词语大全 唯利是图造句_唯利是图中英文解释和造句
Posted 道德
篇首语:风华是一指流砂,苍老是一段年华。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 唯利是图造句_唯利是图中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 唯利是图造句_唯利是图中英文解释和造句
唯利是图 wéi lì shì tú
以唯利是图的或欺诈的方式。 in a corrupt and deceitful manner.
唯利是图者,心中无美德。 Virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man.
一家唯利是图的搬运汽车公司还是把她的住址泄露了。 A venal moving-van pany had revealed her address.
他唯利是图,贪得无厌,但是他也是一个受歧视的犹太人。 He inexcusable insatiable, but he is also a subject of discrimination against Jews.
我们不是唯利是图,而是一直在努力地帮助大家成就梦想! We’re not trying to get $ rich, but to ‘help realize people’s dreams! ‘
菲尔德对异议者的意见很简单:都是些拿美国人钱的唯利是图的人。 Fidel’s view of dissenters was unplicated: all were “mercenaries”, in the pay of the United States.
别和他打交道,他是个唯利是图的人,会设法从你身上拿走每一分钱。 Don’t deal with him, he’s a real bloodsucker and will take every penny you’ve got.
另一种形式则是互惠型的利他行为,或称为“狼狈为奸,唯利是图”。 The second form is reciprocal altruism, or “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”.
当价值等级错乱、善恶混淆不清时,私人及社团都唯利是图,不顾他人。 When the scale of values is disturbed and evil bees mixed with good, individuals and groups consider only their own interests, not those of others.
有些资本家对国家保持一个很大的距离,他们仍没有改变唯利是图的思想; Some capitalists keep themselves at a great distance from the state and have not changed their profits-before-everything mentality.
或是成为一个「唯利是图」的商人,在各个阵营之间应付自如、日进斗金。 Perhaps bees “is concerned only about profit” the merchant, goes hand to hand, thriving business between each camp.
他也时常发表演讲谴责那些唯利是图的银行家吸取类似雷曼兄弟事件的教训。 He also used his time at the podium to chide bonus-hungry bankers for failing to learn the lessons of Lehman.
在这个不规范市场中的主体,可能问题多的是开发企业唯利是图,不顾信誉。 The irregularities in the main market, the potential problem is the development of multi-making enterprises, regardless of credibility.
让我们共勉昭告全天下在祖国的土地为自由斗争人民将战胜唯利是图的雇用军。 Let us animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a free man contending for liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.
少数开发商更是唯利是图,不重视产权人的合法权益,顺利就办,不顺利就先拖着。 A developer is seeking, not to the legitimate rights and interests of property rights, on the smooth running, not smooth on first in a tail.
他们的工资有规律的每年增长25%,此时就业的竞争非常激烈,并且唯利是图地跳槽。 Their salaries are regularly increasing 25% a year as the petition for even junior talent is fierce and they job-hop like mercenaries.
一些企业无视消费者权益,唯利是图,欺瞒和坑骗消费者是商品房投诉多的最主要的原因。 Some enterprises have ignored the interests of consumers, profit, mercial housing leads and Kengpian consumer plaint number is the most important reason.
中央政府虽然有长远的打算,但是地方政府可不这么想,他们都是鼠目寸光、唯利是图的。 Now the central government is demanding long-term efficiency gains from provinces, whose eyes are fixed more on short-term profit.
假冒伪劣商家不是帮助底层的慈善家,而是唯利是图,提供无效、有害和非法药品的的罪犯。 The pirates are not philanthropists helping the underprivileged, but profit-seeking criminals who provide useless or harmful medications with very few legal repercussions.
一批唯利是图的“二房东”,从以炒房为目的的房东手中租到房屋,成批制造了“群租房”。 One batch are concerned only about profit the sub-landlord, from take fries the room to rent the house as in the goal landlord hand, the batch manufacturings the group has rented a room.
又被叫为“布拉德·戈尔”,其试图投资唯利是图的公司,以环境可持续发展和战略,有潜力超越市场。 Nicknamed “Blood and Gore”, it seeks to invest in for-profit firms with strategies that are environmentally sustainable and have the potential to outperform the market.
如果你说些西方的负面,比如说西方人唯利是图,西方人是不是说了“哦,在中国,那些人只会乞讨”? If you talk about something bad in the west, like the people who just get benefits, does a western person just say something like “Oh in China, your people have to beg to get money”.
然而盈余国大都是自命高尚,并认为赤字国唯利是图──潜台词就是调整局面的重担应该落到借贷者的身上。 Yet surplus countries tend to see themselves as virtuous and deficit countries as venal—the implication being that the burden of adjustment should fall on the borrowers.
而商人的基本属性就是逐利,在法律道德的范围唯利是图叫生财有道,突破了法律道德的范围唯利是图叫为富不仁。 And the basic attributes of businessmen is believed that the scope of legal ethics is making good profits, in the scope of legal ethics called for the rich heartless mercenary.
总的来说,对于初入政界的人来说,即使是最唯利是图的人也可能做出这样的判断:从事一个适当的职业更容易赚钱。 On balance, even the most venal political neophyte may decide it is easier to make money by getting a proper job.
太多具有攻击性的西方安保承包商的出现激怒了许多伊拉克人,他们视这些在他们自己的国家蹂躏同胞的家伙是唯利是图分子。 The presence of so many visible, aggressive Western security contractors has angered many Iraqis, who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country.
造成我国食品安全问题屡禁不绝的重要原因除了生产商、经营者唯利是图、道德沦丧外,还在于我国食品安全保障机制的不健全。 Besides the producer and distributor’s moral decline in profit seeking, the imperfectness in food safety guarantee mechanism is a more important cause of the rises of such cases.
像战争、骚乱、政变及禁运一类的政治剧变曾经让许多政治家,唯利是图者及特工人员深陷其中,但近来此类事件开始受到金融界人士的关注。 WAR, riots, coups, embargoes—the sort of political upheaval that once occupied statesmen, mercenaries and spies is these days also the concern of less swashbuckling figures in the world of finance.
对理想伴侣的描述: 心地善良,不要唯利是图,金钱至上,能跟我和我的父母交流,跟我有相同的兴趣,最重要的是对我要坦率,不要对我撒谎! I prefer my partner have a kind hearted, not materialistic, able to municate with me and my parent and has same interest with me. Most important must be frank to me. NO Lying ! ! !
词语大全 惟利是趋是什么意思及造句 成语大全
中文发音: wéi lì shì qū。
成语出处:清 – 李汝珍《镜花缘》第十二回:“若以罪之大小而论,那宰牛的原算罪魁,但此辈无非市井庸愚,只知惟利是趋,岂知善恶果报之道。”
词语大全 唯利是求 [wéi lì shì qiú]什么意思
唯利是求 [wéilìshìqiú][唯利是求]成语解释以利为着眼点。指一心只顾谋取利益。同“唯利是视”。[唯利是求]百科解释以利为着眼点。指一心只顾谋取利益。同“唯利是视”。更