词语大全 哭丧著脸造句_哭丧著脸中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:别总是羡慕别人光芒万丈,却忘了自己也会发光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 哭丧著脸造句_哭丧著脸中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 哭丧著脸造句_哭丧著脸中英文解释和造句
哭丧著脸 kū sāng zhe liǎn
孩子们一个个都“哭丧著脸”。 The children pulled a long face.
要不是你哭丧著脸,我还不会怀疑。 If you had not drawn such a long face I should never have doubted.
林先生哭丧著脸,走回“内宅”去。 Looking sour, Mr. Lin walked into the “inner sanctum. “”
哭丧著脸看着我,笑咪咪地望着爸爸。 Put on a long face looks at me, laugh at mew ground to visiting father.
阿刘忽然进来,哭丧著脸向他讨小费。 Ah Liu suddenly entered with a woeful look and asked for a tip.
孩子们一个个都哭丧著脸。 The children pulled a long face.
马苏克无奈地拉开舱门,哭丧著脸悻悻而去。 The man pulled the door open and fled in agony.
但是男人们会哭丧著脸在大厅里踱上几个小时。 Men wander around for hours with their faces collapsed.
不是哭丧著脸。表现的有些害羞。好,再来一次。 Not sad. Just a little shy. Ok, try it again.
营业部主任托顿霍也凑到窗前来,他还是象平日那样哭丧著脸。 Tottenhoe, the operations officer, joined them at the window, his face transmitting his normal grumpiness.
会议从早上一直开到了下午,房地产商哭丧著脸进去,哭丧著脸出来。 From the morning session has been opened in the afternoon, put on long face into the real estate business, put on long face out.
我假装哭丧著脸说,对啊,要是把杯子摔碎了,我就再不能用这杯子了。 Never mind. You have more cups. If this one breaks. You can use other cup. So don’t be sad.
唱歌是美好的事情。当我从床上爬起来,先唱一支歌,远比哭丧著脸强吧。 Singing is lovely thing, when I get up everyday, to sing a song is far better than to cry.
我们都让调皮表弟请爷爷也吃一下,可是表弟哭丧著脸说爷爷说什么都不想吃。 We let naughty cousin ask a grandfather to also eat, what to but cousin put on a long face says a grandfather, say not to want to eat.
我不知道是不是为他难过,可是他的表姐跟他一样地哭丧著脸,回到她父亲身边。 I do not know whether it were sorrow for him, but his cousin put on as sad a countenance as himself, and returned to her father.
他搭拉着脑袋,哭丧著脸到处走,用动情的颤声对每个人诉说那畜生的逝世不同寻常。 He went about with hanging head and melancholy face, telling everyone the particulars of the beast’s demise in a voice quivering with emotion.
我以为他早就把信寄出了,没想到一周后他却哭丧著脸来跟我说,信还在他的口袋里。 I thought that he’d posted the letter, but a week later he came to me in sackcloth and ashes to say that he’d found it still in his pocket.
我以为他早就把信寄出去了,没想到一周后他却哭丧著脸来跟我说,信还在他的口袋里。 I thought that he’d posted the letter, but a week later he came to me in sackcloth and ashes to say that he’d found it still in his pocket.
如果没有好好地把事情做妥、做这件事情的人会后悔,又要哭丧著脸地忍受它带来的后果。 That deed is not well done, which one regrets when it is done and the result of which one experiences weeping with a tearful face.
草坪主要用深绿色的冬天的灌木点缀著;灌木哭丧著脸,长在苗床上,看上去象是代数里的难题; The lawn was chiefly ornamented with dark, wintry shrubs of a funereal aspect, which grew in beds that looked like problems in algebra;
日本建筑师们哭丧著脸说,这不合理,在你们中国是在期房时期就销售,到房子建好要一年多时间。 Japanese architects who put on long face that this is irrational, in your auction period in China is on sale to houses built to one year.
既然现在的我还不能变得深刻,那么,我就让自己变得轻松。哭丧著脸的人,怎能听清花开的响声; Now I also should not bee a deep, then I let myself easier. the people, how can heard the sound of flowers;
随便吧,拿上你的‘跪求工作’册子、继续痴迷赛马、哭丧著脸,去脑残到家的地方,让他们雇你吧。 Feel free to take your gissa-job brochure, your equine fixation and your miserable face anywhere daft enough to employ you.
