词语大全 和而不同造句_和而不同中英文解释和造句

Posted 文化

篇首语:策马前途须努力,莫学龙钟虚叹息。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 和而不同造句_和而不同中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 和而不同造句_和而不同中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 和而不唱造句_和而不唱中英文解释和造句

词语大全 和而不同造句_和而不同中英文解释和造句

和而不同  hé ér bù tóng







  • 中国;美国;中美关系;和而不同。 China, the United States, Sino-US Relations, Agree to Disagree.

  • 和而不同”是人类文化发展的理想图景之一。 “Not the Same but Mixture” is one of ideal prospects for mankind’s culture.

  • ,包容不是不问是非,其实质是“和而不同”。 Nevertheless, tolerance is not to ignore truth and falsehood.

  • 当前,全球文化的发趋势则是和而不同、求同存异。 Today the global culture’s developing trend is coexisting harmoniously, and maintaining difference while seeking mon ground.

  • 谐竞争的核心是“谐”,本质是“和而不同”。 The core of harmonious petition is harmony and the essence of it is “agreeable though non-identical”.

  • 这正是中国混沌精神的一,融合的一,和而不同的一。 It is the very notion of “one” embodied in Chinese chaotic spirit; the oneness of amalgamation, and of differences within the boundary of harmony.

  • 两千多年前,中国伟大的哲学家孔子说:“君子和而不同。” Confucious said more than two thousand years ago:” In human relationships, a gentleman seeks harmony but not uniformity”.

  • 中餐厨师深知“五味调”的重要,且知“和而不同”的道理。 Chinese food cooks know “Five reconcile” important, and to know “and different” truth.

  • 和而不同”用人思想的实施与否,直接关涉到一个国家发展的水平。 The execution of the principle of “harmony with differences” involves the level of a state’s development.

  • 作为统战方法,“和而不同”重在追求“”,贵在能包容“不同”。 As a kind of method used in united front work, “Harmonious but dissimilar” can contain “dissimilarity” in order to pursue “harmony”.

  • 和而不同”,即是承认多样,主张多样,不相同又谐,即是发展。 “Differences”, that is, to recognize diversity, diversity advocates, the same harmonious, that is, development.

  • 他说,开幕式没有体现出孔子学说的另一个主题,就是和而不同的思想。 He cites another Confucian theme not included in the program, the observation that harmony does not demand conformity.

  • 自古以来,中国已经成为主流哲学,鼓吹“平是最珍贵的”、“和而不同”。 Since the ancient times, China’s prevailing philosophy has been one that preaches “peace is most precious”, “harmony without uniformity”.

  • 中国政府的外交政策体现了在“和而不同”外交战略思维指导下的人类共同利益观。 The diplomatic policies of the Chinese government have just reflected the concept of mon interests for human being under the guidance of strategic diplomatic thinking of “harmony but difference”.

  • 和而不同”思想蕴涵了丰富的伦理价值,其与应用伦理学的特质有着内在的一致性。 The idea of being harmonious but different contains rich ethics values which has the intrinsic uniformity with the application ethics’s special characteristics.

  • 对话教学明显具有如下特点:平等意识、真诚倾听、多边互动、建构生成、和而不同。 Dialogic teaching has the following characteristics: consciousness of equality, sincere hearkening, multi- lateral interaction, constructive generation, and harmony with dissimilarities.

  • 性地营养阴阳,不改变阴阳的属性与特征,就是以德治、和而不同的重要特点。 The energies of Five De nourish Yin and Yang without discrimination instead of changing their attributes.

  • 民族是客观存在的社会实体,伟大的中华民族形成了多元一体的格局,有着和而不同的关系。 Ethnic groups are an objective social entity. Our great Chinese nation is a plural integration and we seek harmony but not uniformity.

  • 在全球化的背景下发展多元文化,需要正确解决文化全球化与多元文化的悖论,做到“和而不同”。 To develop multiculturalism in the background of globalism, the conflict between cultural globalism and multiculturalism should be dealt with to reach the state merging but difference.

  • 课堂教学改革的关键在于重构教学文化环境,即建构“和而不同”“生”的谐课堂教学文化。 Class teaching reform is the key to rebuild the teaching culture environment, that is to say, it is not only diverse but also harmonious.

  • 在社会发展与习惯法变迁的关系中,国家的治理策略应该坚持“和而不同”的民族法律自主发展之路。 In the social development of customary law and changes in the relationship, State governance strategy should adhere to the “different and” legal autonomy of national development.

  • 笔者认为应“和而不同”,应坚持原则、加紧修炼内功,坚持谐外交,达到谐参与国际竞争的目的。 This paper thinks that they should be harmonious but different and that China should stick to her principles and harmonious diplomacy to participate in international petitions harmoniously.

  • 作品“对了”主要运用骨头契合(卯榫结构)的形式表现事物之间一种相互依存的状态,“和而不同”。 Work “Right” principal use of the bones fit (mortise and tenon structure) between the things of the form of a state of interdependence, “and different.

  • 作为一种文化理念,“和而不同”一直在指导着人们正确处理人际关系国际关系,正确对待不同意见。 As a kind of cultural idea, “Harmonious but dissimilar” plays an important role in instructing us to deal with different relationships at all times.

