词语大全 响彻云霄造句_响彻云霄中英文解释和造句

Posted 圣诞

篇首语:太斤斤计较的人,不适合恋爱,适合买菜。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 响彻云霄造句_响彻云霄中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 响彻云霄造句_响彻云霄中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 响彻云宵   [xiǎng chè yún xiāo]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 响彻云霄造句_响彻云霄中英文解释和造句

响彻云霄  xiǎng chè yún xiāo







  • 马具的咯吱咯吱的噪音响彻云霄。 The creak and jangle of harness grew ever louder.

  • 孤寂却成了响彻云霄的唯一音符。 Solitude has bee a resounding only notes.

  • 突然,一声巨大的爆裂声响彻云霄。 Suddenly a great cracking sound split the air.

  • 我多想让它们响彻云霄,传遍世界。 Let them ring out loud till they unfold.

  • 让朗朗的读书声响彻云霄吧! Lang Lang’s reading so that the sound it!

  • 让它们响彻云霄,在回忆奔涌的瞬间。 Let them ring out loud till they unfold.

  • “中国共产党万岁!”的欢呼声响彻云霄。 Cheer of “Long Live the Communist Party of China! ” rang through the air.

  • 可怕的叫声响彻云霄。 A terrible cry rent the air.

  • 被征服的心拜伏在她的脚下,欢呼声响彻云霄。 Conquered hearts bowed down at her feet, and shouts of applause rang in the sky.

  • 这时,整个山峦香烟缭绕,海螺声声,响彻云霄。 At this time, wind around the entire mountain of cigarettes, conch sound, xiang che yun xiao.

  • 这个留胡子的声音响彻云霄,一边把右手伸入衣袋。 the bearded one’s voice rent the air as his right hand dug into his pocket.

  • 雷电响彻云霄; Thunder clouds rend the air;

  • 在春季里,小秃鹰在巢窝里叽叽咋咋呼唤著午、晚之餐声响彻云霄。 And in spring, the sound of baby eagles calling from their nests for lunch and dinner fills the air.

  • 看着一条条船在响彻云霄的凄厉叫声中被拉下水,越看越觉得可怕。 Watching one of the vessels in resounding shrieking sounds were dragged into the mire, the more I feel terrible.

  • 看着一条条船在响彻云霄的凄厉叫声中被拉下水,越看越觉得可怕。 Looking at a ship in resound through the skies of the sad and shrill interjection drive draw down water, see more feel more fearfulness.

  • 日出时,烟花、炮竹响彻云霄,与初升的太阳交融在一起,颇为壮观。 When the sun rises, fireworks and firecrackers playing spread the sound through the graves of all lands, merge with the rising sun to form a spectacular scene.

  • 哇!圣诞铃声,圣诞铃声,响彻云霄, 哇,乘着一匹马驾的雪橇多么有趣。 Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way, Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh.

  • 基本面:周末,媒体上的进军冲锋号响彻云霄,到处是“中期强势行情可期”的标语口号。 Fundamental side : At the weekends, the media front-in promotion is that mid-term rising quotes are ing up.

  • 练习时现场播放热门音乐,每当贝克汉向观众席挥手或微笑时,加油和尖叫声更是响彻云霄。 There was pop music and the cheers and screams got extra loud every time Beckham waved or smiled at the crowd.

  • 华莱士在临刑前受尽折磨时,他仍喊出了“为了自由”的口号,响彻云霄,天地也应该为之动容。 Wallace in temporary pre-sentence had been tortured, he is still a call for “freedom”, Xiangcheyunxiao, should be moved heaven and earth.

  • 10点正,随着北京市委书记宣布庆祝大会开始,60响礼炮响彻云霄,鲜艳的五星红旗冉冉升起。 10 points is, with the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Secretary announced the celebration rally, 60-gun salute the air, and bright-colored flag rising.

  • 我们或许能希望,一个新的开放格局的美妙铃声将响彻云霄,引向一个和解、友好与和平的新世界 。 We may be allowed to hope that the marvelous sound of a new openness will keep rising through, ringing through, leading to a new world of reconciliation, friendship, and peace.

  • 此刻,若登上钟楼击钟,钟声轰然,响彻云霄,“郎啊——郎——”之声“远闻数十里,发人深省”。 At this moment, if the board hit the clock tower bell, the bell came, xiang che yun xiao , “ah Lang – Lang -” voice “heard dozens far, the thought-provoking.

  • 《国际模特奥林匹克会歌》——美丽是一个梦,由200人大型交响、合唱、舞蹈联合演奏,响彻云霄。 The song of this petition “Beauty is a dream” was played by a grand symphony orchestra with 200 members and joined by chorus and dance, which resounds through the skies.

  • 今晚,整家人一齐吃饭,我们兄弟妹都相聚在一起,分享美味佳肴,享受天伦之楽,欢楽的笑声响彻云霄! This evening, the whole family eat together our brothers and sister are to meet together to share the delicious dishes to enjoy laughter!

  • 听,欢歌笑语响彻云霄,优美的旋律,欢快的舞步,无法掩饰内心的激动,从四面八方涌向首都,让您笑逐颜开! Listen, laugh and song rend the skies. Graceful rhythm, bright steps, and emotion unable to be concealed in all directions has you beam with smiles.

  • 这两句话久久在我耳边回响彻云霄著,伴我度过了葬礼和帮妹夫,侄女处理妹妹意外死亡后的伤心后事的那几天。 I remembered those words through the funeral and the days that followed when I helped him and my niece attend to all the sad chores that follow an unexpected death.

  • 让绚丽无比的烟花和响彻云霄的爆竹照耀奇迹世界的天空,让我们共同制造光彩盛年的气氛,庆祝我们的农历新年! So brilliantunparalleled fireworks and drums Yunxiao miracle world of fireworks illuminate the sky, let us together to create an atmosphere of glorious prime, we celebrate the Lunar New Year!

  • 空气这样柔和,但是,40年前的此刻,空气中却弥漫着硝烟,士兵的呐喊声,步枪的劈啪声和大炮的努吼声响彻云霄。 The air is soft, but forty years ago at this momt, the air was dense with smoke and the cries of men, and the air was filled with the crack of rifle fire and the roar of cannon.

  • 今日早些时候,北京,史上著名的天安门广场,60响礼炮响彻云霄,中国正式拉开了其盛大的共产主义统治六十年庆典的帷幕。 China formally kicked off its mass celebrations of 60 years of munist rule with a 60-gun salute that rung out across Beijing’s historic Tiananmen Square earlier today.

  • 响彻云霄造句相关


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    响彻云宵   [xiǎng chè yún xiāo]






    1. 这一曲响彻云宵的凯歌,确能起到鼓舞斗志的作用。


    成语:响彻云霄发音:xiǎng chè yún xiāo 释义:彻:穿透;透过;云霄:高空。声音响得像穿透云层;直达高空。形容声音嘹亮高吭。近义词:响彻云际 响遏行云出处:清·褚人获《隋唐演义》:“这一笛儿;真吹得响彻云霄;鸾翔凤舞;楼下千千万万的人;都定睛侧耳;寂然无声。”   更多→ 响彻云宵


    响彻云际 响遏行云




    resound the skies


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