“生了,生了,”赌徒从衣袋里掏出两张10美元的钞票,哭丧著脸说:“不幸的是,它们的母亲去世了。” “Yes, yes , ” the gambler took out 2$10 notes and said in a weeping tone, “unfortunately their mother died.
连队启事“报告连长,我今天晒在阳台上的一双新胶鞋不见了。”刚吃完晚饭,新兵小由就哭丧著脸找连长报“案”来了。 ” just ate dinner, recruit is young by look for pany mander to declare with respect to put on a long face ” case ” came.
以致连掩护他们的内室,也不能保护他们不受惊惶,使人恐怖的声音环绕在他们四周,哭丧著脸的忧戚怪物,出现在他们面前。 For neither did the den that held them, keep them from fear: for noises ing down troubled them, and sad visions appearing to them, affrighted them.
正好七月七那一天,牛郎正在锄地,金哥玉妹两人哭丧著脸跑了过来,告诉牛郎说,来了个老婆子,把妈妈从织布机上拉走了。 On the day of July 7, Cowboy was hoeing, Kim and Yu-me said their mother had been taken away from the weaving machine.
以致连掩护他们的内室,也不能保护他们不受惊惶,使人恐怖的声音环绕在他们四周,哭丧著脸的忧戚怪物,出现在他们面前。 For not even their inner chambers kept them fearless, for crashing sounds on all sides terrified them, and mute phantoms with somber looks appeared.
他们心烦意乱的时间比女性更长。女性往往大哭五分钟,然后补装,一切就都结束了。但是男人们会哭丧著脸在大厅里踱上几个小时。 They stay upset much longer than the women. Women cry for five minutes, then do their make-up and it’s all over. Men wander around for hours with their faces collapsed.
正当值日儿干把姚星宇的名字记到黑板上的时候,他又哭丧著脸对值日儿干苦苦哀求:“我的姑奶奶啊,你是我的再生父母……哦,不,是母……哦,哦,我再给你张贴画。 Legitimate duty to stem abuse Xingyu Yao’s name to the blackboard in mind, he also stem of Duty begging children: “My You are my …Oh, no, is the mother …Oh, Oh, I give you posters.”
词语大全 哭丧著脸的意思_成语“哭丧著脸”是什么意思
成 语 | 哭丧著脸 |
成语读音 | kū sāng zhe liǎn |
成语解释 | 心里不愉快,脸上显出不高兴的样子。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 动宾式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、宾语;指不高兴的样子。 |
产生年代 | 近代 |
典故出处 | 清·西周生《醒世姻缘传》第66回:“小玉兰哭丧著脸,走到湖亭席上,狄希陈唬得魂飞天外。” |
成语例句 | 路遥《平凡的世界》第三卷第十章:“金光亮一个人跪在老地主的坟前,~开始了他的祭祖仪式。” |
近 义 词 | 愁眉苦脸 |
反 义 词 | 眉开眼笑 |
英文翻译 | put on a long face <wear a long face; go around with a long face> |
俄文翻译 | с печáльным видом |
日文翻译 | 苦(にが)い颜(かお)をする,仏顶面(ぶっちょうづら)をする |
其他语言 | <德>ein langes Gesicht machen <sauer dreinschauen> |
成语谜面 | 八点二十面 |
正颜厉色 zhèngyánlìsè正颜厉色的意思和解释:颜:面容。形容板著脸,神情非常严厉。正颜厉色的出处《汉书·王莽传》:“盱衡厉色,振扬武怒。”《后汉书·翟酺传》:“目见正容
正颜厉色 zhèngyánlìsè正颜厉色的意思和解释:颜:面容。形容板著脸,神情非常严厉。正颜厉色的出处《汉书·王莽传》:“盱衡厉色,振扬武怒。”《后汉书·翟酺传》:“目见正容
正言厉色 zhèngyánlìsè正言厉色的意思和解释:正:严正;厉:严厉,严肃;色:脸色。形容板著脸,神情非常严厉。正言厉色的出处《汉书·王莽传》:“盱衡厉色,振扬武怒。”《后