  • ”与“同”、“中”具有深刻哲理关系。儒家伦理意蕴包含“执两用中”、“和而不同”两个基本方面。 The paper points out two fundamental respects prised in Confucian ethic: “listening to both sides and choosing the middle course” and “striving for harmony but not sameness”.

  • 修辞的言语活动的本质特征是“和而不同”,即用不同的但可能是认为更为恰当的言语表达式表示大体相同的意思。 The essential characteristic of rhetorical expressions is “harmony in difference” which means the expressing of the same intentional meaning in different yet more appropriate ways.

  • 中华民族是崇尚平的民族,中国传统文化的核心思想是“谐”、“合”,讲求“和而不同”、“兼容并蓄”。 The Chinese nation honors peace. The central philosophy in traditional Chinese culture is harmony and peaceful coexistence, advocating “being peaceful though different” or “acmodating diversities”.

  • 当前的文化全球化应是多元文化的共处,但这又不是文化的自我封闭文化的民族主义,是文化间的“和而不同”。 The co-existence, however, doesn’t refer to self-sealing and cultural nationalism, but “the harmony without being identical” among cultures.

  • 既有共同的政治基础,又“和而不同”。在上述基础上,本文进一步对共产党领导的多党合作的基本经验作了一些研究探讨。 On the basis of that, the writer has made further study and discussions on the basis experience on the Multi-party Cooperation System under the leadership of the CommunistParty.

  • 他希望以“和而不同”的理性原则,以天下苍生为念的悲悯情怀,“以民为本”的政治模式,构造一个生气勃勃的全新社会形态。 Guided by the rational concept “harmonious but different”, he wanted to construct a pletely new society with a “people-oriented” political model.

  • 和而不同造句相关


    词语大全 和而不唱造句_和而不唱中英文解释和造句

    和而不唱  hé ér bù chàng







  • 因为我喜欢为了每日国歌祈祷会议站成一排,我削减了时间直接去上课。 As I didn’t like to stand in a row for the daily national anthem &praying session, I cut it short by went straight to the class.

  • 唉,我再因为甜美的女高音在一起被嘲笑了。但是我的桑音变化对我毫无帮助,高八度音上去了,我被从伊甸园合团赶了出来。 alas, I no longer disdained the pany of sweet sopranos. but my vocal contortions were in vain; the uper octaves were denied me and I was unceremoniously expelled from Eden.

  • 温杜老爹许多歌星都一样,他痛恨那些戴着美洲豹皮帽的大人物,并讨厌给这些人赞美诗,正是这些人将要毁灭性地统治刚果30年。 Unlike many stars, he hated to sing praises to the big man in the leopard-skin hat, who would rule ruinously for three decades.

  • 和而不唱造句相关



    词语大全 和而不唱造句_和而不唱中英文解释和造句

    和而不唱  héérbùchàng和而不唱的意思和解释:赞同别人的意见,不坚持自己的说法。和而不唱的出处《庄子·德充符》:“和而不唱,知不出乎四城。”和而不唱的例子和而不唱造句因为

    词语大全 和而不唱造句_和而不唱中英文解释和造句

    和而不唱  héérbùchàng和而不唱的意思和解释:赞同别人的意见,不坚持自己的说法。和而不唱的出处《庄子·德充符》:“和而不唱,知不出乎四城。”和而不唱的例子和而不唱造句因为

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    词语大全 群而不党造句_群而不党中英文解释和造句

    群而不党  qúnérbùdǎng群而不党的意思和解释:群:合群。与众合群,不结私党。群而不党的出处《论语·卫灵公》:“君子矜而不争,群而不党。”群而不党的例子群而不党造句俗语说:

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    词语大全 哀而不伤造句_哀而不伤中英文解释和造句

    哀而不伤  āiérbùshāng哀而不伤的意思和解释:哀:悲哀;伤:伤害。忧愁而不悲伤。比喻做事没有过头也无不及。哀而不伤的出处《论语·八佾》:“子曰:‘《关雎》乐而不淫,哀而不

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    博而不精  bóérbùjīng博而不精的意思和解释:形容学识丰富,但不精深。博而不精的出处《后汉书·马融传》:“贾君精而不博,郑君博而不精;既精既博,吾何加焉。”博而不精的例子博

    词语大全 博而不精造句_博而不精中英文解释和造句

    博而不精  bóérbùjīng博而不精的意思和解释:形容学识丰富,但不精深。博而不精的出处《后汉书·马融传》:“贾君精而不博,郑君博而不精;既精既博,吾何加焉。”博而不精的例子博

    词语大全 博而不精造句_博而不精中英文解释和造句

    博而不精  bóérbùjīng博而不精的意思和解释:形容学识丰富,但不精深。博而不精的出处《后汉书·马融传》:“贾君精而不博,郑君博而不精;既精既博,吾何加焉。”博而不精的例子博

    词语大全 博而不精造句_博而不精中英文解释和造句

    博而不精  bóérbùjīng博而不精的意思和解释:形容学识丰富,但不精深。博而不精的出处《后汉书·马融传》:“贾君精而不博,郑君博而不精;既精既博,吾何加焉。”博而不精的例子博