词语大全 唉声叹气造句_唉声叹气中英文解释和造句
Posted 苍天
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词语大全 唉声叹气造句_唉声叹气中英文解释和造句
唉声叹气 āi shēng tàn qì
我们相互摇头,也不禁唉声叹气。 We shake our head each other, also can’t help groaning.
爱是唉声叹气形成的一缕轻烟; Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs;
唉声叹气,倾听着我的回音。 listens to my thoughts, sighing for me.
你想笑却不行不唉声叹气。 And you want to snide but you have to sigh .
面对失败唉声叹气毫无益处,你最好是重新开始。 It’s no good sighing about your failure, it is better to start again.
他们唉声叹气,大叫危机,一点欢乐的影子也看不见了。 They heave great sighs, wail about a crisis and no longer show any sign of joy.
可是海老公不断咳嗽,不断唉声叹气,却总是不肯昏倒。 But Old Hai was still alive and coughing, and showing no signs of losing consciousness.
今天上午,他好像心绪紊乱,老皱着眉头,唉声叹气的。 He seems to have lost his balance this morning frowning and sighing all the time.
连续几个小时她都在唉声叹气,希望能从她母亲那弄点钱。 By sighing away for hours, she hoped to get some money from her mother.
结交笑口常开的朋友,那些满腹牢骚的人也会使你唉声叹气。 keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
每当一张张写着不及格的试卷发下来,我只能默默的唉声叹气。 Whenever a failure, says Zhang papers issued down silent I can only sigh in despair.
只是做一个操,却让全班都唉声叹气,“反战”情绪特别高昂。 Just do a parade, instead letting the whole class all sighed, “anti-war” sentiment particularly high.
一个老汉见儿媳很漂亮起了歪心,想了好久也没想出个什么好办法来就,整天唉声叹气。 See an old man played a very beautiful daughter-in-law distortion heart, like a long time also thought what a good way to e on, moan and groan all day long.
今天因为不得不做家务,我可以唉声叹气;但这是上帝赐予我的避风港,我又深感荣耀。 Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or I can feel honored because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul.
这条谚语劝告人们,既然已经做错了事情,痛哭流泪、唉声叹气实际上都是有浪费时间。 This proverb advises that it really is a waste of time to weep over mistakes that have already been make.
今天因为不得不做家务,我可以唉声叹气,但这是上帝赐予我的避风港,我又深感荣耀。 Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to bie shaped. And here I am , the sculptor who gets to do the shaping .
记者问道阿比亚蒂为什么今夏离开米兰,他唉声叹气:“ 度过了不爽的七年,我早已厌烦。 Asked why he wanted to leave Milan this summer, Abbiati declared: “After seven years I wanted to leave;”
为不幸的遭遇唉声叹气对身体有害。这对年轻夫妇在拼命工作,他们渴望拥有一所自己的房子。 The new couple are working very hard. They sigh for a house of their own.
再不要对着苍天唉声叹气了!苍天是公正的,更是慷慨的;苍天早已把最珍贵的一切,免费给了每一个人。 Don’t sigh any more to the Heaven, which is just and generous. Everyone is fairly treated—the most valuable things are given free of charge.
再不要对着苍天唉声叹气;苍天是公正的,更是慷慨的;苍天早已把最珍贵的一切,免费地馈赠给了每一个人。 Do not moan and groan and then into heaven; God is fair, even generous; heaven already the most precious of all, free gifts to everyone.
对待这些是唉声叹气地把原因归于“自己天赋不足”,从此一蹶不振呢□还是不怕嘲讽,寻找原因,迎著困难而上? Treatment of these are attributed to moan and groan to “own lack of talent, ” able to recover from it □ is not afraid of ridicule to find the reason, despite the difficulties in the previous?
今日不得不做家务,我可以唉声叹气,我也可以倍感荣幸,因为上帝赐予我这个避风港湾,让我休憩身体,慰藉心灵。 Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or I can feel honored because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul.
眼看着美丽的家园被风灾给摧毁,与其我们天天坐在这力唉声叹气,不如提起精神,卷起衣袖,动手恢复家园的原貌。 Our home was destroyed by a windstorm. Instead of sitting here sighing pitifully, we might as well refresh ourselves, roll up our sleeves and revive the former splendor of our home.
