huīzhījíqù呼之即来,挥之即去的意思和解释:即:就,立刻;挥:挥手。叫他来就来,叫他走就走。形容统治阶级对下属或奴才的任意使唤。
天壤之别 tiānrǎngzhībié天壤之别的意思和解释:壤:地。天和地,一极在上,一级在下,比喻差别极大。天壤之别的出处《抱朴子·内篇·论仙》:“趋舍所尚,耳目之欲,其为不同
肺石风清 fèishífēngqīng肺石风清的意思和解释:百姓可以站在上面控诉地方官。比喻法庭裁判公正。肺石风清的出处《周礼·秋官·大司寇》:“凡远近茕独老幼之欲有复于上而其长
肺石风清 fèishífēngqīng肺石风清的意思和解释:百姓可以站在上面控诉地方官。比喻法庭裁判公正。肺石风清的出处《周礼·秋官·大司寇》:“凡远近茕独老幼之欲有复于上而其长
词语大全 爱之欲其生,恶之欲其死的意思_成语“爱之欲其生,恶之欲其死”是什么意思