词语大全 唇枪舌剑造句_唇枪舌剑中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 唇枪舌剑造句_唇枪舌剑中英文解释和造句
唇枪舌剑 chún qiāng shé jiàn
同样是一番激烈的唇枪舌剑。 Is also a fierce war of words.
他们彼此唇枪舌剑地交锋。 They cross verbal swords with each other.
里,双方更是唇枪舌剑,你来我挡,难解难分。 In the next free debate, the two sides are more thrust, I block you, and neck.
他们唇枪舌剑争议的是什么?谁比较有说服力? What is at issue in this quarrel and who has the better of it?
喜欢师姐和师姐一起用“唇枪舌剑”去对付“敌人”。 My elder sister and I like using “war of words” to deal with “enemies.
这是两个简单的事实,但在唇枪舌剑中它们都被遗忘了。 These two simple facts were being lost in the storm of words.
从中我才知道我原来认识他们用唇枪舌剑撕成碎片的那个人。 Then it dawned on me that I knew the person they were tearing to shreds.
一阵唇枪舌剑的速决战收场后,霍罗汉先生急乎乎地跛出门去。 After a swift struggle of tongues Mr. Holohan hobbled out in haste .
成语“风马牛不相及”的典故,就是源于这一次交战前的唇枪舌剑。 Idiom “irrelevant” the story is that it stems from a war of words before the war.
在接下来的自由辩论里,双方更是唇枪舌剑,你来我挡,难解难分。 In the next free debate, the two sides are more thrust, I block you, and neck.
他的家庭发生了纠纷,一场唇枪舌剑的离婚官司耗费了他绝大部分资财。 His marriage disintegrated, and an acrimonious divorce that took away most of his assets.
在聆讯其中,各方唇枪舌剑,包括路祥安本人也被传召作证,发表着明的鹦鹉论。 One of the hearing, the parties Chunqiangshejian, including LO I have been summoned to give evidence, published a theory that the parrot.
更大的危险在于,奥巴马政府可能已将中美关系推向了一个更加唇枪舌剑的危险阶段。 The bigger risk is that the administration might have tipped the China-U. S. relationship into a more rs gold contentious and perilous phase.
然而当简遇上了流里流气显然不是贵族的汤姆?勒弗罗伊,迅即在唇枪舌剑中擦出了火花。 But when Jane meets the roguish and decidedly non-aristocratic Tom Lefroy, sparks soon fly along with the sharp repartee.
“这就好比律师们在法庭上唇枪舌剑,一出法庭又是朋友,”安德鲁说,“我们就是这样。 “It’s like how lawyers can be fighting tooth and nail in a courtroom one minute and then be friendly out in the hall, ” Andrew says. “That’s the way we were.
然而当简遇上了流里流气显然不是贵族的汤姆·勒弗罗伊,迅即在唇枪舌剑中擦出了火花。 But when Jane meets the roguish and decidedly non-aristocratic Tom Lefroy, sparks soon fly along with the sharp repartee.
要是我们习惯了用华文思考,这就等于须经历另一段翻译过程,不利于唇枪舌剑的短兵相接。 If we are accustomed to thinking in Chinese, this would mean we have to go through an additional process of mental translation which will impede spontaneous exchange and debate.
虽然这两个人在共总场合客客气气,但是他们几乎针对美国外交的所有方面都唇枪舌剑过。 Though the two men make nice in public they have fought over almost every aspect of U. S. foreign policy.
这两支欧洲顶级球队的较量总是不乏出色的争论,几乎每一次碰撞都充斥着红牌、处罚和唇枪舌剑。 European meetings between Chelsea and Barca have been packed with controversy, including red cards, disputed goals, penalties and verbal outbursts.
巴尔达诺表示这个夏季至少还会有四个新面孔,但是承认俱乐部想要得到他们确实要经过唇枪舌剑。 Valdano claims that there will be at least four new faces to follow this summer but admits the club face a difficult task in acquiring them.