Frazier说:“没有有意义的目标,你就会整天唉声叹气,处于回忆之中,觉得自己唯一要做的就是坐在那里等死。 Without meaningful goals, “You get into this whole attitude of ‘Oh, my gosh – woe’s me. My memory’s going, I’m slow, all I do is go to wakes and funerals, ‘” Frazier says.
不要大声嚷嚷,不要在吧台面上敲击钱币,不要叭叭地弹手指,不要像快淹死的人那样挥动手臂,不要绷著脸,不要唉声叹气,不要翻动眼珠。 Do not call out tap coins on the counter, snap your finger or wave like a drowning swimmer. Do not scowl or sigh or roll your eyes.
与此同时,制鞋企业也进入了秋冬季产品的紧张生产之中。然而,当记者询问起今年鞋类产品的销售形势,许多内销企业的老板都是唉声叹气。 However, when reporter inquire after this year shoe kind the sale situation of the product, the boss of enterprises of a lot of sale in domestic market is to groan.
这似曾相识的一幕,不就是在2000年布什与戈尔在总统候选人辩论中那个唉声叹气的戈尔嘛,许多人都认为正是戈尔这一表现使他在大选中惜败。 The whole performance was reminiscent of Al Gore’s sighing in his debate with George Bush in 2000, which many people think contributed to his defeat.
您一定不明白,”他唉声叹气地接着说,“一个素不相识的人,在这种时间,穿着这样的衣服,哭成这般模样地来拜访您,会向您提出什么样的请求。” ‘You must be wondering, ‘ he resumed with a melancholy sigh, ‘what a stranger can want with you at such an hour, dressed in such clothes and weeping like this.
海利是个懒汉。他除了每天赶着山羊去吃草外,什么事都不干。就这样,到了傍晚,干完了一天的活计,回家,还总是唉声叹气,说:“这真是累人的活。 Harry was so lazy that although he had nothing else to do but drive his goat out to graze every day, he still heaved many a sigh when he got back home in the evening after pleting his day’s labors.
词语大全 哀声叹气的意思 成语大全
中文发音: āi shēng tàn qì。
成语出处:明 凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》第38卷:“终日他没心没想,哀声叹气。”
喟然长叹 kuìránchángtàn喟然长叹的意思和解释:喟然:叹气的样子。因感慨而深深地叹气。喟然长叹的出处《论语·子罕》:“颜渊喟然叹曰:‘仰之弥高,鉆之弥坚。’”喟然长叹
喟然长叹 kuìránchángtàn喟然长叹的意思和解释:喟然:叹气的样子。因感慨而深深地叹气。喟然长叹的出处《论语·子罕》:“颜渊喟然叹曰:‘仰之弥高,鉆之弥坚。’”喟然长叹
词语大全 哀声叹气 [āi shēng tàn qì]什么意思
哀声叹气 [āishēngtànqì][哀声叹气]成语解释因伤感郁闷或悲痛而发出叹息的声音。贬义[哀声叹气]成语出处明·凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》卷三十八:“终日价没心没想,哀声叹气
词语大全 咳声叹气 [hāi shēng tàn qì]什么意思
咳声叹气 [hāishēngtànqì][咳声叹气]成语解释因忧伤、烦闷或痛苦而发出叹息的声音。[咳声叹气]成语出处《负曝闲谈》第六回:“江裴度无法,只得咳声叹气的出得行门,偏偏
词语大全 嗐声叹气 [hài shēng tàn qì]什么意思
嗐声叹气 [hàishēngtànqì][嗐声叹气]基本解释犹言唉声叹气。因烦闷或伤感而叹息。[嗐声叹气]详细解释犹言唉声叹气。因烦闷或伤感而叹息。《红楼梦》第五二回:“那媳妇嗐
叹气 [tànqì][叹气]基本解释舒发心中愤郁之气[叹气]详细解释舒发心中愤郁之气。晋潘尼《送卢景宣》诗:“叹气从中发,洒泪随襟颓。”《儿女英雄传》第二六回:“﹝何玉凤﹞想到这