词语大全 唯命是听造句_唯命是听中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:要让事情改变,先改变自己;要让事情变得更好,先让自己变得更强。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 唯命是听造句_唯命是听中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 唯命是听造句_唯命是听中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 唯命是从造句_唯命是从中英文解释和造句

词语大全 唯命是听造句_唯命是听中英文解释和造句

唯命是听  wéi mìng shì tīng








  • 大儿子一辈子唯命是听、唯唯诺诺,但最后却铤而走险。 Eldest son all one’s life only the life is to listen, obsequious, but finally however risk danger in desperation.

  • 在这样的会议里,各民众团体的意见影响县长,县长总是唯命是听。 At such council meetings the magistrate is influenced by the views of the public organizations and invariably does their bidding.

  • 在这样的会议里,各民众团体的意见影响 县长 , 县长 总是唯命是听。 At such council meetings the magistrate is influenced by the views of the public organizations and invariably does their bidding.

  • 经过唯命是听的国家政府的通力协作,大师的第三大定律已经建立:以控制人为温室气体排放为旗号,建立世界政府。 Through the offices of pliant states, the Master”s third grand law has been established: world government will be established under the guise of controlling man-made emissions of greenhouse gases.”

  • 这位年轻的农庄主人,脾气急躁,生性固执,动不动喜欢吵架,竟然会始终对这诗人唯命是听,真是一个无从解释的矛盾。 Why the young rancher, irascible, obstinate, belligerent, should invariably defer to the poet, was an inconsistency never to be explained.

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    词语大全 唯命是从造句_唯命是从中英文解释和造句

    唯命是从  wéi mìng shì cóng








  • 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。 My brother is always at my father’s beck and call.

  • 他不是一个唯命是从的人。 He is not a yes man.

  • 我看不起那种唯命是从诺诺的人。 I don’t respect people who are too pliant.

  • 儿子:这只猫唯命是从。 Son: The cat did it as he requested.

  • 身为情人我喟然叹息,身为人子我唯命是从。 I sighed as a lover, I obeyed as a son.

  • 他默默无声地走来走去,一副唯命是从的样子。 He went about very quiet, and in a way, submissive .

  • 而且还有一大批的黑人领导人对希拉里唯命是从。 She also has a large number of black leaders in her pocket.

  • 一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从诺诺的人。 Usually people don’t pay respect to those who are too pliant.

  • 那家伙是个老色迷,整天跟在女孩子后面唯命是从。 That guy is fool for women, who’s always at the beck and call of girls.

  • 一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从诺诺的人。 Usually people don´t respect those who are too pliant.

  • 那位女王以铁腕政策治国,每个人都得对她唯命是从。 The Queen ruled with an iron fist, and everyone had to do exactly what she said.

  • 乱在社民连在议会中用粗口骂对北京唯命是从的狗官? That LSD (political party) would curse at dog-like government bureaucrats who obey whatever the Beijing government says?

  • 他们早先受过的教育已把他们训练得俯首帖耳、唯命是从。 Their early training programmes them to be obedient and submissive.

  • 他带着一种唯命是从的神态,这正合累斯特爵士的口味,认为这是一种敬意。 There is an air of prescription about him which is always agreeable to Sir Leicester ; he receives it as a kind of tribute.

  • 让其他人“堕落”或“腐化”指的是这些人可能不再对天主教会的布道唯命是从。 What this appears to mean is that they might be led away from the teachings of the Church.

  • 女人也不会对没有脊梁骨的男人吸引,你若总是对她唯命是从,那么她就会真的对你感到厌烦。 Women are also not attracted to men that don’t have a spine. If you always cave into her demands, then she will actually get bored of you.

  • 他们是社会风气的仲裁人,是“最高上诉法院”,他们知道自己的地位,对运的安排唯命是从。 They were the arbiters of fashion, the Court of Last Appeal, and they knew it, and bowed to their fate.

  • 她,现在是你的妻子了,并不太喜欢狗,但我仍然欢迎她。我对她唯命是从,尝试用热情感动她。 She, now your wife, is not a “dog person” – still I weled her into our home, tried to show her affection, and obeyed her.

  • 她,现在是你的妻子了,并不太喜欢狗, 但我仍然欢迎她。我对她唯命是从,尝试用热情感动她。 She, now your wife, is not a “dog person” – still I weled her into our home, tried to show her affection, and obeyed her.

  • 尽管对待小羊凶恶无比,在家对着老婆红太狼的时候,灰太狼却是一个唯命是从、逆来顺受的妻管严。 Although he is mean to the goats, he is a nice and timid husband to Red Wolf.

  • 只要你能开心的笑我愿意接受你对我任何的惩处,在你面前只有唯命是从,只有做着各种表演来讨好你。 As long as you can laugh to your heart’s content, I am willing to receive any punishment from you.

  • 我看见大批愚笨迟钝,受过训练,唯命是从,凶残暴戾的德国士兵,像一大群爬行的蝗虫正在沉重缓慢地前进。 I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery, plod-ding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.

  • 不少地方和单位,都有家长式的人物,他们的权力不受限制,别人都要唯命是从,甚至形成对他们的人身依附关系。 Many places and units have their patriarchal personages with unlimited power. Everyone else has to be absolutely obedient and even personally attached to them.

  • 作为霸天虎的二把手,他装作对威震天唯命是从,但是总是寻找机会削弱威震天的领导权,自己去夺取霸天虎的控制权。 As the second in mand, he pretends to be loyal to MEGATRON, but is always looking for an opportunity to weaken his leader’s rule and take control of the DECEPTICONS.

  • 他的政敌伊斯兰主义者经常指责他贪污,而几个伊斯兰解放组织左翼分子则指责他对于向以色列做出的让步过于唯命是从。 His political rivals, including Islamists and several PLO leftists, often denounced him for being corrupt or too submissive in his concessions to the Israeli government.

  • 有很多真正有头脑的女孩和男孩,他们特立独行,不愿唯命是从,不想穿的像布兰妮·斯皮尔,不是只想这上那些火辣的极品。 There are a lot of really intelligent teenage girls and boys who are unique and don’t just listen to and dress like Britney Spears, and who don’t just want to fuck the hot guy.

  • 当面对感情的压力或情绪对抗时,您会变得充满恐惧,意识到所潜在的威胁,不但变得退缩,甚至唯命是从、好斗、别扭而且更顽固。 When facing pressure from a relationship, you’ll full of scare, you can sense the threat, not only you’ll retreat, you’ll also follow order, or bee bellicose, feel awkward and stubborn.

  • 他意识到他自己在这里要跟那指挥广大群众活动的发条打交道,他觉得他在自己的兵团里只是群众之中的一个唯命是从的微不足道的小零件。 He was conscious here of being in contact with the springs that controlled all those vast movements of the masses, of which in his regiment he felt himself a tiny, humble, and insignificant part.

  • 最终,这位皇帝像个被剥夺了翅膀的天使,对他的姑姑唯命是从。愚昧无知加上过于强烈的个性使他运多舛,愚钝呆板加上顽固不化加深了他的悲剧运。 its wings, remained submissive to his aunt. Ignorance added to a strong character was a double curse; stupidity joining hands with stubbornness was twice stupid.

  • 因为法律是没有那种让人们唯命是从的力量,除了某些习惯它是能随着时间的推移而养成的,因此,快速的变化在法律上,从古老的法律到新的法律是会使法律的力量减弱。 For the law has no power to mand obedience except that of habit, which can only be given by time, so that a readiness change from old to new laws enfeebles the power of the law…

  • 唯命是从造句相关



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