经过两天的唇枪舌剑,他们终于达成一致:禁止“背后下套”的行为,并为高管会议制定了新的规则。 After two days of confrontations, they agreed to ban ‘end runs’ and laid down new rules for executive meetings.
在印第安那州安德森市的集会上,奥巴马回应了那些说他在回应希拉里唇枪舌剑时不够强硬的评论家们。 At a rally in Anderson, Indiana, Obama responded to critics who say he has not been tough enough in responding to Clinton’s verbal jabs.
近日地产“泡沫”论再起,政府企业学者唇枪舌剑,最后连建设部都不得不站出来说话,批评地产泡沫论。 Recently, real estate “bubble” theory recurring scholars camps engaged in the enterprise, even the Ministry of Construction will have to finally speak out and criticize the real estate bubble theory.
这又引起一场唇枪舌剑的争吵。与此同时,后面的车辆排成了长龙,警察花了将近一个小时才使车辆又开起来。 This led to another angry argue. Meanwhile, this made traffic pile up behind. It took the police nearly an hour to make the traffic move again.
直到我开始把这件事写成文字,我才意识到在与全国来复枪协会说客的唇枪舌剑中,我已经承认了正在考虑竞选总统。 It wasn’t until I began writing this account that I realized that in my confrontation with the NRA lobbyist, I had acknowledged that I was considering running for President.
在竞选过程中,出现过唇枪舌剑式的交锋,但是克林顿参议员表示,她很荣幸和奥巴马竞争,也很荣幸地称他为朋友。 There have been harsh words exchanged during the campaign, but Senator Clinton said she was honored to pete against Barack Obama and to call him friend.
一个标新立异的女人一旦冒犯了礼规,招致了唇枪舌剑的非议,再没有谁会象她那样飞快地跑去寻找尊严体面的庇护了。 No one runs so hurriedly to the cover of respectability as the unconventional woman who has exposed herself to the slings and arrows of outraged propriety.
整场演讲比赛气氛活跃,选手们激烈的“唇枪舌剑”之战一次次把比赛推向高潮,给清冷的冬日增添了一分热闹、欢腾的气息。 The atmosphere of the contest was vivid and active, and the wonderful speeches from all the contestants pushed the whole petition to a climax, adding liveliness and happiness to the chill winter.
很快他们结婚了,罗密欧“跌倒”并且陷入一场恋爱中。所以朱莉叶带着她的罗密欧上法庭,为了他们的私人协议而唇枪舌剑。 Soon into the marriage, Romeo slipped up and had an affair. So Juliet took her Romeo to court, armed to the teeth with their private documents.
那天,格朗泰尔、巴阿雷、勃鲁维尔、博须埃、公白飞和古费拉克一伙谈得起劲,你一言,我一语,混战正酣,不料从唇枪舌剑中突然出现了一种奇怪的严肃思想,穿过喧杂的语声。 A severe thought, starting oddly from a clash of words, suddenly traversed the conflict of quips in which Grantaire, Bahorel, Prouvaire, Bossuet, Combeferre, and Courfeyrac were confusedly fencing.
词语大全 舌剑唇枪造句_舌剑唇枪中英文解释和造句
舌剑唇枪 shé jiàn chún qiāng
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舌剑唇枪 shéjiànchúnqiāng舌剑唇枪的意思和解释:舌如剑,唇象枪。形容争辩激烈,言词锋利,针锋相对,各不相让。舌剑唇枪的出处元·高文秀《渑池会》一折:“凭着我唇枪舌
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舌拼音shé 部首舌笔画6五行金五笔TDD[舌]基本解释1.人或动物嘴里辨别滋味、帮助咀嚼和发音的器官:~头。~耕(a.指读书勤奋;b.旧时学者授徒,依口说谋生,好像农夫耕田得粟)。唇枪~剑
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施谋用计 [shīmóuyòngjì][施谋用计]成语解释施:施行;计:计谋。运用策略计谋。[施谋用计]成语出处明·黄元吉《流星马》第一折:“凭著您孩儿舌剑唇枪,施谋用计,我稳情